<br />f
<br />PREP'AV%1 ENT AND AC CR I A L OF THE FINANCE CE1.4RGE: F% en though f do not have to pay nu,re than the regular scheduled momhly payment. I have t�e right
<br />to prepay the u hole amount ou me to you in fuli at an) t. meor in part from time t., tone, ift he iending imtiluton or hank that buys my contract computes the finance charge
<br />daily. i know my finance,haq_e wil! fte less it I make an early payment. and it wtll be higher if 1 pay late: i alloreccignize that any necessary adjustment to my total finance
<br />charge will be refTer: led in my ii i-al 1eilt: I also know that the amsnnts shown onthe reverse side for the Finance Charge, Total of Payments, and the Total Safe Wieeate esti-
<br />mates based on the assumption that ycu vi, ill receive each nfrhe payments exactly on its due +fate; and I know that there will be no rotund if 1 prepay because fit m -;s nothing
<br />to rofund if 1 am charged on a d:ti1 a basis if the lending inaitutioo ar bank does not computa the finance charge daily, and if 1 prepay the whole amuunL ym wilt refund
<br />to me the uwarned )portion of the finance charge ( tere%tl by the accounting procedure known as the actuarial method; and the amount of my rehate will be figured on the
<br />scheduled dates and amounts of my monthly payme and not on the actual date% and amounts of the prepayments that i pay to • . know that a refund of less than. $1.00
<br />will trot be made,
<br />Ibl I have read, in detail, the separate "ifl 1 E 3R Lt�ifTED W Al. ANi;" fill h, if made, accompanies this coniract..Trexptains the cvnditinns ant! c'tfritrnst inces
<br />tTwhichihemanufacturedpr*Ja:z , wrllhereparredorreplacrA.lt, naiic o' _iimitatiatucn►tltewarr3nty, utdlparticvlurtyrectegtli2ethatanyimplietiiwairatliyvehlFil
<br />am' 'estothegox s assonlya,, conga ,thewarrantyorservrcernnract:
<br />1cl I have read. in detail. the separate ••LIJfiTED INSTXz- .1
<br />N[ W k. RAN Tl "'which, if mode, accompanies thisconlract. It explains the conrliAOns and cir-
<br />r,whstances in which the installation at the siding will he redona;: `niitice off ' iwtion +on the warranty. and I particularly recognize thatany implied warrsnty which:
<br />applies to the inaallatlon astson y as long as -h: a arranty ar serf- c :an ct.
<br />SPECIAL- ORDER; GOODS: I know that y,iu have measur Krr, 76iise anti itsc,penin so that you can makethe products to fit my particularhouse. 1 take notice that the ; , f;
<br />fioidds that are manufactured for mar specific hoiise pmha y�'ill for fit any other hnu +es, d under such ennditiitns, I know that I cannot cancel this contract at any limit-.. ! .
<br />a rtheperiodoftimegiventome bylaw,iniyfiichta eel` ¢ erthattegal,�.- rrudoftime, -now thatIhavethecihligationfopayyouinfulltheamountowed.
<br />0SUGAITONS PFRTAINT%' G TO PROPER INSUkA ACE AND MY REAL E-TA ': 1. 1 promise tot keep. my house in good repair and to keep it insured for '
<br />at least 80% of its replacement value by buying - ire and eutende icoverafie insurance policy. Th " surance company mti%�tre approved by you, and the policy must have
<br />a beneficiary which says that you are paid if there is a loss. The.insttrance company mu agree that ii wifl not Cancel my policy without first telling you. I alt-
<br />thorize the ifisY,rrariee• company to pay you . ectly for any loss. You can chooselu use this insurance p to tin ehincrrepay any amounts i owe you or to repair my house.
<br />1 have the option ofproviding property i urance through an existing policy orthrough a policy indepen ily414ained =paid for by me. 2.1 also promise that i will not
<br />allow anyone else th place aurr liens o y real estate without your written permission. 3. 1 premise to pay taxes, assessments and other charges on my Ml.osiate when
<br />due. 4. 1 promise to timely -Mike a ayrnerits on my prior lomis5ecured by my real estate.,! also promise th 1 wilt not extetid: renew or change prior ltmi .i.-W'thout your
<br />written permission. 5.1 1 do i1 sure my house or fulfill my.other obligations to my real estate. then you ca o it for me iiyou want Out you Rio not havgtoy. if you do
<br />pay any of these obligations for me. I agree to pay you back on demand plus interest at the highest lawful con :r c to of interest. Until l pay you back, thesetimounts will
<br />be added to my debt to you which is secured by my real estate and house. i know• that if you decide to buy insciran r me that you do not have to obtain any homeowner
<br />or liability insurance.
<br />SfiLE OF MY HOUSE: I promise not to sell, lease or give my hqu,e to anyone until l have fully repaid my deb'riu you.
<br />DLF ON SALE: If I sell, f acc.br give my house to anyorn lae �. ere i !-rave fully paid all I our und�this contract. you cirri des. :•ire all that 1 ova under this cantraet payable
<br />alonceandlagrecto immediatelypay you thatamount.
<br />DEFAULT: 1 W. ill be in default antler this contract if.
<br />t IdYyt 'txrakeapayirentwhenrJu : :or
<br />2. I break arty promise l -nade to y ou m ihi, cortract;oc.
<br />3. Something elsehal r; lt;sa ltichcausesyouto. beheveingoodfaiththatIdonotintendtopayyooaspromised ;or
<br />4. 1 default on any obligations form. hich I am using my hone ascollaterl; or
<br />5. Something happens tomy house uhichthreaten %y our rights. ifany,rnit.
<br />IF i AM IN DEFAULT: I ders d 1 : t pv. '. 4vc t ht to forec1 i%e t ie %tong4 —. I ha • giv to yno .am^ have my house solid to repay anv amounts 1 owe you if i
<br />am in default ur,ddt ttuaI r 11 to tNx .c rs tag u will doe%,e ng at e 1 re s. If ynz if-ire anattorney to assist vnu to %ell my house, or, to sue rite.
<br />or. to protect your riChts. l ag t p yci 6n „ur a+on ble attorneys' es a fo tithe teldted a r;e•, sax as cuuri costs, title searches and money you expended
<br />loprutect my house, If yo are to a taco cl ' ich toun by law.
<br />OrRERRIGHTS:Wecanch n toe or an ri tsunderthi com t. ofte a%w rwillhhutiy.arid :i,:r...f• ; ;r. we: arid_ -lay enforcing any of the rights
<br />wi:hout losing them. Wecanalso scan hhnoworinthcfut egivenlouvb• av,.
<br />DF.hAYS: !'aw ;f'<atynu wii,•t;ee }our heseoff } ;hs to install t rotluet ,.,r•sri,r :hasinDon r. @or :a=, ,nsir ?. : :atu, understand that in s :,rn :..auctions you may encounter
<br />delays that are witCS %f by strik'zs . steather w :riitirars, delays you vein r: u„i,.S n-ateriall, u: j,•f 0,kV Te;r.swis that are beyond your c %moil. I understand that you will.
<br />not be liable forsuch delays.
<br />ARDITRA . if 1 a i g1u' i 1 w• yo c( c. a' quanh f). qual or -rfi ncc n!eT !and that my dispute rnay.�ix: sUbmifted to
<br />and settled oTding; i c m ,ur 'atrbitr im ro ar,•. arm c deseliiped i y mm 1 Y. ! ion made by an arhitratnr,t;• s� otild be en-
<br />teredinthc /stn auto lurisdt sun cane Ind
<br />SALVAG ALUF., know at th a ind u%, woe or hoc and other aterials at h ve this installation have No salvage valus.
<br />When you r you can nave them rw hates pi r%e you want.
<br />SPFY7A1. SI1f' r'! ATIONS:Duet+rtheuniquenes%of%oi cofthe(+mdu%t%th, you,ell,lunJtr%land that ir.,;, oat% ilmm on+t hatyourRegional /Iffcemayhavetoreview';
<br />and accept thi% contract. I also understand that this sal ixcurreJ m my home d that you and 1 may not ha �e had all the coneLl information important to this transaction
<br />at our fingertips; I give You myconsenttocorrect any o iouscrrors that may hav cuaed when the blanksinthis contract were completed.
<br />INVALID PROVISIONS: If anyy provision of this contract siul�es.ttielrs�telifJis nforceable, the rest f -he contract will he valid If any pan of this contract requires
<br />payment ofmcre interest than the law pcmrits. ihenyuu will only hXe the riglittocolle from me the antou nn ofirteresl which the law allow % you tocollect.
<br />COMPLETEN SS OF THIS CONT RACT,e Th; uoniracl can only be- changed iftoth you and Iagree-, t ,triune.
<br />The fc!'nwing notice 6r. , t , my attention the rights that 1 have even when this contriet. ,4 ce�d to a ;. ;,uncial institution or a bank. and I .,hould notice iliv the impor-
<br />r;. -ceof this pro-- i%ion appr:aranee in ten point, hold face ty PC:
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