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Loan Number: 3002123702 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />201708430 <br />Part of the East One Half of the Southeast Quarter (E12SE114) of Section Twenty (20) on Township Eleven <br />(11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County Nebraska, and more particularly described as <br />follows Commencing at the northwest corner of Lot One (1), Block Five (5). Bel Air Addition, an Addition <br />to the City of <br />C rand Island, Nebraska; running southeasterly along and upon the West lot line, as extended, of said tot for <br />a distance of 126 feet; thence running southwesterly an a kite parallel with the South line of Del Monte <br />Avendo for a distance of 88 feet; thence running northwesterly on a line parallel with the West lot line of Lot <br />1, Bock 5, in said Bel Air Addition for a distance of 126 feetto the South line of pet Monte Avenue; thence <br />running northeasterly on and upon the South bar of Del Monte Avenue for a distance of 88 feet to the point <br />of beginning. <br />