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<br />FCW set1(3E9)
<br />Pace 1 of 2
<br />The undersigned Trustor(s) hereby acfcrhowledges and understwrtds thsF(u) the security document below to be executed Is a Trust Peed and not a
<br />morlgago and (b) the power of sale provided far in the Trust Deed ptavitfus substar"lly different sights and obligations ah the Tinlor(s) than a
<br />mortgage Ind* event of a default or breach of obligation. 711& TNStor{s) hrrtier represents end agrees that this cerlikation has been road end
<br />exsrrnted In connection with, but prior to. the Trustors' execution of the following Trust Deed.
<br />D s 3 day of a1 .19 4 q, )
<br />rden N. Peterson Gretchen K. Peterson
<br />This Trust Deers aid Assignment of Rents reteead to in the above admowledgment is made tftis g; day gt.
<br />% :' . ill �..., by and emarg
<br />Arden N. Peterson and Gretrl n•K.,'Peterson, husband and wife
<br />'Trudor(sr who" mailing address is Rt. 1, Box 221. Grand Island 68803 and
<br />Farm Credit Bank of Omaha 'Trustee, whose mailing address is
<br />206 South 19th Street O ficlar aha Nrr 68102 and Farm Credi Aank cif_ Omaha
<br />y.• whose moitirg is 206 South 18th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68102, in consideration of the advance by Beneficiary to 7rusior(s) of
<br />the principal sun spsafisd bek w, the receipt of which is hereby acinw4edged, and any hilur>e, additional. or protrctnts advances made to or on behalf o
<br />Trusbr(s) at Benelicu rfs option., TmtsMs) irrevocably transfers, conveys and assigns lo Truslae, INTRUST. WITH POWER OF SALE, far the benefit
<br />and security of 8ehefit ur, ft successors and assigns, under and subject to the terms and condlions of this Trust Deed, the property, located in
<br />Hall County, State of Nebraska, ardukscribed as follows:
<br />;5wa I= Em
<br />NW1 /4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -23 12N 10W 6th P.M.
<br />Together with all wells, pumps, motors, and equipment located on•and used to
<br />irrigate said premises, and any additions to or replacements thereof, which iter.•a
<br />are df=-clared to be a part of the mortgaged premises and appurtenant to said.rea2.
<br />estate.
<br />(This is a Deed of Trust and of Rents filed to. supplement the mortgage
<br />recorded as Document number 80- 005314 in the real estate records of Hall County,
<br />Nebraska. This Supplemental Truss. Deed and Assignment of Rents is given as
<br />additional security and in considsaraticn of the original! loan, Loan f1842 -80- 8622546
<br />and in further consideration of a Restructure Agreement /Continue dated t*tir a 1989,
<br />1989, modifying the note secure by the mortgage. In the event of default under
<br />the terms and conditions of the note and mortgage recorded as Document Nw -ber•80-
<br />005814, in the real estate records of Hall County, Nebraska, in connect am uith the
<br />original loan or default under the tern -ss and conditions of this Supplemental: Trust
<br />Deed and Assi•g»ment of Rents, the mortgage may be foreclosed and Beneficiary may
<br />exercise its remedies as provided herein.
<br />togetrher with all Trustoes right; tide. and interest in die mperty, now or hereafter acquired, including: all buildings, f` -=res, crops, and impmmrwt5
<br />now on or hereafter placed upw. the property' aii appurtenances, water. Irrigation, and drainage rights; d rents, issm3, uses, income, profits, and fights
<br />to possession: at oil, gas, orwAl, rack, or otter minerals of whatever r"a including geothermal resoc -,tss; ail personal prop". -at may integrally
<br />belong to or iwtaiafter become an integral part of the reap estate whetter aAOachad or detached, inclu(6"t-Q :any appwronanoes mr:..coutrements of any
<br />structure or residence secured thereby; d above and below ground Uhigatlan equipment and accessoniev, and all leases. permits, ;menses, or privileges,
<br />appurtenant or r4mappurtenant to the property, now or heraafter issued, extended •rrr renewed by Trustor(s), ary State, the United States, or any
<br />dopartment, bumau, instrumentality. or agency thereof. The kregohhg is collectively re%ated to in this decumont as ti-e •property ,
<br />IV 4 undenttood and agreed bethbew Trustogs) and Bsnsfk(ary that this Trust Dud Is given to secure:
<br />(a) Promissory note(:) exroeuted by Trustcr(s) to Beneficiary described as fotkhws:
<br />Dots of Nets Princfoal Amount 0910 of hl: -^R Prtncloal Amount
<br />10/9/80'.
<br />payable axxun: my to the terms of the nata(s}, and any addendums to, reamortization or restructuring of the note(s).
<br />(b) The mpeyment infufl by Trusbr(s) a(tutyr and sfi future and additional loans or advances which maybe made by Beneficiary, atits option, at the
<br />request of, and to or for the account of Trusttx(s), or tiny of them, for any purpose, plus interest on et loans or advances, udder any noto(s) or other
<br />instruments) modifying, refinancing. extertdng, renomnQi rsamonizing, or restructuring, new existing, or additional indebtedness or any part thereof,
<br />all Pay" atxordrhg to the terms of the note(*) or catorinstrurment(s); provided, however, that the total principal indebtedness outstanding and
<br />secured hereby at anyone time will not exceed the sum of ONE 111314131ZFD THI RTFant 1110 t AND THRFF Ht jmbRT-n T-OaTy
<br />THPXE_r +,:.D 04/100 -- ----------------- DOLLARS (i jl?_343_OAS ) ,exdusivaof interest and promotive
<br />advances aullwaed therein or in the loan agreement(s); provided further, that THIS PARAGRAPH SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE A COMMITMENT TO
<br />(c) The repayment to tug by Trustor(s) of all amounts advanced by Benef>cary at its option, to a on behalf of Trustor(s) as protective advances
<br />authorized 1wein, in the loan egreemengs), or in other tnstrument(s) which evidence such advances, pfus interest on all such advances, payable as
<br />ptcMded in the notle(s), ban agreement(s), or other Instrument(s).
<br />(dj The payment in full of any and all other past, present, or future, drect or contingent, debts and
<br />whatsowar. liabilities of Trustor(s) to &hneFcrary of any nature
<br />!
<br />This Trust Dead Will be due March 1, 1 � }79 _ or upon the payment In h711 of (di Gums seared hereby. 1
<br />Truswgs) hor ft warrants that Twwrls) hho4s r*e s =my* toe to Me abwo dhiabw! property. that Trus'orts) has Viod and Iwe:P eut'honty to deed ur d on--L--m: err
<br />sa_'ro. thaI "wopsrty is tree and d *a► of W) tans and oncu"tances, enepf en Wmtwances of rewrd. and ttp: Tr,ts:;,fr9} w :7 war-ant ad de'o"d b,e Wepe!:y. at
<br />T.:n:+a+(e} eel» nlo. spa<rste:tearrartarNrOrre30aver Trurtcrre }sloneresywavesar .die °:npuz2resa:rptt6artlrAYAr r,er•Ks.e:zd A• 5 '•D_•'vo�''<�o.an:ip�c ^.p•a,..R
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