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<br /> - ; . . ,. �i�il�alhe see�iitMi��i tirr�t t�iii�a e�t aeW�1a�weet tt�e�o�s�ee�ee pt a idVit er Mr�r�r . .
<br /> .. ' i�ii�[�+tiwrr�l�see�eMi�t�i�I�iis��IMitb�E�erie�arM�rtlieiktNejiaiirHle�dbtil�ier ` • . � .
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<br /> . .rrwiii�Ali�e�s�s'i��ni�.�i(Bes*Iiie� --- _-- - -=— -�- --.. . --_-___. .
<br /> � - Tlii�t��r ut trs-i�t��t�i.Tsw�ir�i�D r��ae�s rotke aEida�ia e�.�ia u1ddE�Met ot�e � . � .
<br /> �, �----� � ���'Pr�ef,�.is MeNMi�i�a�ali�s�ls�dr.aMJa i l�e�■er�e�erA�if+!!��in►�o D�rewAe�i M l�e ' . . .
<br /> � ��IYr Mea■s M+�rMi�M!�e�Ys Miw�.�1i�e�e ti�s�e*ire�1�i��+►,Tsr�tec sW1��e/�1ie rotia et _ " '
<br /> ,rle 1�!M�eMwe a■i iu t`t�ee Kaali�i 1►7's/l�ealie Lw.Tr�ee�wHM�t i��[a�Ba[r�w�es,�i�l!sdi ti�. , . .
<br /> . lr�e�tfat�iiiea�cti�al�t�aid�rtiii�leratll�sti�ca�i/1�oea�i�iertLetQ��edp�ii�tre�oticeo[tdti� ` � ,
<br /> :;,``�i, � . fir��r#we�tl�r+Oit�MYsq�l+iaYt�eilw�iM�.3'��Meaii4lM�l�esdtK�Ha��i�rs�d�ttiePea�etTr7� � . _ , : `
<br /> - -- �Iia�e�aK d�e ti�e�i�1�oie rE ary.�e�e*isMi7�iei1M�ie.I.e�itr or Hs�eipee w�7!.Mrd�e_t�s -- -- - -- - _ _ - ---
<br /> _ �,i Pt�f,►�RSi�'srit. . . .. � . ___ , .
<br /> ,' � , , .tT�ne�t,et��t bl tie�r1ee Uii.Ti��rili�idher to tie�eiwer Trintee's�ieal co�r�ttie ` .
<br /> le�et�:Tre r�eEif�M i�die TeMOee'�ieal iiU Le Ri�a�eie e�fiesce.of Nie tr�ot t!��te�a�b�aie tl�a+e�.
<br /> � 1itrMe i�Y s/�ir ttic�rb�oeei of tre Ne bi die lblio�a�adett tv to aU Cs�oi tl�e a1�i�da�s.Mt�ot�li�ita�' ` �
<br /> .; M�,T�1�'�lrier a��e�ei�!�iie�te iR+��M rero�Ne Ntoc�ys'fier Q�l to all�s�by t�Y S�aa�ty . ' . . . '
<br /> � ',. IaMe��Mt(e)�!�►e�tee�r to ditle�so�or�e�1oN1�atltlal te�i� . �
<br /> � . � �0.IriK f�Pa�lo�.Upon accekmtion under puagnph 19 or ahandoament of tha Pmperty, Lender(in . .
<br /> � p��+�Y�!�a bY lu��Y�PP�ated ra�dver)shaU be entitIod W enter upon,taice possession of aad minage the
<br /> k . � Prnpa�ty aud to collect the rmts d'the Propaty mclnding those p�at daa Aay rents colkctod by Leoder or the radver .
<br /> � s1wU bt applied Sr�t w p�yma�t•ef the cesq of msnx�e�aant af the Property aAd colloction of rents�in�ludina�but not �
<br /> � � timited w,raxivd�fea.premi�ms on recdve�s bo�sds aad resaonabk�ttomays'fas,aud then to tde sums�ecucod by
<br /> .`, 1 tl�atsecuricy tn�ruana,� � � �
<br /> Zl.Bieo�►�ef�•UP�MY�t of tll sums securad by this Security Instrument,Lendtr shall reguest'�rasta to � '.
<br /> - � r�eoonnv�y tlie Pc�npdtty and sLall sumnder this Security Instrument and aU notes evidencing debt secured by t11is Security =-.�,
<br /> � IastrumCat W Tnutee.Tn�sta sha11 reconvey the Property a►ithout warrzs�ty and without chargc to the ptraon or pe�aons �.r`�•°
<br /> j IepliYentitled to i�Such penoo ar persons shalt pay any reoordsrion costs. l',,;�
<br /> ' rl.SrMtit�e TeM�ee.�nder,at its option,msy from tuae to time remove Trusta and appoint a successor trusta ''�
<br /> . � to�ny Trwtoe sppointed haeundu by tn iaswment rccordod in the county in Mhich this Security Insuument is recorded. �"'.-
<br /> WltLoue convcyaace of the Property,tbe sucoessor trusta ah�ll sucead W all the titl�porver and duda conferred upon �-
<br /> , Tiuitee hadn aadbyappi�cabk LM. . _
<br /> , xi.Reryw�t for Notla�.Harav�r requeats tbat copies of the notices of defwtt�nd sak be sent w Satuwa's addtras . ' :
<br /> � v�is�dia Pt�opaliy Addrass.BoQUwa fureher rd�uests that copies of the rwtiice of det'wlt a�d�sodce of eale be aent to a�ch
<br /> . ; pet:o�who is�p�rty fsecnto at the address of such person set fath hereia. .
<br /> ' . ,Z1.1ti1us to t�Y SeeWityr Iistr�eesw IP orte or niore ridara ue eae�uted by HorroMer and�ecordcd toEether aitb
<br /> . 9bitSocurify In�uirwnent,�►e coverwuta�ad�ceu�e;�ta of e�ch sucfi ridES�shall bc incor�sarate3:nto aad shaU arno�afl� ��
<br /> � � • wppkmmt the eovenanb and s�eements af this Socurity Instrument �.s if the rider(e)were R pirt oi this Security �
<br /> ' t�wrumea�[c6actc.ppucabkbox(es)] � � ,
<br /> j . p wajust.Mo wt� ttider p condomuano� Riaer [,►2-.�Funily Riaer
<br /> •�
<br /> � . �] (iaduated p�yrnait Rlder � Plaariad Unit�Devetopment Rider ,.,�„
<br /> � ? ❑ QtLer(�) [�Yl ' .
<br /> , •
<br /> " BY 5taNitVa BE1A�►�'Ba�tro�ver acaepts u�d tgrea to the ternu �nd covenanta contained in this Security
<br /> � In�tru�nt�nd in�wy rider(s)executed by Bo�rower and secorded "th it.
<br /> . . . .X.............. ...........:�..�.��-:-.. ..cs�s,� _
<br /> �
<br /> � .....���::�..:-':....rs...�:.^..:�:::.:.�:..................... ..�sa�) .
<br /> '��
<br /> . 8�twss o!N'srs�e�..................:H<711................_.........................,........('�ouuty as: .
<br /> . On tLi+�...�� .................. d�y of_.....n��S!!�k.......,19...�4.iiefore me,tke underei�ed,a Na#asy Public
<br /> � � doly commirya�ed�nd qvalified for safd oouatY�PeeeoaaUy came .....nou�,i�A.Pn..�xame�..as�i............... �
<br /> • ` Arlene A. Cramer }�ma�to be the - - _
<br /> . identia�l,prr+�os��s)�rhase name(i)�ara�iibecn'lied ta tde foregoing in$tsumeat ind aci�rted�a the eiecn• � `�-- -
<br /> ...............t h�i r
<br /> tioa thereof to be .........:..........................................:....:........volantary sct�dead.
<br /> - -- ---- --- �'?���v���-�o=#.���nt�f......�C�and...Xa].and ,,. _ .....--....................... _�a,s�c2.��3r�� _ • _
<br /> �
<br /> _ _. __... .._ .:_. . .. _ _ .. -
<br /> ' date afore�id.'� '
<br /> My CammiMian apire�.s � � . �`' '' �
<br /> �, • � t;�t�w,�ot�ir st�ot� �.,,;�,:�i..s.�. ..��.....�.�` ''C Cr�:...............................
<br /> 1fiRRl4.JQYC� �� •
<br /> .. f1rGi�.��19.193� t�
<br /> p oyment�Opportuaity/A�'im�ative Ac�tio»Emptoyer M/F.
<br /> � .. � � [�I+cs sw. iMS�.b+.i.r Ackrw.+aa�n�wn� � �'��-
<br /> . :-� ..
<br /> � �
<br />