89- 103343
<br />BAASCH & SONS, INC., a Nebraska. Corporation ard:AE;= R. IO UM, and DOp.IS
<br />J. KLtME$.- Husband and Rife, whether one or more, fiereitt..Called the Mortgagors,
<br />and THE OP1RI,M NATIONAL BANK OF GRAND Imo, Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />herein. called the Mortgagee, hereby agree as follows:
<br />1. Mortgagors have executed end delivered to Mortgagee a real estate
<br />mortgage dated October 4, 1983, and recorded on October ;:5, 1933, as Document No.
<br />83- 005344 in the office of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska.; AMID
<br />a real estate mortgage dated October 4, 1983, and recorded on October 5, 1983, in
<br />Book 83 of Records, Page 1318 in the office of the Register of Deeds, Howard
<br />County, Nebraska, in consideration of a certain mortgage -note for $175,000.00,
<br />a valid subsisting obligation of the Mortgagor, and payment of the renainder
<br />of the principal and accrued interest thereon shall be due according to the
<br />terms of the aforementioned real estate mortgages, modified and payable in the
<br />following manner:
<br />A mortgage mte dated October 4, 1983, on which a principal
<br />balance -of. $109,205.27 now remains tit�iailid, will be repaid
<br />in monthly- payments of $2,378.62, �ajaprUed.11 -1-t- to interest,
<br />balance to j ncipal , begi teoi ng May' S, 198, :'And continuing
<br />on the 5th day of each month, until May 1, .1.994, when the
<br />entire urLTa- Td:•p_ ipal balance plus, accrued interest will
<br />be fully due arm. payable.
<br />The interest rate on this mortgage note wiU'.be increased
<br />to 11.5; effective gay 1, 19.89.
<br />= 2. All other terms and conditions contained ie.the original real estate
<br />mortgages dated October 4, 1983, shall ranain the same, And this Modification
<br />Agreement is made a part of the original real estate mortgages by reference and
<br />c.,r
<br />shall inure to all successors and assigns and their heirs.
<br />Dated this 1st day of May, 1989.
<br />- BAASCi�i'` d: S&NS, INC.
<br />-
<br />By:_G.>. oy"
<br />`M Eldon: I %. R'lu he, President
<br />Doris J. Klt he, Secretary
<br />F
<br />w 450 Eldon P:. Kluthe, Individually
<br />UIL +1 Doris J. 10uthe, Individually
<br />Al QM1010M Now
<br />w
<br />�i. cum CCU Ti1L OVE7w& - -l. ` ATIONAL SANK OF ISLAND
<br />Gail Bramnund, Vice President
<br />STATE OF ' A0a)
<br />ss:
<br />C.iO Y1Y OF HALL >
<br />Before me, a Notary Public qualified for said coulAy, personally came E1dn.n
<br />R. Kluthe, known to me to be the identical ci, she .fore
<br />person, tv.�ho si�-i�_ going instrurnenty
<br />and acknowledged the execution thereof t(I be act and deed and the
<br />voluntary act and deed as President of said corporation.
<br />Witness my hand and notarial seal on flay 1, 1989.
<br />�Mt�It�1N�
<br />'?
<br />Notary Public
<br />"_-The last rorty reet
<br />ti
<br />(400) of Lot* PiVO
<br />Lots seven (71, tight (s), Nine to ;, Ten5(10),� Eleven) (111
<br />, and Twelve
<br />• (Ili, Block &In (i). of the Original Mown of Cairo, Nail County,
<br />- -- Netrask6, and The Cost Ninety t40I Prot ^f Lots
<br />oee to send r21. _ ... .
<br />Q.-4 All v :' hots 7i•nree f 3 Ana rear (d;t. in - glOC'k SIX (f). In the
<br />Orlglnal Town [a► Cairo, "S11 C9„s:ty, Y.rbgtjvka,
<br />_
<br />excopt a certain
<br />" parcel of land recorded in Document No. 93- 00,316.
<br />