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<br /> " '_ .___ __ "___T_'."""" " _" _ __ •__' �`-"' _"' """ _"__- - __ _ __ _ _ ___'�-' _'r . ._ " _ _ _ _ — __-- .
<br /> , _ -.__—_T'r—��.— — . :. . � . �-- � ..-�- ..: .._ _"_.�' . _ _
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<br /> �. ,,, �.c�w.r�:hr i+i+p+M[.w. �� . .
<br /> ' ! . � {�)prf�M-Leude�mU►.exoepc as limited bi►r�v��by��in tlie a�e of yrymtat dttaWu.teqain .. , .
<br /> ,, ; . idynedLta 0�7��in Nll af all w�se�iusd!sS►tl�.Sacurity`Instra�i� • � : , � .
<br /> - � j _ (i�8atower defiueRs t�i�lim�to�aY in fuU it►y mont�lY P�Y�j�1�bY this SecuiitY 1n�n�m�t�cior to or on, � . .
<br /> -�.� � . t6e due date of tik next m�►t61Y DaT��.� • . - ` . '
<br /> ' � (�Eatawa defaWts bi►hiHa�.for a period of thtrty dsys.to pectarm any oWar obTiptions contained in lbis SecueitY
<br /> _-- - Ist�d�. , • � ` ' - �
<br /> ' " . •(ySdt�Y1��CeMEAl�wal.L�earla�lt:ifPe�a�imdbyaPPti�b�.L�rand�rithtbe�ao�iappcm+dattbeSataaey.iaqmte` , , ` .
<br /> �eeiirlie py�Nrt ia foll d a9�he snm�t se�cd by 1Ws Sacat�tY I�� �
<br /> _ .• j . . (�}�{.o�pR o[�6a 8opaty�s a8�enrite t�d�ed(aB�er�n by devi�e ar d�ce�)bY tbe$a�sowa,aod '
<br /> ... .� . .. . •. � L. .
<br /> .' � ' �.�pi,�������e p�ar or g�loe u his q ueat�prtim�ty oe�econdirX taideace.or d�e pa�ch�x or _. ( J
<br /> � �eed„es�ooa�rererropa{�►e�t�ar�ae�icLrsnocbas,g+evoaaina000ia�noa,r;d��e�a�pm�octh�sacas�cy.
<br /> (t)lYi�YYdra.If cir��t�t�vouid Permit L�endec to r�rt iam�eFt�sc�ia�nii�fiui���cst -�- --- --__—-_ -- - --
<br /> _ - �' � t�qu�e s�cbt ps�.ibdtr daes�at�esive fts tidtts wdth trspa.t to sabscqaeac�vc3t� .
<br /> ocb
<br /> ., . ` (i���H11D 9eteeNr7.In maaY�����'���timit LendaYs riqitt3.ia �
<br /> :.�i tbe cau af pty�menE deEwhs.w re4aue i�med�p7°K°�in fnll and fasclae if aot P�'fhis SavntY���t does � . .
<br /> , r nat autl�qtfne�aoderation'or fnrec3osure if not pamittod by resu�s of tIx SecretuY. . . .� .
<br /> .� . , .
<br /> ` y. ��■t.Boao'�ra hu a rij6t to be ceiastatetl tf Len�er l�s,raluired�ima�ediate paYrnent ia full bexawe ot
<br /> . � ; Ho�row+ec's I�iWre to py m an�ouat due under tbe Nate or this Se¢nrlt!►Imwmmt.This ri�6t aDDl�s evm afta forocbare .
<br /> . � � � propedisp a�s ie�tituted.To rda�ce ti�ee Securiey Ins�rwncnc,Hono�ra sl,aari tendsr�n•lump rum�It.mounes:equtred a � . .
<br /> ' brk�Horrower'�socouat cnrnnt fn¢ludie�.to the ea�teot they ue oD1�Wioas ot Borro�rerauo�laced v4rl�t�be fa�clowrc ,
<br /> i- [oerxJOare oo�ts �pd naonabk �nd custocnuY �tcora9's ites wd exP�� P���Y , ` .
<br /> p�c�e� Up��t 6y Borrower.thls Security Instrummt tnd Ute oblijatioas tMt it eecures chs11 reeW n ie effact s� .
<br /> ', �f L�d�jiad aat nqoirod immediate p�yaemt in inU.However�LenQa is not.requiad to pem�lt retnst�tement i�:(i)Leeder has
<br /> � " . ' iaoepted reiastatema�t afttr t6e commen�ement ef foreciowre Qrooeedi,a�a wtlhin two Y�!�����Y Prceedin� the � . '
<br /> � colmp�enoe�aa�t of a current [aectasure proceedin�.(iA reinsatmsent witi p�tude fomtosvre oa difr^erer�t arouads in the
<br /> t�cr.pr(i�reiastRtemeet will adverselY�t�the prtodtY af the-iiet�c�eated by this Savrity[nstrumrnt� . . • . , . .
<br /> � 1!.Metrwtt Net Reiere�;Forreae�e'e�1:e�kr Not�W�cr.EacensIon of the time of Wyment or madiflcatiort of ,
<br /> � � . �moMutba of the�ums Kcurcd by this S�caritY Insuuroent aranted by Lender to any suceessor iainterest af Borrower ahall not'
<br /> i apaate to reiea�e tLe lisDDity ot the ori�inal Borro�er or Horcower's auoces�or in interest. Lender shall not be aquired to
<br /> ' ' rom�noe proeeedinp a�ainst any auccessor in iaterest or rcfuae to eatend time for paymrnt ot ot6enrise modify amoctiution ; ;
<br /> i of the sums suurrd bY this Securiri Instrumtnt by rason o!anY �d m�de bY the ongtnal Borrower ar BorroWa's : .
<br /> • auocas�ors in taterat.AaY for b e a rsn�x by L.en der i a exerc3sin g a r ry rl g Qt or remedy abaA aot be st waiver of or pnciude the , .x .
<br /> . � a[[ericife of aaY dibt or remedy. _ , �
<br /> ;.�.
<br /> �� it.S�awas ad A�iW��4:Jot�t ud Se�eral ILDWt9:Co•Sy�ee.The covenants and agreemeau of this SecuritY j .-
<br /> i [nstrua�ent aha116ind aad benefit the sacceasors aad assians of Lender and Borrower,subject to the pravision9 of paragraph 9.b. �.,-
<br /> ; Sorro�res'a eoveaants and agaments abaU be joint and several.My Borrower who co-sjMs this SecuritY Instrument but dots ; -`
<br /> . � npt taocute tbe Note:(a)is co-s3gnin�this Sewdty Instrumet�t only to mortgage,grant and convey that Bonovrrer's intercst in
<br /> • , ; the Proyerty under the tenas of tt�is 5ewrity Instrnment;(b)is not personallY abli8ated to pay tbe sums savred by this SecuritY
<br /> In�ument; aad (c) aaras th�t Lender and any other Borrowa msy agree to t�aes�d. ma�dify, forbear or make aay
<br /> ' ( , �cp�modadons�vith re�ud to the tarm of this Secudty lnstrument or thp Note without t hat H orrower's consent. .
<br /> • Y3.Nafiea.My notia to Banower provided for in this Security Instrument shaU be�ven by delivering it or by malling it by _
<br /> Puat cLta mdl unkst�p�llcsbk law reqWus use of Aaother method.The notice sh�ll be directed to the Property Address or any
<br /> ' ot�er addrqs gonowrr Qesi�nates by nfltice to Lender.Any notice to Lender ahal!be gtven by first clus mai!_to Lender's address
<br /> ' ���o�}�v�ybeen given o gprr�ertor Lend when gi'ven as p�ovtded n this paragrapb.��rity Instrument shall
<br /> ' � : 1�.Go�ptY�Vw;ge�eniYft�.1'6is Security Instrument sha11 be govemed by Federal taw and the law of the jurisdictlon In �
<br /> •� � �r}�the property is locatod.In the event thai any Drovision or ctause of lhis Secutity lnstrument ot the Note conf�ict�with ap-
<br />-. ; � plkabk 4w,such contliet shaU not affoct other paovislons of thls Savdty tnstrument or the Note which can be given effect
<br /> ; vrithout the canflictin�praYlsion. To thls end the provlsions of thi�Securtty Instrumens and the Note are declued to be
<br /> � sevaabk.
<br /> ..�
<br /> ' LT.�o�rewer's CoOy.Borrower shall be given one conformed coDY of this Security Instrumeat. ���, '
<br /> 1i.A�ip�t ot RnV.Bonawer unconditionilly assiBns and transfers to Ltnd�:r all the rents and revtnues of the Propeny.
<br /> � ' Honower autharlu�Lender or Lender's a;ents to collect the rents and rtvennes and htreby directs each ttnant of the Propeny
<br /> to psy the rmts to Leoder or Lender's agents.Howevtr.priot to Lender's notice to Banowtr oi Bonower's brtach of any cave- -
<br /> t�ant or ajtoemrnt in the 5ecurIty Instrutnent�Bor�ower ahall rollect and receive all ratts and cevenues of the Property�s trustee .
<br /> , for the benetit of I.cnder ead Borrowtr.This assi�nmmt of rents constitutes an absolute us3gnmtat and ttot an assignment tor
<br /> . . ..... . . . .. .... .._.. ...... - --- . ... .. .-- ----�--�-�-- --
<br /> . , �dditioa�I teeurity only.
<br /> � ' � li l,tnder�ive�notice of 6reach to Bonawer:(a)all renls receivtd by Barrower sh�li be Aetd by Borrawer as trustee tor benefit
<br /> ' ot Lender only.to be applied to the sums secured by the Security Instrumenl;(b)t.ender shall be entititd to collect and receive ali
<br /> � ' of the rents of the Property:and(c)each tenant ot the Property shalt pay all rents due snd unpaid to l.ende►or Lend+cr's agent
<br /> � on Lendrr's wrltten demand to the tentnt.
<br /> Horrower h�s not eaecuted any priur auignment of the rents and hu not and will not perform any act ihat would prevent •
<br /> Lender trom ezercising its rights under this pazagraDh 16.
<br /> Leada ahall not be requiied to entet upon,take cantrol oP or maintain the Propetty befare ar after giving notice oi Breach ca -
<br />• 8orrower.Nower�er.Leader or a judicialty appointed rectiver may do so at any time there is a breach.Any ap�lic�tion of rents -
<br /> shaU nut cure ot waive anY dePault or invatid�tt eny other right or remedy of l,ender.This assignment of rcnts of the PropertY ,-�_�-___-
<br /> shaU tcrminate ahtn t3�e dzbt s�c�!re�i�y 1he Sec�uit�r Instrument is paid in fu11.
<br /> � • � -,
<br /> L ,
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