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<br /> _ :_U'�—.---�—�--�—,—.�_ _ _ —_---__'____—_'____—___—___"_—_--"--- —._ _ -- . -_ .. __
<br /> ___ - _�_ �'_--_ , , . ._ .,. �[_. ._ - ._ - . _ .- ' _ ` . ` _�. . , ` . �' ` . . { ._a`.....:..,,y ` �-i ` _�_.
<br /> `'. -`—`s --�---.-.- --. _ -_= --:-..- -_=- �_ -- �-- ._ .- .-� . ` ��.1.V�r��c? ` ' ,. _, � . �
<br /> ``` � Any a�tplication of the pcc�ce�ds to thc pria�i}txl st�il�not�tertc!ur postpone tba due d8tc of thc rttonthly,paymea�.s,v�hich �
<br /> �. ��{ � ar referred to in P��IpA 2.or cb�tnge the amount of such payments. pny'axcess proceeds over an a�mount requitaf to , � '
<br /> � : psy atl ouistartdin��adetatedntss under the Note and this 5ecurity lnstrumcnt shall be paid to thr�ntity trgally entitied therstb. �
<br /> � . i.Fats. [.en�sr may caltsct�fees.and char�ss amthorized by the Secretary. . , , : � , , �`
<br /> i : ` _ . . , . ,
<br /> f !.Grouis tor Astekr�tlo�oi Dc�i.
<br /> � _,#_ � ` . . ,(�i�Usts�.Letid�rirzy,�cc.�pc as timited tcons issued b the Se�ret � � �
<br /> 6y regata'� y ary in the casc of payment dePaul�s,roquire
<br /> . ���.� � � ,. � immedtstr paynneat in futt of atl sums sccured by t�is Securify Instrumrnt if: . . . _ ,
<br /> i ' • (ip Borrower defaults 6y.fai33ng to pay ia fuD any monthly payment rec�aired by this S.scurity titstrumpnt pri�r to `. � �
<br /> .. . , or o�'cht due date of ttx neact rnonchty payment,or � • �
<br /> ' " . (u}Bonowa defaults by f�ing, for a period of thirty days,tu perform any other obligatians contained in this • �
<br /> ' -=�; � Scesssit;tsssis3s�t. -- - - --- - . - — � � - �-� - -_ - , . _ :. _- : .- ._.�_.,
<br /> , . i t�j�k Witto�t Cre�dit Apprord..Lendsr shall, if permit'ted by applicabte!aw and with ihe�prior approvat of tke �. . � , �
<br /> �,j Secnt�ry, ra;uire immedia}te payment in fWl af all thc sums seeured b,y this Security Instrument if: , �
<br /> � .
<br /> ; ` (i)All or part a�the Property is otherwise transferred (other than 6y devise or descent}by the Barrower. and ` `
<br /> . j ' ' ('ri)The Prapetty is-not oocupied 6y the purchaser or grantee as his or her primuy or secon�arg residence;or tik � ;
<br /> , � •� . . .purchaser or grama does so occu�sy-the Pra�erty but his ar her�edit has not been approved in accordance with . � �
<br /> �i�. • � ,the requirements of the 5ecietary. , . . . ' .
<br /> , , . .
<br /> � ! (c)Na Waiver. If circumstances occur that waald gemut Lender to require immediate paymea�t i� full. but Lender .� � �
<br /> . does not reyuire such paymenis, Lender does not waive`its rigl�ts with respect to subsequent events. � �
<br /> . ` , (�}ReNhtlon qi HUDSecretsry.fn r�any circumstances regutatians issaed bq the Secre�tary witl Wnit t.ender's righu
<br /> �� �' in the case of payment defaults td require immediate payment in full and�forectose if nat�aid.'i'his Seeudty Instrument �
<br /> � r � � das not authorize acce}eration�or fbrectasure if nat permiued by�egulations of the Secretary. � �
<br /> � • .
<br /> ; 10.Rd�state�eat.Borrower has a right to bc reinstated if Lender has requircd immediate payment in full because of .
<br /> �, � Borrower's failure tb pay an amount due under the Nate or this�ecurity Instrumertt.TNis right applies even after Eoreclosure �
<br /> ptoceedings a�e iastItuted.Ta retnstate the Security lnstrume:xt� �arrower shalf tende��a lump sum aU amous�ts required � 1
<br /> r to bring Borrowtr's�ccount�urrent including.to the extent the3 are obligations of Borrawer under this Security.instrument, ,
<br /> j foreclos�re costs and reasonable and custun�ary attorr:ey3'fees und expenses properiy associated with the foreclosure proceeding. _ �
<br /> , Upon rtinstatement by 8arrawer,this Security in�strurnent and[he obligaitans that i[secures shall re�ain in effect as if Lender
<br /> ' , had not requir�ed im�nediate payment in fufl.Hawever, L,ender is not required to permit reia�.aternent iF:(i)I,ender has accepted . � .
<br /> . reinstatement aiter the eommencement oi forect�sure proceedings within two years immediately preceding the commencement •' � ��k�
<br /> of a current forecfosure proceeding. (ii)reinstatement will preclude fareclosure on dii'i'erent grounds in the future, or (iii) -
<br /> ; reinstatement wiU adversely affect the priority of the lien created by this Securiry Instrument. -
<br /> ' li.Borro�r Nat Reks�re�l; Forbe�n�ece By l.esdet Nol�Waiver. Extension oi'the time of Fayment ar modificacio» .
<br /> ' � ai'amortization of the sums secured by this Security Irrstrument granted by l.ender co any successor in interest of 8orrower_ � -
<br /> i shall not operate tc►releasr the liabitity af the original6orrawer or Borrower'�successor in interest.l.ender shall not be required .
<br /> , tp commrnce proceedings agairtst any succassor ia inicrest or refusc to cxtcnd timc for payment or otherwise modify amortizatian �_
<br /> � _ of'the sums sec�red by this Seeurity Instrument by rea.son csf any demand made by the original Borrocr•e�ar Eiorrowet's saccessors �
<br /> ' ' in inttrest.Alny farbrarance by Lender in exercising any right ar remedy shall not he a waiver of�r�+reclude the exercise of �
<br /> ` any right or remedy. . . � � ,
<br /> , ' 12.Sueeessors�ed Aasl=ns Bound:Iasint�nd Severa!I.iabilIty;Co-Stg�ners.The cnvenants and agreements of tl�is Sccurity
<br /> Instrument-shali�ind and bene�t thr successors and as5igns of[.ender and Horrawer.subject ta�he pravisaons of pa�agraph '
<br /> , 9.b. Borrower's covenants and agreemests shall be jaint artd several. Any B�rrower who co-signs this Se�urity lnstrument
<br /> but does nut execute thc Note: (u)is cersigning this�ecurity lnstrument only ta rfiartgagc.grant and convey�.that Borrower's
<br /> • ' interest fn the Property uncicr thc tcrms of this Security Irts�rumcnc;�b)is not personaliy obligaacd to pay the sums sccured �
<br /> by this Securit�Jnsuument;and(c)agress that.Lender and any actter 13orrawer may a�rcr tv extend.modify.far�:ar or makr �'�
<br /> � ± � any accommo�ations with regard to the cerm of this Securiiy IE.strumr�it ��r the Nute �ti•ithaut that Fiorroaer'c �c�nsent. • �:
<br /> ; 13:Nolkes.Any nntice to Harrower provided f��r in thiti Seeurity Imtrumrnt�hatl he given by dcli�ering it or by mailiug . -
<br /> it by first class mail unless�p�rlicablc law rcc�uires u+c c�f an�►thcr method. Thc nc�ticc�haU 6c directcci;ti�thr{'re�perty Addres!, . �
<br /> � or any other address Borrower designates by nntiee to i.tnder.Auy nhticc to l,endcr�trall be given by(ir�t da�c mail tn l.ende�'� �
<br /> 8ddress st�ted ttetein or any sddrecs T..ender clecign.ates by notiee to Ti��rruwcr. Any nenice nr:�y ided f�r in thiti Seeurity iaclrtunent
<br /> ' sha}t�be deemed to have been biven tu I3�rrowcr ur J.cnder �tihen gi�•cn r�� prnvidcd in this paragraph. •
<br /> � 14:C,over�(�l.�w;5eversbflity.This Security In�lrumeni sh:�ll Ne yo�s�rnrd by l�cilcr�l la�ti aiid ific law of ihc juri+dictic�n� �
<br /> in which the P�operty is lucated. In tite cvent Ihat:�i►y pruvisiun c�r clause c�f thiv 5ccurity Intitrun.�e�t or thc Note canf7icts
<br /> � with applicabtc law�soch con�lict shall not aPfe.t other �iro�itiioriti�►f tl�iti Se�urity Inrtrw�iem or the Notc�shich ran he given
<br /> ` CiPCCt Wj!ltouE tltr c�nflicting y�rn��isiun. 7'o thir end ti�e pr�►ei�tt;°�. of Niis 5r�uri�y lutitru�7�ct�t �tid the Iv�►te are ;ieclarecl to �
<br /> � . be sercrabtc.
<br /> . . � • �
<br /> . ` 15. lWrrower'�.Cup�. 13arro��cr shali bc gi�rn onc �cmfocmcd r:upy a! tl»ti ticcurity Intitreinxnt.
<br /> �
<br /> 16.�►sslgntnenRol Keots.Botfo��•ft un�attditi[��tally�1tisi�Cnti an�l tr�u►�fct�Rp Lrndct all thc rCnt�and retienut�4 ui the 1'ropCrtp.
<br /> , �iorre�K�er auihe�rizes Lender Ur Lender's agCnts to�;ollect�he rrn�ti aFtd ret�eituet an�hcreh}�directs eacf�tent�rn c�f!he i'r��►petry +-__--
<br /> ta pay tlxe rents Ca t.en�ier or Lcnder's a.qen[s. �1��sc�cr, prior ta 1-cr�der'c not�ee to I3arrn��cr of Bnrre���er'c hccc+ch�►t c�ny �
<br /> ' f:(lY��lli!!1� !1� a'!a!Q€i2!_nt ir.thc 5ecusity lsi�tsusticnt. lS:::re>::�:.�i SI1:3II ti)IICC. .:r�d ::�e::e�::! :rFO:; au;! r+•s�,:t���s:t tf�� I's:s�;�:iy
<br /> . �as trustee i'ar ttfe hencf'it of Lender and Uorrc���rr. Tttis as�i�nmcnt c�f rent.con�utute,an ah.ul�ur a��ign�i�cnt ��nd n�►t �w .
<br /> : • assignnunt Pur adcliticu�al sc.iarity unly. , ;
<br /> ._ . _. .. - -- gf�_;�cr gi��acrrifi�tr�re.�tsh t�Nt�tre►����;lal:slf�t€tF6e t.cii:e:t is; (it�rr.��cer :I�s1F:��h�t:!��; ::az.�o;s::a;::u;s�: :c�r - �1 - - -;�
<br /> bcnef7t of Let►dcr unl}, tc�hr ttppli�d tu Ihi sim�4 Sc:urcd by tlic 56:u�iEy lustruwcut: 1l�I l.c�iJer ti1�all !�e ri�t�tlyd tu cc�ll��� �
<br /> � and recci��e aIl of.th�rcnt�.�tif thr I'roperty,and Icl tach tcn,int�e�t tfic Nri���crty ��li.�tl �t.�► .�Il rcnFti elue and nn��ai<I tv.f enciri
<br /> ur ! ct►dcr'� agcnt un I.rndcr'. ��rittrn cicmand t�thc tc;utint.
<br /> (lorroti�cr has t�ut c�r:uleJ.�uy �)tittt.1�41gt1111c11[uf 131C tcflt�ancl li�i,niit.tnt1 tt�ll t�nt�`�c�rit}nt��ant <<Et (h:tt «��uiJ��te�Cli! n
<br /> Lcndcr from etcrcising itc ri�inr iuuter thiti para�ra�,h !6. �p
<br /> t.citdcr�hal)t�at he eci�u�rt�d ta c��tcr u,rnm.(1�l�e cc�ntE��f t�;i,r nianu.iin thc Nr�,�,ert� f�ris�re s,r .ittcr��E�iwi:�iia�h.c•nt hrc.c�f� , i0
<br /> �1 ' f ��.
<br />. �i�.�L�1r.Ct1�l'�. �fV�4l'tCt. L.CI[f�Cf Df ii,JL[Ulil.ifl��.ap�S�tiint�iE re.c`i:4'2 �1#.!l'(te.i .te,![ illlS" ttll�l' �t!_(i !� �? t?tC�.1:t1. '�lk= _l#����:_.lSI<_�1! - ry. . z-
<br />- , E�P f('fllt CIt;II� !t(>1 ittSt(�E ti��tttt"J{E�- f�fi�ttt: [tT iti�:ili;.�:ifC.2tF4 f�ftti'( 'ti;tti �Zi fti:ict�: i;� f t'�Iuf:'f. t��f� .i��is•Iti17l':?� c=f ti:ti!� a�l .. . .
<br /> �be t�r��lTct�} •i�all tcrn}arcatc tiehrn thc dchr �cEUrrt! in tfi� ti��tir�►� Ii�,Ir�e�n�����i•� ;�,��.! �i� hilf
<br /> „
<br /> - ��...-- � � _�_..._. .___-- --- ----
<br /> . � �• . . . i ----_----------..____ �
<br /> • , f .
<br />- . . . - . �. 1. , •
<br />