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<br /> _._� . _ �kf1dC[IOQillispt�II10f��i�E IAfUJiaGE�f i�bfId1L1011 Of D�ijCtng t}It�O�A SCp1tCd�t11lS$GCllfltjl IflStlllrtiGII2, . , _ - -
<br /> ` ' `�OIPdWEt'S��'�jF�if.`�IiR1ti�S tEQWf!'t�LQ��i�iti t�it.`�i1i C�ECt UA�51iC�E�1llil�5�iYQiti3liIItilL�t�iC
<br /> ,s E �. . i�nwr�noetesmin�ftesi»accu�'dantaewitBBocro�e�'saadi�sder'sxrittsasEraaneatorapplicaiiie�aw. .
<br /> . :.,;.. . � . . .
<br /> � = . , � Ie�ettw. l.eedet or its s�at m�q mal�e ra�at�bk eatries u�on and ins�xtians�tl�;�nnpertq. Ltnder � . �_ . � .
<br /> � � stuli�ive Ban+a�rar i+otice at tIK t�o�or piior to an in�pection specifyin8 re�tonable csuse for tlrt ra��eaa.� , •
<br /> , - � � � . !. �iMr�f16�. 7Ue pinveedt o1'any s�rs�+d uc cl�im for damages.direc�or oonseQ�entia�,in�c�nectiaa�.�viih '
<br /> . , �.:-anr«�aan�;on or oc�ec uta�a o�any�rc o�t��opa�y.�or fos conveyance in tiea of cnndsflnnitioa,ue 1�bY .
<br /> , . _.:a�sip���lI be p�d to LesdeT. : _ . .
<br /> _ . ,- Iri tLe eiien't of a totat ukina�oBthe Paarperty.the.proceeds shall 6e applied to th+e sums secure�i�r t&is Security .
<br /> .. ( . � . �a►t„�rhs�her ac uot tbea du�wilh aay exoas p�id to Borroxer.In the eveat of s�ta�g�the Froperty,_ - � � �
<br /> � { . �amieis HaerO�►er sad�,t�da otherwiye fy�ree in w�tifit�,the auns secund 6y tbis S�,vrity tnstrunneat s�t�be rodtrced by . ,
<br /> � f tUe-s�+ouat of tlk proceeds mWtiplied by the fnito�vina fi�ction:(aj the totat amount•of sh�sums secured immaliacely �
<br /> ? ,bdore tbe tal��na.dividad bY(b)tLe fiir market v�iu�of tho Property immed"sately before the taicia�.Ang haltna sliilt be . . . •
<br /> � pid to Bocso�eec , � _ � ,
<br /> : � � If tbc Property,is ab�nda�ed!xy Botzo�rer.or i£�fta aotice by I.euder to Boaowu that the co�ideauior offsrs to • ,
<br /> �e aa spar�l c+r settie a claim fordamsges.Bosrowrrr fi�s to rrspond to LendM ariibin 30 days after t�cdatc the�ati�is . � - .
<br /> � -. Siren,I.�nder is authoriud to ooltect and apply the proceod3,at ita option.either'to r�atoration or repairaf the Pro�rty or : ,
<br /> . to tbe wms:avred by this 3ecudty Instnimen6 Mhah'ar or aot then d� � . . .
<br /> . Unkss l:en�er usd Horio�ver crthenviac s�Ira in�rciting,any apptiradon of procads to principal sball not eztend or �
<br /> paatpcme tLe due dsta of tbe montlily psyments refened to in psragraphs 1 and 2 or chazsge the amemt afsucb payments. , �
<br /> ��� � � i8. Baer�nr Nd 8eka� For�p�estce By'I.esder.Not a Wdrsr. Extension of tha time far paynu�t•or .
<br />� modifcation of amorEiution of tiu sums securod by this 3xurity tastrument.granted by Lender to amr succexsv�r in
<br /> intereat of BorroWer ahsll not op�rate to relase the liabllity oi the original Bonower or Borrower's successors in interest.
<br /> Lender slwlt_not be roquired to con�mence proceedinga against any successor in inierest or refuse to eattnd time for
<br /> pynwent or atherwise modify amotqzation of the sums�secured by this Security Instrument 6y reason of anydtmand made .
<br /> by theoripnsl BorroMer or Borrpaer's auccessors ia intercst.Any furbearance by I.ender in exercising any right or remady
<br /> � � ahall not be a Msiver of or preclude the exercise of nny right or remedy. , . -
<br /> � !l. S�xewots s�d AM1�BorN;Joi�t a�&�er�l LiaMlity;Co-sfg�tc�. The covenants and agreanenta of .
<br /> this Soctirity Instrument shsU 6ind and brneHt the succsssars an¢assigns of Lender and Borrawer,subject to the provisians
<br /> ; c�t'p�ra�rapb 17.Borrower's wvensa►ts and agraments shall6e jo�nt aad several.Aay Borrower who casigns this Security � �.�:-'
<br /> ! Insttument but does not eaecute the Note:(a)is casigning this Security lnstrumcnt only to mortgage,grant and c4nvey
<br /> ' thai Borrarver's intrrest in the Property under tha terms af this Security lnstrament;@)is aot�personally obligate�to pay � ..:_-
<br /> ! the sums socured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agees that Lender and eny other Borrawer may agra to e�end, - � . _---
<br /> . � modify,forbpr or mske u►y accommodations with regard to the terms of'this Security Instrurtient or the Nnte withont }.,
<br /> � that Borrower's cansant.
<br /> . 1Z. Lo�s C6�. If the loan secural by this Stcurity Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum toan �
<br /> � . chuges. and Ihat Isw is�nally intespreted so tlwt the interest or other loan cbuges collectsd or to be coltected in -
<br /> connoctian with the loan eacad the permitE�d Jimits,then:(a)any such loan charge shall bt reducaed by the amount
<br /> • necessary�a reduce the chs►rge to the permittat timit;and(b)any sums already caltectod fram Bonawer which exceeded
<br /> , • permittod limits will be refunded to Borrawer. Ltnder may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal oRed �
<br /> under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower.lf a refund reduces principul.the aduction wil!be treated as a
<br /> � � partis►1 prepayment withoui any prcp�yment charge urcder the Note. _
<br /> � 13. I�stto� Affati� I.ender's Rl�bb. If cnactment ar expiratia�of applicable laws has tht effect of
<br /> rendering any provision of the Noie ar this Security lnstrument unenforceable accarding to its terms,Lender,at its option,
<br /> may require immodiate paymrnt in full of ail sums secured by this Sccurity lnstrument and may invoke Any remedies
<br /> petmitted by pxrsgtaph 19.lf I.ender exercises this opiion,Lender shatl take the steps specificd in the second paragraph oP ,
<br /> � pintgraph 17. ' �
<br /> li. 1Votieq, Any natice to Borrower provided for in this Security Mstrument shal)!�e given by delivering it or by �'�
<br /> msiling it by Rtst class mail unlass applicable law requires use of ancfiher metho�.The�ntice shatl be directed to the
<br /> ! Propeity Addtess or any other addtess I3orrou�er dtsignates by notice to L.ender. Any nntice to Lxnder sha11 he given by
<br /> � Arst class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice ta Borr�wer.Any natice .
<br /> ( �rovidcd fot in this Security Instrument shaU be deemed to have,been given to[3orrc�wer��r I.ender when given ay priwidecl
<br /> in this parigrapfi.
<br /> ` � IS. Couruiag Iaw;&arability. '1'his Sr,eurity insuumem shall he governcd hy Prder:,l faw and Ihe law.�f'the .._ ___.._._
<br /> � jurisdiction in which thc Property is lxated. In the event tha�any prc�vision dr elauce of this Sccuriry Intitrument ur the
<br /> ` Note conflicts with applicable law.such conflict shall not affecf other ptnvisi�ms�,f thiti 5ecurny Instrumcnt ur the Note
<br /> ' whieh c�n be given effect withaut the�onfliciing provisian. '!'o this end the{�ruvisiunti pf�h�s Secunty In4trument and thc
<br /> ' Note are declued to be severable.
<br /> � 16. Harrowtr's Copy. BaRawer shall be given one cc►nfam�ecf cc►py of�t�e hate�nct r�f this 5c�cunty In�t.rument.
<br /> ' l7. Tr�fer ot t6e Ptopvty or a BteeflcW Inter�t ia Borrower. If:ill ur �ny part uf 1hc Yruperty or any "
<br /> interest in it is sold or iransfened(or if a berreftc�al interest in barrower i�s�ld c�r tran5terrcd and li��rr�rwer ic ni►t a aafural
<br /> person)without I,ender"s priar weitten c�nsent.I.ender may.ut its optinn.rcqwtc unmed�atc payment�n fuU uf aU Sums
<br /> secured by this Security lnstrument: iiowcver;�this nptiot�shall nut tyr exercirc�,{ hy Lcn�trr�f cxcrc��e iv proh�hite�t hy
<br />. . federal law asaithe date af this 5ecurity Instrument, � ,-= --_
<br /> . �f Lender eacrcises this option.Lender shall give borr�wer n�tire c�f accrtcrau„n I hc nut�cc shall pruridc a{�er�ucl �
<br /> � ot'rtot less than 30 days i'rom the date the notiee is delivered orm�ited w�thm r��hrcli Huruouer n�u.t���y ull.owv,ecurrd hy ,
<br /> this Security Instrument.IP Borrower fails t�pay these sums priur tu�he•expiruY�uu c,f tl,��,��eruHf,l.ei�drr may inv��ke��iy �
<br /> � -- � — e��dfe��rifii�c763+-ii-ii�5ecuntyln5ttumentwitRouffurfflernafice�►rdemanJ�t�jiiurr��wcr ' � ` ;
<br /> , ' • �8.Batowtt'et Itight to Reia�hte. !P Rprrawer rrtcets ctrtain c+�ndit�sm�, tit�rreauer titialE hacc thc nght t�z have .
<br /> . enforcement of this Security instrument discnntinued at any�ime pnur a►�hc carher uf (�►5 41:1}�(��r tiurh��thes ren��el.�ti �
<br /> � appl}cable IAw may specify fc�r reinstnteme�it)�ePore sale�►�the Pr«perey punuant e��any p�}uc� ��f�:�Ic�:�nia�ncd�n th�r
<br /> 5ecurity Instrument;or(b)emry��fa judgment enforcittg this 5ecur�t}; Inrtrtirnen� Ih���c<<md��u,n�arr th�+t H�,rr��wcr
<br /> . � (a)pays Lender alf sums wtfich thea would be due under thi4 Secunty Intitrument a�►�i the ti�,tc I,:ut n�>;u�.e�lersnun . st
<br /> • occurred;(b)rures nny dePault uf any other caven�nts ur agreements; (L►pay�.ili cxp�uticti ui�urre�! �n enfiuun,� Ihtti �(^�'
<br /> Seeurity Ja�irument,incieding, bett riEif hsrtited tt�.res9Un�trle sitntne,y�fre4. �ar�f tdt s��ke{t+.��lF;r�t�<<i►:,. 1 cnctrr��►�+y
<br /> sts
<br /> �e.75ot�ably feyUi��`[�a5stife Ih3� thc Ii�� nf thi�Sesuti[y fricsfumenC. �endei`i rE�t�rE u� rfic ��rf;�c��V �f�❑ 11��E«�«��r`S � �,: .
<br /> obligatic�n to pay �he sums secured by th�s Se�:urity In�srurnent tih:+ll u�nn„ur unc�<<,i�r:��t ! �„«r ��rn,�ntrnr���i hy i- -
<br /> 13Ui(l+wei,thisSec�rity fnsUUntenten�ltheobttgattonsrecuredherehy�Fr�lltencuin}uliy:tt'e.h�en�if�t�:,a_�a'I��rali��r�h�ut
<br /> . _ . . . . . . . . .. . . . ...
<br /> Nccurteei.HE��retiet;this tigfit tv teinstr�te shalt nat�ppty m the ca�e��t acccier,st���i�undrr;�,�i.��:r,,pi�� I z+�r }�7
<br /> . . — , ' �
<br />