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<br /> _ _..�� ' � ' _.` .1� M�o�w tb�liien�. � ` - .° < ` ��+' �d� f S� �: � --
<br /> �� (i):aw[wr�r Nel�d.ExMn�n uf ths tle�i fa payment or modificatt�on of pmorNratbn d ehe suma�icurad 6y this � � . . ` �
<br /> .. ,� . , tl�d oFTrwt prarrMd by L+�ndsr to anysuccswoi tn inprs�tof 8orrower:hall not opera�s W�eteue,fn eny manr�r.Ufs Ii�bNity � , , . ` . . ,
<br /> Of 1t�arlpir�l8orrower and 8orrowrr's iuccas�ors in[Me�sq.L«idlr stiil!not b�required to commeac«procMdir�s a�ekf�t
<br /> ' � fudti suoO�MOr o[iMu�e b�7 c b e M U n�t b T p i y R l N l t d r O M t e i w l s s rt l 0 d d y a m o r tl i a t i o n O t B�e s um�ssCU ro d 6 y f t t(s O s e d o f trust .
<br /> . Dy rwroe W iing dwn�nds rt�d�by 1be orip(n�l8orrower and BoROwer's scrcceqors in inMreet
<br /> ; (b? Liwdws wow�e�.Nfifhout M�cUrtp the tiabfliry oi any olher p�raoR[W�N fer tM RsYment of any obliyatlon,herein
<br /> .-.-: �l�On�Q.en�t�ttl��l�ttCS ` 'r�ts#!lils#3o�cs;�ni��t�x,�+Br�I��oR . 1lleerOtBleretofiore ------____ --_ _^-
<br /> . reka�ed af sscurity tathe Iull amount of sil unab oWt�ations.Lender may.trum��e m�r�s�witl�out nodce n retesss any � . ' .
<br /> , '..� �son�o Nabt�,(iiy exMnd Iht maturHy or atler aay at ths terms of any such oblipatbns�(iiij Orant o1herindui�encsr.(iv)rMwte • .
<br /> ' � . nconvey.or caus�b ba rsle�sed or rscoavsysd et arty�me at Lender'a optlon anY parca1.paqton or sll oi the Pro�ty. , ;
<br /> ir1�e or rete�s�an]►alher or W�litionel aecurily for any obliga8on hereTn mentioned.or(v�maks canpo�itbns or otl�er
<br /> _ , t . anan�rrNnb vrHh deblors in relalton fhereto. • ,
<br /> (c) For6Mra�c�by L«wN►Moi�wahrK Any forbearence by lander ln exercising any rf�ht or remeQy heteunde►,or •
<br /> � f olherM►1se aifordsd 6��pplkable taw.ahall not ba a watver of or prectude the exercise of any auch ri�ht or romedy.The
<br /> procure�rfa►!otinwrsnce aths paymentoffaxes or other liens orcha�s_by�.endecahatlnotbe a watve�6tlender'arinhltQ
<br /> � � - - �-�rsls fhe maturity csi ttte tndeble0ness se+cured by this Deed ot Tivat - ---_ � - - - __
<br /> t � �d) 3u�e�i�oes twid A��s�eow�d;dolM and•8w�ts{ . .
<br /> � t Li�blNt�:C�ption�.The covenants•and ag�eements heretn con- •
<br /> . . . tairted aitall bind,and the rtIIhta heraunder ahatl inure to.the reapecttve auccessors end essipns of Lender and Trustor.All � `
<br /> . covenarns and a9resments oi Trustor shatl.be jaint and aeveraL The cap�ons and headings of the paraprapAs ot thts Deed of
<br /> . - 7rust ar$tor cerwenisnce only i�nd aua not to be�:ed to interpret or dMne th0 Proviaions hereof. � � �
<br /> � ' ' fe? R�f to�NoYcM.The pa�ttes hereby�equest chat a copy of any nollce of default hereunder and a copy ot any notice
<br /> " of rate hereunder 6e mafled to each party to this Deed oi Trusf at the address se;tortR ebove in the manner prescribed by
<br /> • appiicab[e faw.Excspt for any othei notice required under appltcabte law to be gfven in apother m�nner.any rtatice provided ' �
<br /> for in this!?eed ot Tivat aha116e�iven by mailirtg such notice by cerUfled mail addresse�b the other parties,at theaddressaet '
<br /> , brth ebov�Any natice pro�ldecl for In thia Daed of Trust shall be effective upon mafling in the manner destgnbted heretn,tf
<br /> Trustor is more than one person,notice aent to the address aet iortb above shall be notice to all suc�persons �
<br /> (�) �e11a�.LaAder may make or cause to be made reasonable entrfes upon artd inspecttons ot the Prcperty.provlded
<br /> __;; that Len�er ahall�iq�_Tru�or notiCe Orior to any such inspectlon apeciiying reaaonabte cause therefor rela*...�?�l.en�sr's
<br /> . tnterest iss the P�operty. � .
<br /> (p) R�eonwysn�a.Upon payment ot eli sums secured bg this�eed o!Trust,Lender shalt request Trustee to recanvey tfie � �`
<br /> � • Propsrty and shall surrender this Deed at Trust an0 all notes evidencing iR�eptedrtess secured by this Oeed of Trustto Trustee. ' ! �
<br /> ; Trustee ahall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or persons legalty enthled the�eto. �
<br /> ;� Trustor shatl pay ail costs of recordation,If any. . :��
<br /> � (b) P�ionN PtOpirty;S�urlty A��Nm�nt.Ag additsa::�1 securiry for the payme:�t C}the Note,Trustor hereby grgnts �"����
<br /> k Lender undsr the Nebra�ica Unliorm Commercial Cade a securiry intereat In a4 fixtures,�quipmeal,and other personel propeRy �-
<br /> ! used in connecilon with the real estete or Improvements tocated thereon,and not otherwlse declared or deemed to be e paA of �'e:
<br /> � the�eal o�tats eecured hereby.This instrument stsall be construe�as a Securlry ICgreement under eaid Code,and the Lender
<br /> . � shall have at!the rtphb and remedies of a aecured pa�ty unQer satd Code�n additian to the riphts and reme0le�created under
<br /> and BCCOrded the Lender pursuant to thia Deed o!Trusx prov�ded that Lender's riAhts and remedies under thia paragra�h shall
<br /> ' I be currzutative with.and in no way a ttm(tation on,lender's rigttts and remedies under any other aecurity agreement signed by
<br /> I Bonowaror Tiusror. .
<br /> • i (i) lNn�and Eneumbr�nas.Trustor hereby warrents and represenis that there i�no detault under the provlsions o!any �
<br /> mort9e�s.deed of t�ast,lease or purChase contract deecribing a!!or any paA of fhe PropaRy,or other contract,insfrument os
<br /> ap►eement conatltutir.q a Iten or encumbrance against afl or any part of tfie Propeny(aoftectively.'�liens"),exiating a�of the =
<br /> Aate of Mia Oeed of Tru�t,and tteat any and all extsting Lisns remain unmoditied except as disclosea to Lender in Tru9tor'e `
<br /> written Qisclosure ot liens and ercumbrances provided for r�fn.Trustor sha�l timety pertorm all of Trustor's obtigations,
<br /> ' . � cov�nants,rspreaentatlon�and warrantie�under any and a�l e�cisitirtg and tuiure Liens,shall promptly torward to tende.r capies
<br /> � of af!�otices of default sent in connection with any artd all existing or tutu�e liens,and shall not without Lender's priar wrltten
<br /> . ,i consent ln any msnner modity the provi�lons of or atlow any luture advances under any existing or tuture Lien�.
<br /> �)'AppMc�tlon o1 Psym�nb.Untess utherwise required by law,sums paia to LenQer hereunde►,including without UmitaUon �
<br /> . , Qayments o1 princlpal8nd iaterest,inswance proceeds,condemnation proceeds end renta aod profita,ehall be appiied by -'�--
<br /> � tender to the amounts due and ow�ng trom Yvustor and Borrower in such order as Lender in Ita sole dlscretion deem�desireble. -
<br /> lk) �abNlty.11 eny proviston of this peed of Trust conllicts with aAA��cabto taw or ls declared invaUd rn otherwlse --
<br />. . � unenforCe�bte,aucfi conillct or InveHdiry shall not ettect the other prov�sons ot this Oeed ot Trust or the Note which can be
<br /> �iven eflect without the canliiCting prOV191on,end to this end the provisions ot this Deed of Trust and thetVofe are declarea to be
<br /> " severebte.
<br /> � � „. . t..�•� ..: ,,. ,
<br /> � .._ ...._. - � ------... -�-- ---- -- ---...---..__. . -�--- �
<br /> � (I) T�rnN,�The tt�rms"T�u�KX"ert�!`'Bo�rouVe�'th�tt iriclude bbth sirigular and ptural,end when th9 tr�cstor and 9orrower
<br /> � are the same peraon{a),�'►ose tetms e3'�fn tHt�Qtled of 7rust shall bo interchaRgeabte.
<br /> ! • �m) �ov�mitp L.�w•7ht�Delld Ot T�ult�h111i be governed by tho laws ot the State ot Nebte9ka.
<br /> � y Tru9tor h8s executed this 177�ed o1 Trust'as ot the date wtitten above �
<br /> � C. C B.., . r• '
<br /> � , ' �"7�i5�dF" .
<br /> Pa�u �hr n, Pres i
<br /> . _._�—r_.�.��..-.., Trustor ---
<br /> . , ' .
<br /> � . .
<br /> ' � . . - � - ►.,.
<br /> • ' . �
<br /> �` "'�. .
<br /> ,. • , �
<br /> . .
<br /> . .
<br />