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<br /> � � � . � ACKNOWLEQGEMENT+DF D�EQ OF TRUST ,. � . . . � , .� �
<br /> . �� � � ���s�o�s�c: ,` � � .' , 90---I U4i`78$ _ ' ; ; �. � . . -
<br /> � � ' ?ruAlotundirsViWstIMtlMdocum�ntlh�t7rustoNs�boutW�xec�itsiseO�sOotTniatandnQtanart�sandtha�thepower
<br /> ..�,��' otiaNpc�dioirinft�0�lOtTru�pra�YsaubstanlWlydithrantrl�hbtrtdoDtigadonsbDTrusbrttuinsmoe�aq�iti�fAw�r�t �. � �_
<br /> - #• � - � 4�#�Qr��l�til�nuRdettt��sQolTru�.inclet�ng.buErnt�l�mF�edtv�!!esl.�sri�httota�rs#lsePrAperty�a�d - , - , --- .
<br /> .i , . b�r 1l+it,TruMM�wilhalt an!►i4�dicW Prouid+nn.71rus1cr espr�nfa u�d wu�anb fhat s ackr;owted�nrpnf.wu execuMd by. � .
<br /> � � . ,.Tnwbr b�lar�1M sx�cudort M tlii�ti�d M TrtaL � � C., C. 6� $. � � ' . ` �
<br /> ! � ' , . .. , ' �$ -. . ` .
<br /> , ,_ • �- ,
<br /> -- ,- -�' . ` < ,< Pav1 ristenaen, tfus�or Presi . � ". : . . _.
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<br /> ��-- - . . ;� - – -- - - =
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<br /> � f ' '. . . • ' � .. �. ,
<br /> . .; � • ,
<br /> : ' ` . , '
<br /> •�� � � THIS.GEED OF TRUST Is made as of!he 1�.t1L.day of- - Auaus t 1�0—.by an0 amon� � . �
<br /> ` . � ' C. C. b B, co. . , . ` ,
<br /> �. .::� ths Trurior,.. . ' ,
<br /> - .- -f wfq�smNit�qAdare�ti� - � F.a.-�So�c 547. Hoidrege� i3E 68343: �rein'Trustor:'whelheranewmore).--`--�� -.__-- -� --
<br /> : . = q�t��, tii211aw N. !lareball III, Fresideat of Five�Foints Bank, a Nebraska Corporatian �
<br /> , .# — . . .
<br /> ������js P.O. Box 1507, Grand Islaad, NE 68802 . .
<br /> ... . (herein"Trustee'�.ar�d' . ,
<br /> . � , �_ � �
<br /> ths Beneticiary. _ �iv�Poi�ts .Bank r � . . . � .
<br /> -- . .� . , ..
<br /> � �� w�ose mailirp addreas is—p•O. Box 1507, Grand Island. NE 68802
<br /> , lherein"LendeP'►.
<br /> FOR VAWABLE CONSIDERA'F(�N,inclutling Lender's extension of credit ideatified heroin to C. C. & 8. Co.
<br /> ' �. ;. (hereln"8orrower".whether one or more)and the trust hereln created_ , -
<br /> the rptalpt Of wfiiCh Is t�reby 8cknowledged.Truator hereby irrevoC�bty gvarts,trapsf�r9,convey�ancf 8sst�rts 3o Trustas,1:: � �'
<br /> _ . ,i • TRUST.WI7HPOWEROFSALE,torthebenefitandsecurltyoflender,undera*�.5ub�ecttolhetermsa�dCOnditiortshereinaRerset " . _- =�
<br /> , I torth,the�eai properly,described 8s follows: � . ,��
<br /> r. � � . i�.�;>ic
<br /> _�.
<br /> � . SEE ATTACHED EXHIBI� A � -
<br /> � ,
<br /> E Topetfier wlth all buildlnQs,Improvements,fixture�,streets,atleys,passageways,easemertts,rights,priviteyes and appurte- • _
<br /> �� nances locsted thereon or in anywise pertainlnp thereto,and the rents,issues artd pr4fits,reve►sions end remaindera thereoi,and � '
<br /> such peraonal�roperty that is attachea to the improvements so as to constitute a tixture,includirtg,but not limited to,heatinp and
<br /> , ` co011np equipntenfi and ttsyether with the homestead or maritat interests,if any,whiCh interests are horehy released and waived;all
<br /> � oi which,includln�repfaecments and 8dditions thereto,is herebx Qeciared to be a part ot the reai estate aecured by the Iten of thts
<br /> I Qeed pt Trust and all of�Se forepoing being reterred to herein as tha°Properry"• . �
<br /> , ` This Deed o1 Trust shail aecure(a)the payment of the principat sum end interest evidenced by e prom�ssory nnte or credit
<br /> ' � { , apreement dated Augpst 16, 19yQ , having a maturlty date o1 ___ Aut�u9t 16, 1995 � :
<br /> � . ,..
<br /> in the cr(pinal principal amount ot S ��0�000.dU ,and any and al!modil�cat►ons,extensions and renewats
<br /> � � • thereof ar ft[�reto and any and all future advances and reaQvances to Borrower(or any ot them it more than one)hereunder ' ••
<br /> • purauant to ane a mor�promi�sory notes o1r credit agreements(herein calted"Note"};(b)the payment of otAer sums edvartced by '�
<br /> � Lendar to protect the aecurlty of the Nate;(c)the peAormance of ali covenan4s ar.d agreements of Trusto�set forth herein;and(d)a!1 �: —
<br /> , preaent and future indedtedrtes9 and obliyations of Borrawer(or any ot therr�t rnore than one)to iender whether d�racL indiroc� �.—
<br /> � � � j ebsotute or contingent ar.0 whether aris�ng by note.gueranty,overdrafit or o:nerwise.The Note,this pHea of Trust and any and all -
<br /> : other,dxuenb that secure the Note or otherwise executed in canrtection therewith,inc:uding with0ut limitation guarentees.secu�ity •� ` '
<br /> . . i apreemenfs and assl�nmenta of leases and rents,shall be relerred to.here�n as tho"t.oan Instruments". .
<br /> � � Ttustor cavenanq and agrees with Lender as foliows:
<br /> � 1. Paym.nt o1 Ma.br.an.sa.All lndebtedness secured hereby shall be paid when duo: � � -� � � --��-� � -�-
<br /> � • 2. Tilt�.Truato�is me owner of the P�operty,has fhe right and�uthonty to convey the PropBrty,and warrahts that the lien
<br /> creetetl hereby is a tirst and prlor lien on the Properry,,except for iiens and encumbrances sef(orth by trustor in writing and
<br /> daUvered to Lender beTore executlon ot this[?eQ9 nf trust,and the exeCUtion and defive�y of this Oeed ot Trust does not viaiate eny
<br /> • �°, contract or o�er oblipation to whicfi Trustar is aubject. �
<br /> � 3. Tiu�r;As�nb.7o pay betore delinquency al!taxes,specia�ossesSments anA.ali other charges against the P►operty
<br /> now or hereafter levted.
<br /> 4. (nsunnc�.To keep the Property in5ured against Bamage by fire,hazaras included wiih�n the term"extended coverage",and
<br /> suCb other hazard9 ae Ler+Qer m8y require,in amounts ard with cornpanios aCCeptab►e to Lendor,naming Lender a9 an 8dditionai
<br /> named Insured.witfi toss payabte to the Lender.In cASe o!loss under such policies,the Lender is authorized to adjust,co��vct and �
<br /> eompromisa,aU claims thereund8r and shall havo the option of appiying alt or part of fhe insurence procee�fs(q to any indebiedness
<br /> . � secured heroby and(n such order as Londer may dotermino,(ii)to tho T�ustor t0 be used tor fhe ropai►or restoration of the Property _ _ _ _
<br /> ' , or(iii)for ar�y athe►pu,Nuse�r�uj�i:4 yatisfactory ta i.enae►wiiiruai afifecting me tier►ot tnts oeed otTru9t fdr fh�tuT�mount sESCUred �
<br /> � hereby betore such payment ever tCOk pt�ce.Any application ot proceods to indebtedness sha11 not extend or po8tppno t��du� � '
<br /> datg of any payments under the Notia,or cure any detault thereundar vr hereunde�. � ' � �
<br /> ___ • ,. . _ -.-
<br /> _� 5: Ei6iow:Upon wriffen demand by Lender.?rustor shall pay ro Lendwr,in c����m�nner as L�.^.��r may d�sdgnats,sufticier� •j
<br /> Buma tt1 enab(e Lender to pay as they hecome d�e orte or more of tho toflowing:(i)a��taxes,asse5smenis and ather charg�s against � • t
<br /> the property,(ii)the premfums on the property in�urance reqylred hereundei,and(�i+)the premiums on any moRgago insurance
<br /> . reqWred by Lender. . ".
<br /> � 8. M�tnt�nanc�.9t�patrr�nd ComPUsrtc�with L�w�.Trustor shall keep the Praperty in good condition and repair:shaii ,
<br /> promptty repalr, or reptaCe eny fmpravement which may bo damaged or destrby�d: s„atl not commi!or permit sny wa9t0 or
<br /> detertoie8on arf the Rroperty;sfiatl not remove,demolish or substantiaity eit�r any ot the lr�provements on the Properry:shall hot
<br /> commit,suNer or permit any act to bedone in or upon the Propi#rty In vlotalinn ot any law,ordinance,or regutation;and shall pay and t�
<br /> ' prdmpt(y disCharge at TiqStdt'3 COSt ettd expertse 81!liens,enCUmbranCes and Ch��c�eg tgy�g$,��pp�d a�as,�ggpd�gaiaSt!he _
<br /> ' �roperty or any pad thereot •
<br /> 7. Emin�n!Damaln.lender is hereby esstgned all compensatioa,awards,damages encf ather payments or re)iei�here+nafte� � -
<br /> : "i�roceeds'�in connection wlth ccndemnatian or other taking of the Property or part therepl.or tor canveyance 1�lieu oicondemna- °
<br /> tion.Le�der shall ti9 entitted at itS option to commonce,appgar in end prosecutQ in ds oo�n namo any acUOn or proceedings,and
<br /> sh811 also b�e�titled to m8ke any comptomise or setUement in connecSion�vith such taking nr d�rs��ge.In the event any�fort�on ot '
<br />, N6C$0571Nonap�KUhuret600�ffw fbi80 '
<br /> m t088Na�ans;BNR WCammorro7rusteetdS�vtnyie►SCat•��an.tiranu..ketaas,Ye i[._:
<br /> J
<br /> , _r__
<br /> . - .
<br />