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<br /> �.. : . , " � . , PAaI'IAL DEEa OF REC�NVEYAHCE gQ— -�U e4�S� ` ' . . ,
<br /> �' : � KK4W R�.L�N�N BY THESE PR�SENTS s, ` . �� ' . .. �
<br /> � � That.the undersfgned. York`State Bank artd Trust� Company, as Trustee under the � ' .
<br /> '':.�� _ . t�. .: .�`ked Q�.Tru�L.dated - __Jo� 30 ` 19 8�..; gxecut$d Qy. :C. C. � B. C8. - .� _ . _ , �
<br /> . � � whase a dress s ox � �. �
<br /> � � ' c r as ruster�s� tt �eh ch or State Bank and rust �rapany -, � < .
<br /> � � . L neo n v�nue. or , Mebraska �s named as beneficiary. and the.und�rsigned as, ". .
<br /> _.�..� �ru�#rt. and recardec� du;y � . I9��. �t�►/.i�yq�C DOCt1MENT:�- 89-1034t)9 - •
<br /> �:i of. Flortgages, fr► the o te o ttte Co�nty,Cierk: Hall : County, Mebrask�i,��as• • � .
<br /> " recefve� frpae the beneficia�y thereundtr.�a written, request t� par�iali�r- reconvey , ' �
<br /> ; , ; __ -{�e-�bt�ar+Ffing-�efr�rib�����ri��.�ii#��thst a��srtion �f`tf��3ums secured�.�y,: � ,_ � . -
<br /> , such �eed� of Trust have been paid and .th�t such.D�ed Qf. �rus�t and the Hote secure� � •
<br /> . � � thereby have been amended to reftect the Partial Deed of Reconveyance herein. , '.
<br /> � } NOW; THEREFORE, in accordance with such request aed the provisions of such
<br /> � " �Deed af Trust, the under-sfgned, as Trustee does hereby reconv�e}►: witAout warranty, � • � �
<br /> ` i " to the person ar persons legal.ly entit'ted ti�ereto, a11 ttie estate and t�terest .
<br /> '� � � derived to the undersi neQ under the Deed of Trust in the followin described � �
<br /> _�__.`,--- --= =-- 9 � - � - -
<br /> �. . - - � -- � = - --- . . _ �<: .:.__..._:.
<br /> � re��i estate� to-a�it: �Cots�Twen�y-six (26� and Twenty-seven (Z7j �Wildwood Su�division .
<br /> � � ' .: to Hatl County, t�ebraska, a parC of the Northeast Quarter (HE 1/4) of Sectf�n� Twelve �12) �
<br /> . � � Township Ten (10) North, Range.7en {10) West of the 6th P..M., in Halt Caunt�, Nebraska, �� "
<br /> .� �' AND a �ract of larid comprising a part di the MQrtheast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter � . .
<br /> � r� (��� l�a �� il�� of Section Twelve (12), Townsf�ip Ten (10) North, Range Ten �10) t,test of
<br /> . .-- - _ - the�6th P.M., �Nall County Nebraska, and more particularly descrtbed as follows: � .
<br /> � � Beginning�at the SE corner of tot 27, Wi�dwood Subd9vision, Ha11 Cour�ty, NE and also
<br /> being a. point an the 5outh line o� said NE 1/4 of NE 1/4; thence �n�rtherly alang and .
<br /> � �" � � upon the East lin� of said Lot 27, �a distance of 400 feet to the NE corrter of said ' � �
<br /> Lot 27; thence Easterly.along and upon the South line of Courgar Orive, a distance of � .
<br /> � ; 4Q €eet; th�nce S�utherly, parallel with the East lin� of said l.ot 21 and aiso being � ;
<br /> ! par�atlel w�tf� �he wester�ly r ight-of-way 1��►e of Hignways 281 8 34, a distance of �4�0 ; _
<br /> : � feet to a point on the South tine of said NE 1/4 Nf 1l4; thence �esterly along and upon - �,�
<br /> i the South line of said NE 1/4 NE 1/4, a distaace of 40 feet to the point of beginning. � � ' �-
<br /> , y'.- -
<br /> .�
<br /> . i
<br /> .. This Partial Deed of Reconveyance is given on the express terms and conditions
<br /> � t that it sha11 in no wfse affect the lien of the atiove men�ioned OEEO�OF TRUST an the � ,
<br /> ,. ` r.emaining land described in said QEED OF TRUST, but shall only be construed as a �
<br /> reconveyance of the land above descrlbed and as a release from the lien of satd �
<br /> � OEEd OF 7RUST af the land above described. .
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, York State Bank and Trust Company has caused this Partial
<br /> � Qeed uf Reconveyance to be executed by its President and has
<br /> � � caused its cvrporate seal to be hereunto a xe on uaust „_ . 1990 . � � �
<br /> t � .
<br /> �� ; . . . ,,.+•''B�N��i„'',. _ '
<br /> .•` tE' rq�+•
<br /> ����,..,.....,,��� ,,
<br /> � ;•����.••�ptiPOq�•.��,o•.: YORK STATE�BANK AND 3RUST COMPANY ��
<br /> r�� ~ ���:q% � �.�`
<br /> � ' s ''' BY , � �, . .
<br /> • �_ . .�e; .
<br /> *• � ;-c ,.
<br /> ; :� .• E rl Schrad�r
<br /> , � . � .
<br /> � � �,,�'�i���1������i�����'*,'�� ..,. .._,._,.__. _. . . _ .
<br /> ... ._ .. . .. . ._ ....__...,.,. --
<br /> . - . STRTF 0� NEBRASKA ) �''�•':�,�;�;w����a�`��
<br /> j ss.
<br /> `County of York �
<br /> � . The foreqoing Pa�tial �Deed of Reranveyance�was ackn�wledged before me �
<br /> �. � �� this 51 th _ day of auqust � 19 90, by Earl Schrader �
<br /> � . President o York State Bank and Twust.Company, a
<br /> - N�bras a corparat on. on behalf of the corporation. � ,
<br /> . . . �
<br /> li��#r�� • .
<br /> �� f +�l�!� . .
<br /> :..._. . - - + _ . . ` - - - . . � . . _
<br /> � ; - .�� f � - ��.�`��,•�• -�f
<br /> w r�otary Public .
<br /> � � 64y comnission expires the 2Ath . day of __Fe6ruary _ , Ig32 , �
<br /> � . . -
<br /> . . �
<br /> . ;
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