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<br /> . �� '�If�.ender required mortgsge iasurance s�t.a candirion of making the taan secured by this Security.Insirantart, , � . '
<br /> , . �an�ver s6a11 psy thrµremi�ms rex�Ired to mai#ttain the insurance in eQ2ct until such tum�e as the rdquirsmment fcar the -
<br /> - :.
<br /> `- � `.�. `itisurance terrninstes in accordapce witt�BonoWer's u�d Lender'a arcitten agTeement�r applic�ble t�w. ' - .
<br /> � ` � � � � s. I�No�. �'.ender oF its s�eat may nake r�ona61�entdes apon andinspections of the Prcperty. Lender ' � . _
<br /> _ t - . . ` sb�11 giva Horrower notioe at tf�e"time ofarprior Co�n inspection specifying reasona6le canse for tfle inspection.
<br /> , 4 " . 9 C�ia�oe• Thc procoeds of say'a�vud or clsim for damsges,direct or consequmtial,in connection with � �
<br /> � � .; ' � aay svndemn�fion a otl�ter taicina,of uiy p�t af the PrapeRy,os far canveyazsce in lieu of condemnation,aze herebp ``�
<br /> . . �.� - `i�igaed aad shaU be ptid ta I.ender. � � . :. , .
<br /> ---,;�_-__,.�:,_-_- . -Ja sheevsnt c+�'a t�t�t t�sg of tFs:Prsg..�sty.ihe g;oce�sha1�to�appiied'to the sums`sa.vred this Secnrify-- . .. � - --
<br /> E� � . lnstr�rrlent,whcther or not then du�with any excess p�id to Borrower.Tn the event of a � •
<br /> partiat taicing of the Property.
<br /> ' i . � '. unk�,s Barro�ver and Lander ot�tur�ise�tgree in writing,the sums socuted by tl�is Security Instrnmrnt sl�all!x reduced by � '
<br /> # tlx amount of the ptoceeds mWtiplied,by the foUowing fraction:(a)the totai'autount of the sums secured immediately
<br /> r � 6dore tbe t�a�,dividcd by(b)the fair market vatue uf tlie Property immediatety 6efore the taicing.Any balance shall ix
<br /> �� ' . paidtoHorrn�ver. , . • . , . . � �
<br /> „ If tbe property ps gbandontd by Bartawer,or if,after naticr 6y I,enciqr to�Boaawec that the cidndemnar offers to . .
<br /> _. � { 'malce�aMUd or settk a claim for damages,&srrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days aftei the date the notice is , � ._ .
<br /> ---..- -- -- -=-�ivea��essdes i�sc�st�orized ta wllect and appTy the pracetd.s,si its aption,either to testoraiion br,repair oithe Property or •
<br /> � � ta ths sums sexured 6y this Serurity Instrument,whether or not thm due. � - �
<br /> . �� fiTnlas Lender and Borrorver otherwise aga in writing,any application of proceeds to principal sball not extsnd or
<br /> ' postpone the due c�atq M the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 os change the amoant nf sucb payments. � �
<br /> � ' 19. Horrower Not Rek�qed; Forbqua�ce,8y Lznder Not a Wsisu. Extensinn af the time for payment-or �
<br /> modifieation of aQeortizatiort os the sums secured by tbis Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in
<br /> • inierest of Borro�rer shall not operate to release thc liability of the original Borrower or�orrower's successors in interes� �
<br /> � I.ender shaU_not be required to commence prviceodings against any successor in interest or r�fuse to eatend time for
<br /> � p�yment orotherwise modify amort'uation of tttesvms secured by this Security Inst�ument by reason oFany demand made
<br /> : � - by the origirtsl8orrower ur Bor�owePs successo�in inttrest.Any farbearance by Lender in eaercising any right or remedy � :
<br /> shsli not be a waiver ofor proclude t2�eexsreise of any right or remedy. �
<br /> 1 �1. �o�s�d A�(�s B�ad;Jojdt aed 5e�en!Liability;Cast�ers. The covenants artd agreemrnta af _;..,:
<br /> . , this Secu.riiy Ynstrument shall bind and ixneflt the suceessars and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subj�ct io the provisions ' �
<br /> �, of para�raph�7:$orrowcr's covenants and agretments shall 6e jaint and several.Aey 8onower who co-signs this Security , �:-,.
<br /> lnsirument but does not eaecute the Note:(a)is co-signing this Seruriry Instrument only to martgage,grant and canve y f� .�
<br /> .l t h a t B o r r o w e r's i n t e r e s t i n t h e P ro p e t t y u n d e r t he terms o f t his S e curity lnstrument;(b)is not personally obligaee�to pay �.���
<br /> f the sums securod by this S�curity Instrumrnt;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Horrower may agr�ee to eattnd,
<br /> � modify.forbear ar make any�accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without • �
<br /> k that`�orrower'sconsent. -
<br /> , 12• Lo�e Gh�r�es. If the toar�sccured by this Security Instntment is subject to a law which sets maaimum loan - -
<br /> charges� and that taw is linally interpreted so that the enterest or other loan ct�arges collected or to be coiketed in
<br /> cortnection with the toan exceod the permittcd limiu,thens (a)�any such toan charge shall be reduced by the amolint •�
<br /> nece.csary to reduce tha charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already eojltcted from 8orrawer which exceeded
<br /> permittod limits witl be refanded to Borrower. Lender may chnc�se to make this refund by reducing the principai owed
<br /> . under the Note orby making a direet payment to Barrower. If a refund reduces principal,the reduction will be treated as a
<br /> ! partial pr�pay ment without any prepayraent charge under the hote. .
<br /> I13. I�idat(on ARerting Lender'g Rtgbts. If enactment or eapiration of applicable laws i�as the effect af �
<br /> rendering any provision of the Note or this Security Instrument unenfurreable according to its terms,l.ender;at its option,
<br /> � � may raryiro immediate paymeM in full of all susns suured by this Security Instrumenl and may invoke any remedies
<br /> � permitted by pntagraph 19.If I.ender exercises t�is option,Lender ahaU take the steps specified in the second paragraph of
<br /> ,�aragraph 17.
<br /> ; 1�. Votkes. Any notice to&srrower provided for in this Security Insirument shall Ge givcn by delivering it or by . ���:
<br /> ' mailing it by Brst class mai! unless applicable law requires �se of another melhad. 7'he notice shall be directed to the
<br /> � ' Property Address or any other address Borrowet designates by nolicc ta l,cnder.Any noticc tu Lender sha1)be given by �
<br /> � Arst class m�il to Lender's address stated herein or any c�ther address I.errder designates by notice to Borrower.Any notice
<br /> � provided for in this Security lnstrument shall be deemed tn have been given tn Dnrrower ar l,cnder when given as provided
<br /> ( in this paragraph. '
<br /> - ! 15. Governipg I,�w;5erer�biltty. This Security Instrument shall bc gaverneQ i�y federa!i7w and!hc taw af the
<br /> f11i15(IICIIUZt iQl N�hich the Property is lacated.In the event tMat any prnv;sion�or clausc of'this Secunty lnstrument ar the
<br /> ' Note conifitits with ap�Iicable law,such conflict strall nat affeet nther proassions of this Seeurily Instrum:nt nr the Nate
<br />. i which can be given effect withaut the eonflicting�rovision.7'o this end the provisians of this Security tn�trument and the
<br /> � Notearedeclaredtobeseverable.
<br /> . i 16. $orrower's Copy, Batrawer shal!be given one 6onforme�l capy c►f the hote and of thi!.Seiutity Instr�ment. �
<br /> 17. 'fratbfes ot the Prop�rty or� Aeneflcial lnterest in Borrawer. If all nr any part oi'the Property��r any
<br /> ' � interest ln it is sold ar transferred(ot if a f�eneficial intcrest in�3orrower is sc�!d c�r transferred a�cd�r,:ruwcr is nc,t a natura! �
<br /> - , person)without I,ender`s prinr written cansctft;Lcnder may.at its apt��r.,rcyuire immed�ate pa}�meut iri fuli c�f�,ll sums
<br /> � si:cured by this 5ecurity instrument. HoweveG fhis uption shall nai tse eaercised by I,cnder if caerrise is profi�:hited by
<br /> federallaw asofthe date of this Security lnstrument: ----
<br /> • ; . lf Lender�Ypr��cgg this njfti�s:,I,ensi�r al:ait�i.e i�c,r�.�w��nuiice aiacceierarivn.7he nut�ce chall prnvsde a pericxi �
<br /> . of not fess than 3d days fiom the datc the nottce is delivered ur maiied withi»which 8orruwe�mutit pay ap cums lecure.cf by '
<br /> lhis 5ecurity lnstrument.IP Borrower faits to pay thcsc sums priar to the expiratior�uf thi�peric�d,I,endet m�y inve�ke atiy
<br /> ,-__. - . . ' re�rte�i�.�su�i.teel�tl4�iu�urisa:ln�trurr�-�tr:�t�►t€�t�:cstsvtr:rvTCirnr�nc�rm�rr�a;,r. .. _ . __ . _.
<br /> 18.8orto�ver's Right to Retnststte. If'�orrnwer meetc certain c�r�ditic�n5, Hnrrc�wer sha4 h�vt thr right t�have �
<br /> enfntcement af this Serurity Inslrument disc8ntinucd at any iime priar!o Ihe e<ulier F,G(ay 5 days(nr surh othes peri��d a�; '�
<br /> . � applicable law may speeify for reinstatemcnt)befare sale of thr Prc�petty pursuant tcr any pE7wcr of ti�lr ccinta�ned�n thi4 `
<br /> Security Iostrument:c�t(h)entry of a judsnient enii�rcing this Sec�nty In�trurr�em. '1 hnu ci�nditr�mti are ihat Fi��rrowcr:
<br /> (�) pays l.cndet all sunis which then would he due t�ftder this Secur�t_r• In�trunrenl ;ine1 thc ;Vote hud nn�:cceler:�ttun � r� •
<br /> occurred; (b)�ures any def�tuQ of any ather caven:u�ts ur abrcemcnt�: (c)f�ays�ll ��xpentie� �ncurred �n enfnrc�n� this �
<br /> Secunty 1n�trument. tnrluding.hvt a�t limited [��. [easc�nabIc altorneys' fteti; itl4�IEtI{:/F.l'ti Ll2CIi d(tlf)tt a; I:rnder n�a,Y ' .,�
<br />. �casonabty reyuirc tc,tt�,�ure that the lien<fFthi�:S�ecurisy fnstrumer�t. Lcn�fcr's n�f,f� rn rhe isrr+�;�fty �h� Ei��rrawea's �.
<br /> obiigaflun to �ay'tiie sun�s secared t�y this 5ccurity irtistrument �haU �ontinue cuicl�angcd t'r��r� rriit�teteinr��t by�
<br /> �vtta�aer.this 5ecunl}in�trument and thr c�bltgtititrns setu�e�!heret�y tifr.dl rcm;un fiiliy etie.�utr;��►f u��;,ccrlc r.�finn h.id
<br /> �nccurred.ldc�a•evrr,�this n�ht to rein�tatr shvU ni�f apriy�m ttre ta�c uf s.ccIeiiitu�n tinetc�r E�<,r::�;raE•h1 t 3�•r i'1 � �
<br /> �
<br /> E
<br /> ' .
<br />