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in the interests of my estate and of those interested in my estate. A successor agent shall <br />nti`t be liable fbt acts of a prior agent. <br />9. Nomination of Conservator or Guardian of Estate <br />If, in a court proceeding, it is ever resolved that I need a conservator, guardian or other <br />person to supervise any estate, I nominate my agent to serve in that capacity, If my agent <br />cannot serve, I nominate the successor agent named in Part 1, above, to serve. <br />10. Reliance on This Power of Attorney <br />Any third party who receives a copy of this document may rely on and act under it. <br />Revocation of the power of attorney is not effective as to a third party until the third party <br />has actual knowledge of the revocation. I agree to indemnify the third party for any <br />claims that arise against - the third party because of reliance on this power of attorney. <br />11. Severability <br />If any provision of this document is ruled unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall <br />stay in effect. <br />12. Definition of Powers Granted to Agent <br />The powers granted in Part 4, above, authorize wiy agent to do the following: <br />(1) Real estate transactions <br />My agent may act for me in any manner to deal with all or any part of any interest in <br />real property that 1 own at the time of execution of this document or later acquire <br />under such terms, conditions and covenants as my agent deems proper. My agent's <br />powers include but are not limited to the power to: <br />(a) Accept as a gift, or as security for a loan, reject, demand, buy, lease, receive or <br />tithe se acquire ownership or poSSessimti of any ester of fntete §t M real <br />property. <br />(b) Sell, exchange, eonvey with or without covenants, quitclaim, release, surrender, <br />mortgage, encumber, partition or consent to the partitioning of, grant options <br />concerning, lease, sublet or otherwise dispose of any interest in real property. <br />However, my agent shall have no authority to sell, convey, exchange, transfer or <br />partition the real property, or any rights or security interest therein, of my <br />principal place of residence, located at 320 North Boggs Ave., Grand Island, <br />Nebraska 68803. <br />(c) Maintain, repair, improve, insure, rent, lease, and pay or contest taxes or <br />Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Management — Page 4 of 9 <br />201707725 <br />