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<br /> , � �xo�r Aiar. �Sx 8Y �cA� PR$��TS: � �..-:� f O4'771 ' �
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<br /> •� . THAT WHEREA9,aU vf t�e indebte�ineas secu:ed by th�Trust Deed ezecuted by.R��_I.YI��t�x�.�us�.______.. , .
<br /> .:.....:....#`r.�_��G:�4z.�Ra:i�tu�band..#�l�.�€................ ........ � ..........:._ ` . `...............:....._._....._......_.............:...: _ ._ : ,
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<br /> � `, �to ..._.,�.o����..�':._.1�.�___..__.___._..�... ............ .......................:... .._..:............_.._�... as Trastee for t6e t�ne5t of � �. ,
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<br /> ' � , :..:,.:....�l�.:l!�A�1Gi�...�►tr.�i�-�as�..&oa��l�sss���,Qm..tt�..�a�Q�a..................,the Ben�ia�y name+� th�e�in, . .
<br /> _ - . � -���lc�..��....��3�?..-.....�..:......�recorded 'ai tt�e o�a of tbe�te�u' ter-oi�s of.........Hall.-. .................... . . .
<br /> �� ` C.o�th►.Na6erita,ut Hoo1e---aac�.:....:_./as�t 1�tnmber87�.02�5�1../'o�t ll+�crafilm RoII Nu�aber..._�._........, .
<br /> ' Pa�r....:.�c....._..,h�s 6e�n pyd,atid wid B�fieiary haa requeated ia�v�itin� that thia Deed of R�eooaveyancx be '
<br /> �cut�d.and.deliv�ee�et�as c�6nned bp ita tndurremeat bebwr; - , .
<br /> _ . . . _ N01A1''T�I$REFORE,in cot�ide�rat3�t.oi�p�yment smd ia�ntx�vith the�seqvest of tl�e B�r m�med
<br /> • � . � � th�w�ein,�tbs �denipierl �s Tr�tee daes bY tb�se �senta, Brant, nmiee, retease eu�d recom�+ey tu tl� peraoa or � .
<br />_ . , � , p.e.oe.s�rtitled tl,�eto all th�.�nterr�t and �etate de�ived to aaid T�asr�e by or throu�l, s�ia �uet Deed in the
<br /> � ' ' foUuwi�d�rcribed P=em�sea 1x�only ae to such premiaea: .
<br /> �.ot 4, •Black 8,. iteat Park lld�itioa to �raud Island, Sa22 Couatg, Nebraslra f . ' . .
<br /> t ' -
<br /> j ' � ' . � . �
<br /> ! � , '
<br /> t �
<br /> : DATED: ...._.._4�s�Y...�4�.._�:99Q...................... TRUSTEE: .. . --- ..._..... .. ..-- -.. . . .. . . . . ..._.................................. �
<br /> � BTATE OF NEBRA9KA �
<br /> ,
<br /> as. __
<br /> �� COUI+fTY OF ...��I�1�S?'�R.......... ...:.... � �:-.
<br /> , � : .
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<br /> , -:�:.
<br /> . On thia ....�3.4.�f�... day o! ............�Y.................� 19..�0.� betore the undersigned, a Notuy Public �duly cammia�ioned � -.-
<br /> ' � � and qu�li6ed for aald Count��pereonally rame Jase h H Baeam� �
<br /> � ...................P............ ...................................._................... ...................... , ..
<br /> , �s 7'nutee. to a�e kno�vn to b� the identicel person whose nsme ie �ubRCribed to the toregding inatcument and _-
<br /> • acknowledYed.the exe�utian tfiereoi to De hi�voluntary act end dced a�sucb Truetee. f
<br /> �..�...
<br /> , �N Mr�AM Mr�
<br /> IlDI1H A.KLINKMAH• .f�
<br /> • Iq CNr�Exp.ll�a 1.199Q ( n �. � . • �, .
<br /> � _.............Aprfl..� ......, 19.. 92 ....i��si�[�1�.�.... . .._. . - y�Notary Publi�
<br /> � This ia ta� artify that the a6ove named T'rustea hae bee�i requested in wtitiog to �ecute lfie�tore�oieR peed af
<br /> ; Reconvtyance and his�ction in dain�go ia ntiSed and cunfim�ed in all reapecte. " ,
<br /> . . By: . . .�.�. .�.�, r;� e
<br /> �� . , .. ..... ..._ ,
<br /> . , ��
<br /> � S'1'ATE O�NEBRABKA .
<br /> � � �se. dn this _. ..24th.. day af ..MSY. .. ... ........, 19.9�..., before
<br /> �� � COUNTY OF .....L�►xe�,sT.�t . . ) me. thv undersigrted, a Notary Fub�ic in end far aaid
<br /> County perfonaUy carat• _..... .L. F. Rnschewakf . ,. � o! �ir»t Feder�! Savinga
<br /> ' and Lo�» Aerociation of Lincoln.�to me pergonell�r known to be the .�. .. .. .�.. .presi8ent . . .:....... . .. and identical •
<br /> � paran ivhoee name Ix�flixed to the ab�a►ve foregu�ng in�_,trument end erkn�wledRed the execution thereot tu be hia
<br /> . r+�lun�ry act�nd deed aa Kuch a�cer, end the votuntaty ect and de�ed ut the eaid FirNt Federal Savinge and Loan
<br /> Aesociahon of Linwlt�. . , ,- � . . /!
<br /> biy��mmia�ion e:pites ........._.....A�'r.i�. 1.. . .... .� 19..`�?.. ` ..�!�...�!L.�i.(!+t��
<br /> � . . T: .., Nutary Ynblic
<br /> ��� ,�`,���,_.,� ; l�egialer uj U�4�de lndex WhPn �eea►ded tv be retutned tn:
<br /> � iMPOR?ANT NOTIC� � � � .
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