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<br /> --•�.,-� � ' � Sl�►NITIURY SBi� LICENSB AE3RE�lEIdT-' 9Q--' � 104770 . � . -
<br /> :`1' : : � , � . : � . -
<br /> `� � �H.TS !►aitEBMENT entered into between the citp of E3rand Yslard,
<br /> � s� - Nebraska, hereinafter called the y'City", �snd� ROBERT N. i�tLEY AND . � , `
<br /> � � '; � p�YI,LZS J.. MJ►11LBY, �husband auid wife, of� Grand Ssland, Nebraska, ' �
<br /> � � � hareinafter zeferred to, as the "Licensees'!. , : _ � ; ',
<br /> - __-. - - - - - - , �_ �. � WI'Pi�SS�: . . . . � _ . _. . _ <
<br /> . , ' � W�ERE�iS, the Licenseee rlesire to eennect the . property 'f �� ��
<br /> dasc�tibed as: Al2 of Lat Tbisteeu (13) in Blocl� E,�Fatlicview Additioa, �a the
<br /> �. .� � . 1�lortheas� Quszter�(I�IE�) of Saction �ttty-nine (29) and the NoxtMtast Qu�irter
<br /> � (Nii�} of Sect3an Ztreaty-eigbt. (28), ToWnship Blevea (11} Nortlis Ranga Nine (9)
<br /> • - ' .' � +iT�st of the 6th P.H., Ea11 Couuty, N�sbras�a, szcapt t�a East 16.8, Feet thereof � '
<br /> •���, �( snd azcapti»g tlie iiesteriy 90 Feet of t.he Northsrly 180 Feet of aaid Lot TI�iYtea�n � . ' (
<br /> 9 �13) previously conveqed to the Grantees by Warraaty Deed recorded aa docvsent
<br /> � i � #81-00537ivf tbe Deed Recorda of Hali County, NebraslRa. ,
<br /> . �. . ;: � . . .
<br /> � W'�EAS, tbis Council wi11 permit private�sanitary sewer lines ,
<br /> � ; �to connect directly to Interceptor Lines, subject to certain; ,
<br /> � .. � , � conditians beinq met by the Li.censees; .
<br /> i NCyW, • THEREEORE, fn consideration of the covenants and �
<br /> _ � agreements hereinafter contained, the parties agree as follows:
<br /> ; 1. The Ctty herehy grants to the Licensees a license to ;._
<br /> ' coslneat the property at 2515 Pioneer HoulevaYd to Zateraegtor f
<br /> ` Sanitary Sewer Line D-1 which is located in the City's utility �, �` �
<br /> easement along the soutb side of Black E, Parkview Subdivis�on, ; .,,_.
<br /> + such aonn�ectioa to be inspected and approved by the City's �Fr,
<br /> ' : � Departmeat of Public Works. , � � °
<br /> f�_
<br /> � 2. The sanitary sewex service line constructed and
<br /> � matntaine� by the Licenseee sha11 be and rem�in the property of the . �
<br /> . E Licensees and in ao event shall the City be required ta maintain
<br /> ,
<br /> ' said line.
<br /> E 3. The Licensees shall obtain permission to insta7.l �aid
<br /> , ; sanitary sewer line from the owners of a11 tracts aerose which sgid�
<br /> � � line will run prior to beqinninq installation.
<br /> �',
<br /> 4. if the construction or maintenance of the Licenseeg' �=,� �
<br /> private� sanita�y sewer service line and conisection to the City's _...
<br /> Interceptor line requires the excavation of dirt, removal of ; -
<br /> � hardsurfacinq, or any other disruption of the surface of the City's ;.'+�`.
<br /> utility easement, the Licensees shall restore the aurface of the ..
<br /> � area to the same condition as it existed im�ne8iately prior to the �
<br /> � Licenseea• work in the area. The Licensees shail obtain all �
<br /> � � � neces�ary permits and comply- with .the .City . r�quiremeats. ..for .__..._. __.._. __ .
<br /> � � excavations and surfasing when doing any such work in said
<br /> � easeinent. �
<br />� a. it is understood by the Licensees that the conaection fee •
<br /> is =3'.50 per £ront foot x 306.8 feet, or t3T3.60, payable to the
<br /> ' City upon connection. �t is further understood by the L3censees
<br /> � that all. plumber's fees and sewe� t�p fees are their own expense.
<br /> . . ,. .. � � �
<br /> - . . . . _ . _ .
<br /> . • �
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