- _ �..�_. .. ` . � �_. . -. . .- —• ' -. ._ _ ._ .c"_ . [-" i _ ` ` _. ' ' . ._ . _ • _ i_ — ._.._— �_...__ ("_' — _"_"_'_— _ —_z . _.._ __
<br /> . . . t . . . � • r . . � . - _— � ' �
<br /> ��... . � � . . � . c `�
<br /> . ' .�. •' c � . , . " . . , i . ' " � - _ ___ . . . - ( � " . , . . .—�:V.:.:.._ .. .
<br /> . f� , . . , , s . �-
<br /> ` � 'a I���'� . � � � �. � �. � , .. .
<br /> , ��°�D � . � ` � �Q4��B �. � . . .
<br /> � . .�� . . . t �90- . . , .
<br /> . � - - . - . _ � : . - � �IFICATIC� !!PID E�l'II�'SI(�1 � � � , � ,
<br /> - - - � . . �AL. F. �9tIIStrT s�ad:.l(dR�At��1E 1Rl3�t„ �Fusband.and Wife, whether one or mt>r+e, . ' f _ _ _, `-..
<br /> �-�� '�� � , �t�rein r,alled the IlDrtg�pr:.;.�nrid � d�ID NATI€NAI, BANK�aF GRAI�D ISLf1rII3, Grand - �`' � ,
<br /> � Island, 8�11 OotmtY. Aeb�,� I�erEin cal2ed the lk�rtgagees here6q agree .as' follc�s: � - f �
<br /> - s � � � . .
<br /> . � . . , ,
<br /> � _ . ' y 1. Yartga�� has �xxecuted and delive�ed to YorCgagee�a real esta�e � `-� . -
<br /> - _- . - rr�rt�a�w ,s�ted ���1�,�.���1-x�e�x��ad•�;�`t�gt� ?��: 3._.�-��: � D�aca�nt—_ �.: °:� � :- - - —�
<br /> �. ', . Na: 83-004344 3n.the o�fice of the �is�er of D�eds, � Countp, Ne�r�,,'iri . . . ' _ � � -
<br /> : the nm�e aY HAL F.`1III..9fN aac�#tASIAL��tIL9LK, Hasband �d Wffe, .i.n c�ob.sirieration � -
<br /> . af a certain martgage nate fcar �3D,O�t3.OQ, a vaiid sub�istin�.a1a�i.gation of tl�� �. - -
<br /> -� . � . �O�'tB�r. a�d P�3imes�t oY the �nder of t��priacipal aad ancru�d interest . �
<br /> . � therec�n sha].]. be d�te acCOrd3.rs8 ta the terns oY the aforenentfoned real estate mart— � , � •- �
<br /> _ . � � ` ".g,�.moiti.fied a�od �.Yab3e in tlse fo3.a¢�3.ng tranner: - , . � .
<br /> _- , �. � � ., , ... � A martg�ge note dated Augeist`15, 19�83, o�p whicf► a. pr�ncipal. balance . . � - .
<br /> � � , ; � � � of ;13,385.17�r+ena.ins�uapaid will.be repaid with tmntbly� pa.ytt�ts of �
<br /> ' ,4 � " � . 5340.00, applied first to interest and balanoe to pr�ncipa.I, begirming
<br /> _ ;. � 3epta�a� lb, 1990, and continuing on the 15t34. of each moa�th, u»til _
<br /> • - �August 15, 1894� at which time the entire unpaid pr�ucipal balance . � � �
<br /> . . � � and aCCnxed interest 3s tbze aztd pa.yable in full. RUe interest rate �
<br /> s is i1:Ox e�feetive August 15, 1990.
<br /> . + , • �
<br /> � ` 2. All other temis and conditions oontained in the original re�.l estate � " ,
<br /> � � m�rtgage da.�ed Augu,.st 15, 1963, shall renain the same, and this I�odi.Yication
<br /> , Aga�eanent is made a part of the orfginal real estate mortgage by reference and � . �
<br /> . sba11 inw�e to a11 successors and assf�s and their heirs. ' �
<br /> � ; � . Da.ted this 15th da.y of August. 1990. � '
<br /> , ,�
<br /> � ,. 1 F. Wilson . �,,-�-
<br /> �
<br /> � ��•���:x�.�r,J r.�J.�i� , .'
<br /> ' `S �O. Marianne Wf l�cin � � �
<br /> t �� r �v� , 'I3� OVF�ZI�AI�ID NATI�NAL HANK OF C�AND I$[AND "�
<br /> � � �lQ.of�ecds 7
<br /> � ���� �
<br /> ' , Byi . C� � �'�r �'•:- ! C�
<br /> . � H�y G. 'Bl�ecutive Vf ce Presiclent .
<br /> f .
<br /> � 3TAT� OF NID�RASKA)
<br /> ; ) ss: � �r.,,_
<br /> ; CJ0�1!'� OF HAI�t. ) . ,
<br /> � � , x:.
<br /> . . Before rt�e, a notary public; quuliPieci far said caunty, p�rsonally c�me
<br /> � Ha1 F. Wilsan and �aria�ne Wilsan, HtLSbancD and Wife, kno�um to me to be the iden�ical
<br /> persons who si(�ned the for�roinR in.stxvn�nt�and acknowlecl�ed th� execution therenf� �-�� -�� �
<br /> to be his and her wluntary act a.nd deed. �
<br /> W�tness my hund and notarfal seal on Augu�t - S, 1990.
<br /> �� �MM�I�t� � - � ,... ( � .�/ �°'�
<br /> OCK � -�-_- f �,�/ �C_.
<br /> ' " �e��irr�►n� ro�1�5.C �•-�� �.�
<br /> � STA'�£ OF, � . .
<br /> � ) �s:
<br />. aDUN,['Y OF HAI.L ) � � '
<br /> Before �ne, a notary public qualified f'or said �punty, per�nally c�ur�: ` ' --
<br /> _ - -_-: � P.��t"r. ID�E3eb, ki�o�it �t't3� tf� � t�t� fc��t�E�i;�� ��i� �viiv SiF.,�� ti� far�goin�
<br /> irnstrunent and acknawle�ed th� ex�utivn thereot'. to i�e his voluntury �.ct �.nd deed �
<br /> , ' �nd the valuntury sict :;nd dc�d �.s .in officer of' s�fid c:ol�r�ation. ,
<br /> • , �
<br /> � . Witness my hand ��nd not�ez•ful se�l . Au�u.st 15, 1 . . �
<br /> `�" !� . ���M�� � . .
<br /> vtary P[�blie �,
<br /> - 4�'4►�K�pq � � �i�
<br /> , ' . - . . •�.
<br /> , _ . .. . r . _ .
<br /> 3 ` -
<br /> I . �
<br />