� . , �� ' . , : • .
<br /> . ` . , . . ,
<br /> � '< < � : � � � ' ` ' . < '
<br /> , � .. . . , . , . _
<br /> . .. ,. ._ � .
<br /> , .
<br /> . � .
<br /> _�. � �. . . .. . : - ,-.._ _- . , � .---. ._-_- ---- ,_ .. ,� _E .. �
<br /> ' ' , ° ' UI�IPOItM O�vENe �NiS. , ��"_ �U�.(�e� _ . .<
<br /> H�rnnMe['fmdLcadercoxeoaatandagreeasfal2ows. ,
<br /> , `�• •< ' �. Pl�le�ot PrL�-r1i�Eeee�p�a�d Iate f�ar�es Boaowu Shali prompdy pay when due 4 � _ _ _
<br /> � � �P�p�����aitbed�bt cvideac�ed fry the Note and any pn�pay�u�ut and]ate chargts due under 3he Note. ' ' �
<br /> u
<br /> � .�.: " 2. Fiuis fas Tue��rt Tiaias�e� Subjat W applic�bte Isw or tq.a vvrittm waiver b}�.Ltnder,Borrowtr sb.all pa� ' �
<br /> - `' - - W?;eoder on tbe d�Y mci�tt6�y F�Y�ts are�e�tbe Yart�until t�u Note is paid.in fi�11.a sum(•`Funds'•')egual to . - -.
<br /> -'.r-� - �� �.�r�-�(=3 Y�Y�s aec� �L�''�vbich may�ttain psiority over this Sccurity Instrument; (b).Y�Y �- - -
<br /> � ? �P�Y��`�arouad rents oa the , if an (c)YearlY baza� imsurancx ptentiums;and (d).yearIy � .
<br /> >
<br /> ` { �, �E�d'��R��n?s,i�'any.'Fhest it�m�yc�lled"escrow itdns."Lcndu may esrimate the Funds due vn,the �
<br /> Mtis of cument ctat�i as�d rea�oeabk estia�ta of future escmw iteras.
<br /> _��; .� �'�e Funds s�ll be bdd in sn�itati�the depositsctr acc�nats of which are insared or gnarantoed by a federal ar -
<br /> • . = � � �� stafe a�.q('usclu8ing�I.eader if I�atder as a�ch are�t�ioiey.�Lender sball appIy the Fnnds to pay the escrow iteras. `, .
<br /> i ; � .
<br /> _. .��C_f �Y na�t_cl�ar�c fc�i_1�oldm�andspn►v�r'�.�.��s.�ng t3�r a�rauII:r�r�v�n t��es..rrr�itzrrs,nr►fes� -::: - -
<br /> ,—;- r -
<br /> �iys Horroiivtr interrat on tbe Fimds aad 8 .. ,
<br /> 's, applicable taw permits Lender ta malce such a chargG Borrower and "'. °
<br /> � I�eader�p a�e e a! wrritin�t t�a t i n i a e s t s�b e p a i d an t he Funds. Unkss an agtetinent is made ar Ycable law ' � - � .
<br /> , . _ �interat to be p�id,Lender sI�alI�eot be requirad to pay Borrower any interest nr eamings on the Funds.Lender . �,�.' .
<br /> , ; , .��+�nc to Botro�ver.wethout�arge,an annual xxonnting of We Funds showin$¢rredits and delsits w the Funds arid the � � �
<br /> ' • t . � purpa�.�'or�vhich ach deb�t to s�he Funds�v9s msd�7ye Fuads are pledgod as addi3ianal sxvrity for the s�sms secc�red by ,
<br /> ` thisS�curitY I�trnmdne. � � . � . < � .
<br /> . � � �f t6e amo�mi of ihc Funcls held by Lmder,together with tht fi�ture monthly paymea�s of Punds payable prior to �
<br /> __: � �the duedste.s d'ti3crscro�►3tems.shal�excxxd the amaant required ta PaY t�te escr�yr items when due,the excess shati bG . - :�i � . . . _-
<br /> . . �t Bormwrcr's option,either praaipt[y repud to Borrower�r credited to Borroa e��on monthly p�ymtnts of�e�nds.I�'the '
<br /> amonoc oPche Funds held'by I.edder is aot snf�cient to n
<br /> • . i � pay the escrow ittms when due,Borrawer shaU pay to Lender ar►y � � . .
<br /> � amount n�ece�ry to make up the de6ciency in one or�nare payments�s required by Lender.
<br /> ; � Upon paymrnt in full of a11 sums secvred by this Secnrity Instrument,Lender shait promptty refund to Borrower
<br /> ( my Fmods detd 6y Lender.If unda piaraagraph 19 the Property is,sold or acquired by Lectder,Lender shall apply,rto laur
<br /> , . i{ t1�an immodia�tely prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisi�ioa by Lender,any Fnnds held by I.ender at the timr of
<br /> application as a cradit against the sums secured by this Security Instrument. .
<br /> i "3. Applicaticq of Paysent�. Untess applicable law provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under . �
<br /> . � � � paragrapbs 1 and 2 sha116e applied:frast,to tate charges due.under thc Note;second,to prepayment charges due under the
<br /> I Note;third.ta amounts payablt under paragraph 2;fourth,to interest due;and last,to principal due. � �
<br /> � . � l�srge�Liee#. Borrower shatl pay all taxes,assessments,charges.fines and impasitions attributable to the
<br /> . Property which may attain priority over this Security Instrument, and leasehotd payments or ground rents, if aay.
<br /> = Borrower shali pay these obGgations�i:the manner rovided in ara ra h 2 or Jnot aid in that manner, � �
<br /> pay them on tirne directly to the person owed p P g p ' p Borrower shall Y.,
<br /> � paymetrt.Bortower shall promptty furnish to Lertder all notices of amounts
<br /> to be paid under this paragaph.If Borrower makes these payments directly,Borrawer shall prompily fumish to Lender �
<br /> � receipts evidencing the payments. � ,
<br /> Borrawer shap promptly discharge ar�y lien whicta has priority over this Security Instrument untess Borrower:(a) ,i-.,';;v.
<br /> i agrees in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the licn in a manner acceptabte to Lender,{b)contests in good --
<br /> � � � faitb the lien by.or defends ugainst enforcement af the tien in,lega!psoceedings which in the Lender's apinion operate to � '_�
<br /> prevent the rnfarcemrnt of the lien or forfeiture of any part of the Property;ar(c)secures Crom the holder of the tien an
<br /> � agreement satisfactory to Lendes subordir�ating tl�e tien to this Security Instrument.If Lender detemSines that any part of � � -
<br /> the Property is subject to a tien which may attain priority over this Security lnstrument, l.ender may give`Bnrrower a -
<br /> � notice identifying the lien.Bonarver shall satisfy the lien or take oae or mare of the uctians set forth abave wit6in 10 days `
<br /> oPthe giving of natice. �
<br /> . • 5. H�rd Iasurance. Borrower sha11 keep the�improvements n�w eaisting or hereafter erected un thc Praperty ��
<br /> ! insurcd against loss by fire.haTards included within the term••extended coverage"and any pther hazards far which Lender
<br /> requires insurance. This insurar.ce shall be maintained in the amaunts and far the periods that I.ender requires. The
<br /> 1 insurance'eatrier providing the�nsurance shall be chnsen by Borrower subject to l.ender's appraval which shall n�t be
<br /> � unreasonably withheld. '
<br /> � Alt insutance policies and renewals chall be acCeptable to Le:�der and Shall include a standard mortgage clause.
<br /> ! Lender shal)have the right to hold the policies and renewats.lf Lender requires.Borruwer sh�ll promptly give to Lcnder
<br /> � � a11 receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices.In the event ofloss,Harrower shaU give ptompt noli�c to the insurancc � '
<br /> � . carrier and Lender.Lender may rnake proof of lass if not made promptly by Rc,rrUU•er. ��
<br /> , ; ,.
<br /> . nless Lender and 6orrower othetwise agree in wtiting,insuranre praceeds shall be applied to sestaration or rep;.ir ' ��
<br /> � oPthe Property damaged.if the restoration or repair is economically fes�sible al►d Lender's security is nui lessencd.If the
<br /> ' restoration or repair�s aat economically feasibte or I,ender's security would be lessened,the insurance praceeds shall be "
<br /> � � appiied to the sums Secuted by this Security �instrurtfent,a•hether at nnt then due,w�th any eacess pnid to f3oirower. If
<br /> Borrower abandons the Property.ur does not answer with�n 30 days a notice fr�m Lender that the insura�ce camer has � � � �
<br /> , oRered to settle p claim.then Lendet rttay collecl tht insurante procceds.[.epder may use the prc�ceeds tc+repa�r or testore
<br /> the Property or to pay sums secured by this Security lnstrument,whether e�r nut then due. The 3U•day peri�tid will begin
<br /> when the notice is gi�c».
<br /> � ' Unless Lendcrand Barrow•er olherwise agree in writ�ng,any ap�lication of pr�xeeds t�+pr�rtc�pal shall not extend ur
<br /> � postpone the due date of the momfily payments rcfened to�n�aragraphs 1 artd 2 ar changc the am��unt nf thc pey�ments.If—
<br /> � . under paragraph 19 the Property ic acyuired by Ixn.sfer.Borrnwer's right t��any in�urart�e�n��Grie�and prc�ceed�rrsulhng
<br /> � _ fram dam�ge to t}te Pre��►erty priot to the acyuisitt�n�haU pa5ti tn I.ender t��thc extrnt nf the�unn,ecurrd h}f h�r 5ecurity
<br /> . lasfrumcnt immcdiatcly priur to�he acyu�sition �
<br /> : 6. Presenatioe aad AlttMtenmre of Property;LtastAolds, Borr�►wer shall not destroy,damage or�ubstantiatty
<br /> : change the Proptrty,allv�the Propctt._v to deirrinrate��r r��mm�t w;�cte !f�hes S�s�rsty ta:srus�►ent ;;«n a lca;ch.:l�3,
<br /> Botrower shali complv�ith Ihe provisions of ttte Ir�se,arcd if t3or�ou•er ttcqu�re5 tee Ut1e tc�the Yrnperly,the Ica�chatd�i►d °------
<br /> fa title shall ncr!merge uniess l.ender agrees tc�Ihe merger in wnrinb. ' � �
<br /> _ ._. _ 7. !'roteetton ut l,etbe�'s Rilthts ia the Pro�eNy� ����ag� �ss�rsstFe. �!f �1:=rr�:rsrr #'aii: :�:'��rrf«,i« tirr . .
<br /> ccrrrn�nis and agreernents cuntaiae�iu th��5eti unty In�trument.��r�heres i�a IcRc�l pt�weedmg t}�at ma}.�gn#fir�ntly:�fTrrt
<br /> . Lerttkt's rights itt the{'rnpetty(such as a proceeding in N:u�i�ruptcy. �.�,n��e, f��r c�•�►demnalyun or u�enf��rcc lawti ��r '
<br /> � regulations),ihen Lender m�y do and p3yfor whaterer ic necessary ro protect the�alue<�f the 1'rnperty,+nd I.cnder'ti ri�;htti
<br /> . , io the Propetty. Lender'�actions may inctude pay�ng any sums se.:ured b► � lien a•h�eh haa�n��rity u�er Itnr 5ecur�ty �
<br /> Instrument.nppeatrng�u re�an,pa}•ing r�asvnable attarney.s fee�:utd rntcnng o�r 1be F'�rrersq t�}make re�ait, Alth��u�;h
<br /> t Lender may rakc ac����i�undet this paragr3ph 7,Lendcr de�es not ha�c t�Y do�v
<br /> , L Any amoUr�ts di�bursed hy ter��ier underth�s par;�gr:�ph 7 shall t�ec��n�e:,d�i,tu�nal dcht��f[3c�rre�wcr.ct�Frcd hy t!u�
<br /> � 5erut�ly Instrurncnt.flntes4!fi�►�rE�wer end Lertdet:Kgrer to othcr tern�:c�T j?a��ere�i�,the�t:en�<,u:itE�.kr.f!!h.���sf�r::t•se.t tr.:rrf �`
<br /> t6� date�F ilichuc�cmeut �� thc 1Vate�ate an�f sha11 he p3y�t+le. «tth mtcrc•t. et�*t�fr m�ttcr Ir��tn [.�n�ti•r !�, N��tr�+;�rt {A
<br /> . rrquesltng payment. , �,
<br /> • . ,� �. . .
<br /> ' �
<br />