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<br /> ` � , x, ponaia �. r�r htreby�certity th�t I am tt�e duly appointed kanaQer oe t�e Investaents Q� , • ' ,
<br /> , � .Tru�t Depar(a�erst o� t�e�est Bsnk l�iebr�sk�,N.A.� a natibnal OaNcinp �ssnciatian or�ed arid �
<br /> � _ '_..�._ .�.� � . „ •' : � _, __ .
<br /> racisti� ur�der,ar�by`virtuQ.�r tt� lries.ot _�ta�a uttite�S�aies:atlY�ttca� a� t�at tt�:tol- --
<br /> . loir,i�p fs a,tru� ano corrRct copy oT.a Resoluttat duty Adoptad.by the Di,mtoss ot sait!B�nic ., � • ., ,
<br /> . . . � , at a w1aL3s�p Qu2y cslted snd t�eld an M�ach I�, 1987, Lhat s I�s�olity oM'Quiiru�t oT the DlTe�R � f , '�
<br /> ' , ' Lors iiierc present qt`safd�xtin� and voted in �avor oi the folloaiaq Resc►lution ar�that the .
<br /> ' . sa�e•raMins`,ir► tu2.i tone atxf ettact, �n�ended and �repealed as vt.th�Wbe:,' -
<br /> . � � ', . • • � . . ' �
<br /> ' �'RESq.vED; that�Ure M�er.of..td�e Yr►vestiia�ts � trust_Oepsrt�ient ot lbr�e,st 8�nk , . �
<br /> - . -- . t�pbraslca, N.A.�is herebY.��d.to desiyn�te ofticen an0 a�ployets auMarfzed � � ' .
<br /> - . - .- .. , t��z.�.-�ui� v�r��us �fo�ersis c�r► behalf af saia CaPitsl 1f�rMpwe��� Tryst�Division. -.- � _
<br /> . . . . �In extens3an, but rrat Sn li�itaLion ot the toregoin9. this Oo�►er s{�a11 lnclud¢ �eetls � "
<br /> . ; . ' ar�t_eonvey�ces, xfth or�rtthou� cov�nts of xarrmtyr ud other instru�ents ot a ,
<br /> , . si�i�t.ar, natiar, eatf3tactfana anq reltases ot �eortg�ea and ot�er indd►tuses in � . . `
<br /> � • . respect of property, rq� or pessun�ll, the tit,te to wftfch ar any ir►terest in tihich,
<br /> < aay be held by this QDrporation as Executor, F�ersonai Reprrsentative. Trusiee, or � �
<br /> � . .; � � in any otltier ffduciary c�patitY: Pmxies aM raivers gfven ar�f ciafa�s�Qe by triis � . •
<br /> .{ . ' Corpozation u Executor.'persor�l R�pns�tatfve, Trushe or 3ri any att�er fid,ciaryr �
<br /> � � capac€ty; assiqr�ents ot stodca, reQtstered bonds, certit�sates ot ihdebted�ess
<br /> �. . � sfOtes ar.c! ceFt.fticatC�•ttsfets may t�e Re2��by thts CdTporation a3"Executor, Aessanal� �- . --- . . _ - • ' . -
<br /> � , Kepresenta�tve� trustee or in any ott�er<fic�,ctary capacity an0 vRiM this Corpora• � �
<br /> . . , tian�ay'he auttarized arxi e�o�rereO to se2i, asafqn, and tru�sler, ana appoint�ents ' . .
<br /> � ot �ttarneys,Sn tact fn comectim riU� ttx same, w�tA or ritl�out power ef sub�ti• � �
<br /> .' , tution and rfth or ritlwut tu11 porer ot revacation; Trust Agree�nents� Trust Oeeds, ' � � •
<br /> . , Inclenteires, 'er any ott�er insirunent to�hich No�vrest BaNc Nebraska, N.A. is party,' . . .
<br /> , as Trustee, or in sc�ae ott� fiduciery qpacity; autt�ent�cation arb certitication ,. -
<br /> ot any Oonds, iJebentures, notes. or ather securifies 3ssued purse,�nt ta ary trust - • '
<br /> Aqreament, OeeO Ot Trust, inden�ure. or any other ins�s�eent Lo �Rich Norxest Bank�
<br /> - Nebraska, N.A., is a party.as Trustee, or fn sane othtr tfduciary rapacity; acknox-
<br /> • , lecf�ements, attidavits, certitications� ver#Pications, or att�eF fs�strueients in '
<br /> : rc�rd tp any necessaty, appropilate or adv�sable act fn the pertorniar�ce of the
<br /> • bu�iness at Chis Carporatia►. Mlritten lists desi�t�is� the indivi�luals so a;:tt�ar- � � ,.
<br /> � ized ta sign shall be provi�ted tram ttme to time to tne Secretary pt Horwest £�rti: � �
<br /> ntebr�ska, k.A. ,
<br /> ' FUkTffR RESQI-VED, t►►at tht Manaqer ot the inve�tme�ts 8 Trust Qepartrnent ot Nor�eest %- `•
<br /> . ' Bank Nebraska, N.A. is hereby autt�ortze0 to certity the authority ot the � '
<br /> designated pfticers ancf crtiployees to aig� or� trehait of Nor�resi BaNc Nebraska� N.A., � �� ° -
<br /> and ail parties snall be Pully protectetl in relylnrJ or+ such certification.�� • �
<br /> I hereby certity that on tRis date the following persons are authorized to sign on behalt ot
<br /> Norwest fiank Nebraska, N.p. in accoraance ritn the above antl tareqoinfl Resolution:
<br /> : Senior Vice Presi�ent ' Ror�ald G. Weber
<br /> a � , Vice f�resiQent R�nald l. Adams �
<br /> � .� Yice Presi�enC Jonn e. AtkYns ---
<br /> � - • � ,•, Vice President Kathleen A. Cqak
<br /> . , • Vice PresiOent RoDert D. pryer
<br /> . � • :�.•,:�. • " � :".. Yice Presic�ent Larry T. Efschefd '
<br /> , vice Presioent � J. R. English
<br /> • ` �' . • . Yfce Presideni willarC T. Essex
<br /> . • � �' ' � � Vice President Nichael R. Kirpston
<br /> ; _ ,.' . Vice Presicient 9en w. Stanislav �
<br /> � �, ViCe Pres3Cent tiarry P. Yosten � � ' .
<br /> , '. Investment OfPicrr ,bm�. �ry� � ` �
<br /> • . . . � Ynvestment Ofticer Eirock �. lerls
<br /> • � • Investment_ Otficer Lpurenco M. Raynoi ��
<br /> . ; ' . investnient Ofticer ponna M. roung
<br /> ' • � Trust Otticer Creqory S. Anderson
<br /> � � Trust Ofticer terry U. Loncke •
<br /> . Farm Manager 5teven C. Manni�g.
<br /> ' . Trust UparatEons Ufficcr .. 5�� p�. JOe
<br /> . Tru�t Ofticer Marsho �!. P�nO
<br /> � . _ ._.. _ .. .. - -
<br /> I her unio set my �and antl affix trse seal of ��rrest �ar9c rlebrasica, N.a, tni� �7 pay
<br /> � of ���� 199U.
<br /> ' . . Rona�d G. e0er, .,e or vi ce e� Uent,�ar�ia�er
<br /> Investr�er�ts � Trust Oepartrt�nt '
<br /> � 0682b1
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