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<br /> � � �. � tf txit�er se�ttY�,�tt�a�e ir►suraace xs a condition of making the loan secuced by this Security tastrument, � :' .
<br /> � Ho�r��p���sequira!to mainiaia the.�urance In�'ecE:wstiTt sucb time as thc requiremrnt fos thr �-. � -
<br /> ; � � insur�p►ce I�rmiQa with Borrower's and Lender's writtakagree�pesu or applicabk lav�r_ " � , � � � � �
<br /> � �;; _, `'"�ar its,agau may mal�e reasonatile entries ugcsn and inspoetions oF the 8rcpetty.Lendet �
<br /> ....
<br /> �� shall�ive Bonower notice at the time oforpriorto an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. � � ` �
<br /> ( . 9 C.o�iamtioe. T'he proceeds of any aw�rd os ctaim for damage"s.direct or coasegumtial.iA can�ection with.
<br /> � any.condemaatia4 or other taking of sny part of ihe Property,or for conveyance in lieu of co�adcm�atioa;are hereby ' - �
<br /> .--.-:�_ - -- -�o�d aa�d s1�t bepsid to Lerider. . , . � _. ..--- . . �- _. . _. `
<br /> � , In the evmt of i toW taking oF the Property,the proceeds shall Ix applied W the sums secured by this Security� � �
<br /> __��.; : �nstrument,whethes or`aai then dut,.witn any ezcess paid to Horrower.In the event of a partia}takin of the Pro -. � •
<br /> S P�T�Y+
<br /> , `nnkss Darranver and Lxnder othenvise agtx in writing,the snms secured 6y this Secvrity Instrument shalt bt reducxd by
<br /> . � the a,maunt of the proeeeds multiplied by the folto�ring fractian:(a)the total amo�nt of the sums secured imme�iiatdy
<br /> � j < . before the tiekai j.dividod by(b)the fair msultet value of the Property immediately before the takiag.Any balance shall be � •
<br /> 4, paidtoHorrower. . `.
<br /> If the Propertq.is abandunod by Bonower,or if,afrer notice by Lender to BorroweT that the rondemnor offers to �
<br /> - -_' � . ,- � �aa aev�:��se�tie�claua forct3mages,Sarcowafaits ta respond to Leadcra�ithin 3Uday�s�ierthedate tbe natir..u . . -
<br /> � � Siven,I.ender is suthorizod to collect and a�F�the procceds,at its a�ti�n,�ither ta restaration errepais of the Propaty or
<br /> � ta the svms securcd 6y this Sxurity Instrumrn"t,whether nr not,�hen c�,r�
<br /> � Unless Lender and BorroRer othtrnise agra in writing,any app}ication of�saceeds to principal sba!!not extead or
<br /> , � ' � postpone the.due date af the moathly payments referred to in paragraphs t and 2 or chaa�ge the amount oFsuch paymenu.
<br /> � -a � I0. Hore�ower Nat Relwe� F� Br I.e�kr Not a Wai+er. �atrnsion af t4te time for paqraent arr � -
<br /> ; madi&cation of amortizatioe of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by L�nder to any saccessor in �
<br /> � ' inteast of Botrower shall not operate t�release the tiability of the ariginal Bonow'er or Borrower's successors in interest.:
<br /> � L'ender shall not be required to commence proceedings against any successor ia intgrest or refuse to extettd time fos
<br /> ; payment or otherwise modiPy amortiration of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any dcmand made � •
<br /> � , by the arigina]Hnrrowtr ar Bonower's succes3ors in interest.Any forbearance by Lend'er in exercising any right ar remedy � .
<br /> � • shall not•ge a waiver of or preclude tbe exercise oPaay right ar remedy. . .� . ;
<br /> ; . U. S�icces�on and i�ips Boaad;Jotnt and Se�etai Uablllty;Co-si�ers. The covenants and agramenu of
<br /> � this Security Instncment shal!tr:�d and btneflt the suceessors and assigns of Lender and Bonower,subject to the provisians �
<br /> � of pangra�h 17.Borrower•s covtnanu and agraments shall6e joint gnd several.Any Sorrosvu wha ca-signs ehis Security �
<br /> r.-�•
<br /> Instrummt but does not execute the Note:(a)is co-signing this Sscurity Instrument only to mortgage,grant and convey �. . . •
<br /> ' that Bosrowtr's interest in the Propeny under the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)is not persanally obligaied to pay ' �'"-
<br /> �i . tha sums secured!sy this Security lnstrument;and(c}agrees that Lender and any other Bonower may agree[o eztend, ' °: ��'
<br /> � modify,forbear or make any accommadations with regard to the terms o1'this Security instrument ur the Note withaut �
<br /> j that Barroarer's cansent. .
<br /> � 12. Lws C6argp. '.If the Ioan secured by this Security lnstrumen�is subject to a faw which sets maximum taan , , �
<br /> . charges, and thst faw is finatly interpreted sa shat lthe inter�st or other loan charges callecte� or to be colfected i.� , � ,
<br /> iconnection with the.loan exceed the permitted limits,then:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduced 6y the amount � —
<br /> i necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any s�ums already coltected from Borruwer which exceeded
<br /> . � permittod timits wi11 be refundvd to Batrower.Lender may choose to make this refand by reducing the ptincipal owed
<br /> � under the Nott or by making u direct payment to&�rrower.lf a tePund reduces principal,the reduction wn16e treated as a �
<br /> partial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> ' ' 13. Le�btiop A}reMing I,ender's Rigbts. If enactment or enQiration oP applicable laws has the eflect cf
<br /> � rendering any provision of the Note ar this Secutity Instrument unenforceable accarding to its terms,lxnder.at its optian,
<br /> � � may ra}uire immediate payment in full of al)sums secured by this 5ecurity Instrumeat and may invoke any remedies
<br /> ? permitted by parugraph 19.1i Lender eaercises this option.Lender shall take thc steps specificd in the second p�ragruph of �
<br /> �� paragrs+ph 17. ' ' . y
<br /> 14. Nodeea. Any notice to 8orrower provided for in this Security lnstrument shall be given by delivering it ar by -�.' .
<br /> � mailing it by first class mail unless applicable!aw requires use of another methad. The notice shall bz dirccted to the
<br /> � Property Address or any other address Borrower designates by�olicc t�l.ender.Ai�y notiee In I.ender shaU be siven by .
<br /> ; first class mail to Lender s address stated herein or any other addres!,I.ender designates by n�ilice to Aorrawer.ARy notice �
<br /> ! provided for in this Security Instrument shall bedeemed to have becn given ta I3nrrowcr or i,ender when given as provided �
<br /> � in this Qaragraph.
<br /> ! 1S. Governiag I.�w;5everability. .This Security Instrument shall be gaverned hy fr�deral law and tl�e I�w of.the ..___.......__ .
<br /> ! jurisdiction in which tht Property is located. tn the event that any pr�vision or clause of this 5ecurit>• I:strument c�r the
<br /> Note corfflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this 5ecurity Instruine;�t or the Note
<br /> . � i which can be given effcet without the confticting pravisian. To this er.d the provisions of thi�5ecurity�Instrument�nd the
<br /> Note arc declared ta be severabie.
<br /> � 16. Borrawi7's Cvpy. aurrower sha3j be given one conforr�.:.•d c�py c�f the Note and of thi4 Security Instrument.
<br /> . ' �17. Tnnsfer of the ProAerty or o Heneflcinl Iaterest in Botruwer. If utl �r �ny part nf thc f'raperty ot any
<br /> . interest in lt is sold ur traiisfcrred(or if a beneficial interest in il�rrower i�sold or transfc�red and t3arrnuer is n�►t a ndtural
<br /> person)without l.ender's priar writtcn consent.Lender may,at its c�tion,reyuin immediatc paymcnt in t'ull of all sums
<br /> sccured by this 5erurity Instrument. Hoa�e�er,this optiau tihall n�?t ne exercised by Lender iP excmisc ic prUhihited by _
<br />. federal lawas uf the date of this Seeurity Instrument. � ' " �
<br /> If l.ender exercises this�ption.Lender shall gio•e fiorrnwer notire af ncceteration.l�he notice�hall prc>vide a perie�d �
<br /> ' cif nat less than 30daysf'tom ihe d�te the rtotice isdeliveted or mailed within which I3c�rri�wrr mutt pay ull�umssecured by
<br /> this Security Instrument.I1'Barrower faiis tct pay these sums priur t��the expirati��n of this period.Lender may i��vvke any
<br /> ' - � -- - - . _. ... _ _ _. . . . .__. _-
<br /> _ _ ;__-__,
<br /> ' � "` " t�m�t��mtit� fty�his��ci3iit3+tnstruni�nt�vittiouf iurthcr nufice or demanc��n Bnrrower: -
<br /> ' 18.8orrower'x RighE to Reiest�te. If garrower mcetr cer�ain c��nditi�n�, i�orenwcr�hall havc thc right tr►h�ti�c ��
<br /> enforcement of this Secutity Instrument discnntinued s�t any time priar,tn the earlier uP:1�15 days(or.�uch olher peri«�a� ' �
<br /> L applieable law may specify fnr reinstatemem)befare sale�f the Prc�perty pur�uant ti•any powct of sale c�mtained in this
<br /> 5ecurity Instrument;ar(b)entry of a judgment enforcin�this Seeurity Instrument. �ihosr ce�nciitioris�re�hat i���rr<r►tier. �
<br /> {ay pays Lender all sums which then would be due under tliis Security Instrmnrnt and thr N��tc ha�! n�� accefetetlr,n r�
<br /> accurred:.(@)cures any default af any other eovenants or agreemrnss;'!e)payti alf �:xpeatic. �ncurr�d in enforc�jr� tFnv �
<br /> 5ecasity In�ttament, incieding.fiut not limited to, rc�asorrable�ttc�rncys' fecs:and ts3f 1aAe��uch a�tt�3n as I,cnder may ,,�.
<br /> f�356fl�bly fC�uife iu�sure that ihe lieif af fhis 5ecuiity fnsffUmCi�t. I.euder'�t��Iii� ii� tlic FrE��crty a�it�`�I��irr��wrr`� - �y
<br /> � abligation t[i pay the sums secured by this 5ecuril�; lmtrument shalt c�mt�nae unchanged i-�+��re rem�tatc�itcni hy� ��� �
<br /> Harre�wer,this Securify lnstrument and thc obl�gaticros secured hereb�til�all rema�i,full��effcctn e as if n��acceteretinn had
<br /> .. . .. . . ._ _ . . . . .. . ..
<br /> accutted.Hi��cever.ttiis tight te�reittrtate shaf�.�nt��pply�h thc cascc�f arc�.•Icr.�ti�m urrcfer r:,:.�t;r:��h�1�t�r t 7
<br /> � _ _ . �
<br />