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<br /> , ` ( . t___ _ - _�_` _ _. -___- ._ ' _ _i _ - ' ' _ ' .. '. . ,- ' - _
<br /> .: � �. ` ' _ _ ' _ . _ _ _ _
<br /> ___ __-___-_ -�" .
<br /> .. ._ -.—" '.r -. _ _ .__,_ � �_ .,_ - _ ___. ..._ . . . .
<br /> . ` < ` , ' . , . ` . " __ . . .. � . .
<br /> � �� . , � . . ' � � ,
<br /> . . . � � . _ � �.. . .. ' _ 4. . ' .. • � (� . • .. ' . . , . ° ,." _.'.._ ' __ _. .� ` �
<br /> ' _.'_ ._ --. .'-—'� �— . � ' . . . . . . . '-. • .
<br /> .- � � _ � � � � � � - � � 9Q---104753 � � � '� � ��
<br /> , , . �w�d Ut�fs 8�ar�y i�Mn� '�ririrlr" n�s th��pry d Ffowig�t�d 11rEr�D�wlopnR�t`a�or h�r d�N�� �
<br /> �- � , - Mb�t a.a�jr rnet�niw+a iN�e�r n»s.ar.�ry at+e rn�!wscle�p�o�rana whid+�.du.no.w�rn«K a ar..nYr.n,orcyry. - . � .
<br /> ' in��no�p�Mun. M tNs 8ia�rt�Mu�mnt Y ar�as iia�Q c�nd�a pra�an whkJ�-dd no!��duana payn�r�E�o(!h�an�n ,
<br /> mafptIIt hMU�not perNt�n, ihr rch mortlNly pynwk stW itw inc�ud��ith�:�i �n(ndMm�tt.d th�ar�nwl,moftp�pr tn�arane� ,
<br /> _ � - , p�n �to 0�p�id 1iy t�ndr to tlro 8�aM�y�ar(1��ma�hty ct�r�e in�d nf E mort� hnxanps tx�NtMn N tt�is S�airlty - _ . _ --
<br /> . . 9�1� r l�ra b�!�t Sia.l�e�r. r�s �,a�r�}r�r�d th. +�oct��.a.n�t�s�w a.in,R;.ma.,r,.Wra.�c ta � � . ' -.
<br /> ,' �`�- , ` aoa�iifli�th�#�I a�Mnt ixorlpt�Mtoano��nmhrn w1h L�ndr en� �tnaNh:�fo►,t�� ilw d�iie th�*i�wf nsotlp�g� int�sa�e� ' �
<br /> ; � . • q�+M�ir�ta � 9�y. oF' �tf�S��y In�rutrnnt ts MW by!M BaorM�ry.w�ch nwnUiy e�r�iAlit b�(n n�inax�t , .
<br /> , . ;�Nt b o�1�1w�bl a�l�pwpr�t d 1M a�lpM�nD D���bie�du�an ftN No1�. ' ,.
<br /> , . � �8a�ow�Midws b L�nd�r IfM i4!p�rt d a�a�ans s�r�oi bY��+�Y ti�InNr�Bato�w�s a000ur�t thi 6�ar��t! . � �
<br /> : ; � wM th�binot rr�iq iue�M iNli��w�b fot MMS(aj.N) ���l ����PN��afe� P�wW��n in�nwK fh�t L��da .
<br /> _ . . , n`'�t W6C�'�i�ri�-io��7r n�.a'i.�jP,-:nv#i'i�i i�'i�i#ii7iii�p�F iriiWfd flf►]r�-�it3t�o-$ORaY1R-�llll�y-�bf[o-_..- --�- � -----, -
<br /> . - � s tondo�r+e s�M d tlt�Fha�y ar il�aoqt�n by l�ntf�:8errbwds�ocou��E'th�/b�a�d wNh�ry 6���ni�i��g tor M .
<br /> . • . ; , iMli��ia��na Mj.��+nd�c}• ` � ' .
<br /> � ' 3. App�C�id1!Of Plyt1��: A1 pe�n�nts undu p�rsgnpA�� and 2 stMi M y�pNd by L�nd�r�s fo�pwr�: � ,`'
<br /> .. � • �, _ Rest 1�Yhr moApp� itiu�na�Pr�mY�n b'b�P�id �bY La�d�r b!?» S�awry a to tM monthy chug� b7►� ��: � . � .
<br /> • ti1M�i�t tIM n�aNl�jl n�l{��� p�i�rb.t�s 8arower prd tff��rttin mort� �wvanoe q�rt�fun whe�this S�y � � .
<br /> ,•:: : . � : indnMw�t�wt.�w�k , ' : • .
<br /> .:...:.:� ; �- � - � �. :_ . ._ = -- - -- �-` _ _ � _ _- --- -- .- - °- , -
<br /> . .
<br /> _ _. :_. _
<br /> : , ! . • �OOQd:#o�y 1p�s.s�ai1M w�s�nM*.I�a�hoid �a�yn�ts ai gou�d r�ets.�rM�ne. food and otlMr hraM iqc� � . .
<br /> ' , q'�w+i!�s.a�� ,
<br /> � ' .� � T11ff�1�b Y�111wi dw�ut��,�IotK ' ' - . ; .
<br /> . FOUf1h.to aelloflt�atl0e d t��e Pnc�'1pM Qt th�1�lote; � � .
<br /> � � FNlh�fa IW ctw�prs 4�f urirsrtM Nots. . .
<br /> - �..fi��. Flood and Ofhsr Hazard Insuranc�. eorrower atwl hwn d trtiprov�ts on th�Propwty.wtwtNe�now tn � �
<br /> � ! ��ICf Of itlbN�Nll� �b. /�1f�a11y(I�Z�I��qiU�!!�iflQ COf11l11QRIC�li.MICM7�f1� k!. t0I W�1 �fldll �lQ�Ifli , ^
<br /> . + h�Nfaf10� TIIii�1wr�lio!�f W b�1RIYIt�Nd ffl t11f�11101iflts�fld tOf 1tN p�110ds tIN� U11dM frqitl�N. 801f01Y��1W ij�0 4ff1X�al
<br /> ; �Ipf�YNMIb O!1 11M PI'G�1ly.WN�Mf f10W kl �d{TNIC�Of�t�S�qWF1tIy�f�Cbd. aPfIM IO�,tYy�OOdi 1d tltf�fQ/11t trQpif�d by 11N ti
<br /> ' s.orrar� llr tn,ursno.shM b.c�rtl�d wNh comp�nNs approeed D�r L.ndK Th.b�xana poY�a.na any�ew�ls.h.16.n�td by . •
<br /> . L�lr�nA sh�ll�nchc�Ioa p�yd�te d�usa in finror ot�rtd.tn a tann ar�to.tw�d�r. � . -
<br /> !n ai..vwK a rosr.9orrnw.r snN�Fr.L«+qK tmm.dt.a notic.b�r n� t«�a.r may n�ta proot or Ioss I!na m.d.prompay hyr :'.°-�
<br /> � BoROwK Eadi(nwxanc�canp�rqt conc�m�d b heraby�uthorfzad md 6raeted to m�in payment for wch baa dtr�ctly to Lender. ,
<br /> tnstMd M W Banow�r and to L�nd�r jotMy. A1 a�ny p�rt of the(nwnnc�prac�eda rtKy b�appY�d by Lw�da.at Ks optlon.ether � . . :-
<br /> (a)to th�nducflon ot th�Ind�badn�s�unda th�Not��nd thts S�curky MsLrurtNn�Arat to any deinqu�nt�mounts y�p�d in the w�der .; -;_<
<br /> tn R+nor�o+�9.•na aw+to arwY�a v�oM�a(b)ro�n•r.swrauon «r.p.r M u,.awn.aa acv«y. an►app�c++la+af ths -:
<br /> � � � pooMds to fh�pti�cipM sha/not�dmd a pwtpon�th�du�d�t�at thf monthy pryma�ts which w rM�rtrd to t� Pa��aph 2.w `
<br /> clw��th�anwunt d wch p�ym�nts. J4ry �tucas hsur�nce procerds ovu�n �rtaurn csqufr�d to pay all ouutandfns Ind�btbuss �
<br /> unA�r th�Naf�and thN 3«xxlty In�trunient shM D�p�i0 to the entity b�i� enWb tha�to. .
<br /> , :
<br /> j k�1fN�vaN W ior�down a1 this S�curNy Insdwn�nt or other tranat�►ot tNk tb ih�Prop�ty that�cUnpuisha th�(naDt�dr��s,d —
<br /> , rl�t.tlq��td tnMrwt ol9ortoww(n and to(nsw�na poki�a h torcw sh�pua to 1M purclw�►. ,
<br /> i
<br /> 5.Pn�vatloe and 1Aslnt�nsnc� ot tMr Prop�rty, L.�as�holds. Borrow�r st�a�na conx� w�sa a davoy.
<br /> � dMnp� a wb�WNi�y e�l�th�Ptop«ty or allow ih�Prop�rty to d�t�lorrt��t+wfor�wMt �nd t�r�e�cpl�Q. laidw mry .
<br /> ' h�p�ot 1M prop�rly M th�prqpRty h v�onl a abmdoMd a th�taan h N deNuN. I.rndn n�y taka tMSOnabN�cflan ta prot�ct and
<br /> prwww wch vaant a�b�ndon�d prop�ty. H thls S�ow1ry ts�sirurrNnt b an�NaN�oid.6orrawr atW caripry wNh th� provhlons
<br /> af:th�11a� N Borrowr aoquirn iM tlM�to th�Ptqs�ty.th�INS�hold an�h�ttlN sha�not b�mrr�d unbss L�nd�ayrafs to tha . ��
<br /> � m�n0�►In wtNfnQ• , .
<br /> a:Ch�rpss ta Borrow�► md Prot�ction of.t.�nd��'s Rtphts In th�P�op�rty. BorrowK s►w p.y ,,A ''
<br /> 9o+►�er�n�nW o► n�x�IcipY ch�r�.1f+N and hiposWons tMt�r�nat Induded ln Rarapraph 2. Batrowa shaN qy the:t obN�tlons on ��n
<br /> 1tnN draly to 1M�ndfy whkh is owd th�payrnmt. H ailun to pay wouid�dvenMy athct LmQer's trtter�st In the Propary.upon
<br /> Lm�M�°a»quN!Borraw�r shN prorrply ltxnbh to Lw�du rec�ts evld�ndnp th�ee p�y+n�nb. � '
<br /> If Borrow�r t�ta to nrtu tha�paynwnts or tht p�ynNnts r�quirrd bY ��Rh 2.a taN to pu�am ary otMr aoy�r►ants� -�-�- -- .- .
<br /> agwmMM�ca��Wntd h tt�M S�cwRy tnslnxr�eN.a thea is a Ip�l procMdinD thal rr�Y si�niAcantN affect Undrr a rt�hb ke ihe
<br /> � P+'oP�N Isuch a a prooNdhp k�ba�kn�ky.for condumation a to enforo�t�wa a repui�flons). then Lendar e�y do �nd P�Y
<br /> whN�va is n�oNwy to proNd tM valw ol tM Prop�ty an�Lender'a ttflhts in th�Praperly, Inciudlny MYment o/hxea. Aazard
<br /> inwwna�nd Whrr It�ns m1rN1on�0(n Pirpr�ph 2.
<br /> ' MY ���Nd Dy I.AIdM�MIdN tlbiE P�f��A 611��b�CWit!N�d�11j011�1 dObt 01 BOR'6WM Nd b�f�7if� by 1h13
<br /> SlaHxy inlWrtNn�ThN�1imoltnts shY b�r htaraa!frbm the date ot disbursernenf,at the Mote rate,end�t the optloa�ot Lert�er,ahall _
<br /> b�inlmrd�lMy dW r14 p�y�6t�.
<br /> 7. COfldrflfNSt1011. Th�proceeds of any �ward a cirim ta d�msgee, diraCt or consequential. fn cannecUon with �ny
<br /> • , e�y...rrxsaYass c: atl:M L�ks�a!:a� p:.Z a!tlsa l�r�-°f, c�S�:�-�vsy�-,c�si�W u�G'Ui1tI'bttiiW�IOtI,�re nereby assi�e�and ehau --- -
<br /> b0 pdd to L�ndu to tM�A�nt ot tM 1U1 amaxft o!the indebt�dness that rerrvfns unp�fd under ihe Nale and thl�Securiry tnsirument.
<br /> IMM�r�ihr �ppty auch prpc� to tM�educfia�of the InQabt�tnaa undu th�NnU�thb S�curky tastwr�nt, t�s1 ta any �
<br /> _ . - �A�*. :r^c�:a*o :�^�.�k�;rsl���:c•:�:,P�:,;r-.;,r�,:r-�d t5�►tti ptqaY�t�0��•�Y�DV�Uon o1 the procteds ------- -- --
<br /> ta th� pr(nelp�l �hv not��nd or poatpon�tAs due�ts o1 thd monthy paym�ta,whtch�n re/erted to in PiraDrapA 2,o�chmge ,
<br /> ' th�arnount of such p�yn�nts. My ucctsa prxa�ds over an�mount requked to pay�N outstandinD indebtedness under the Note and
<br /> this Sfarrity tnstrw»mt ahait bi patd to ths entiry tesa�y entitkd th�eta. . �`
<br /> ( 8.�Mt. L�nder may coiieet lees�nd cMrges authorited by the Secretaty. �
<br /> L••• 9. Glrounds tor I1Ce�lfratton of O�abf. . `°�
<br /> , ti,
<br />: {�} (�/�iff- . tfri�ni�Y. r:xce��i�s Grnited by tegufations issued by tAe Secretery in tha cesu o1 psyrtsen!detautts, teauire �
<br /> {�1
<br /> tmmet�te payment�in fu9 af aN aurrs�aeCUred Dy thls Socurity tnstn,meM it�' ,
<br /> ,•� -
<br /> iL1/�Cft i60/90) � G?90U11 �°Zr�°�'� ,
<br /> �
<br />