, .-..--: - - .
<br /> . . - - � . . - � � -
<br /> � . . , . . ,
<br /> ��. . ----__------ - ---- - ' • ' � ` - . - - � �
<br /> y : �` ` .� ' I' • . . . •` `_ _ . . . �.
<br /> �� . _' _. , ' . � `, � . . , , , ._ � ,-,- , - -
<br /> • 1 . - ` • � � . � -
<br /> _ . . . .. , . ; 90._.. i�4'74 4� �
<br /> � : .vNt�t cov�tv�x1� B�ra�rec and Leader cov«u1�,:uui agr«as foyoxs:� � � .
<br /> � � i. P�J�t a�PrINCiM1�I�tera��'sMlaat aai I.ate t�ar�es. -:Borroau shalt promPttY PaY wHtn cfue . ' ,
<br /> . tt�princip�l8tandinte�at oa the d�i�hy the Nnu ar�d any prepaymeat and Iater.I�arg�s dut uadet tFie Note. �
<br /> - - _ 2. F�s fe�Tuesa�I�s. Sub�taapplic�blelaw ar tos w�s�ittds�vaiva by Le�drr,Borraxu slrsll pay .
<br /> • ' to l.a�des on the dsy tnonthly PaYmmts ar��due.uatkr thc Not�,untit the Note is paid,in fu11.a sum(••Fuiids"f o4ua!ta .
<br /> ' • . Qoe�t�retRh bf: (a}yeuly tua uKl �awr►ents �vhich may,sitain priotity avu this Secutiry Ynstruiaeat;(b}yatrZy � - .
<br /> . �. Ip�e�old PRYmimts or ground rmts at the Property. if nny; (c)Yearly haurd insurance premiums; aad(d)YearJy . .
<br /> _. ,, .mortp�e insunnce pt�aniums,if any.11xse iteens�re called'�es�m�v'items."Leader msy estimste tbe Fw4ds dut on t1u . �
<br /> .. . . bamoteurrent dats aad r�onsbk adn�tcsof futurt acco�r items. � � . . � ..
<br /> . . , 7'IEe Fund�sbtU 6e liddin aa institutian the doposits or scaounis of which aro insured ar gu�rantad by a federal or �
<br /> ` �=atale s�{'uxls�iag f�sles af is�sdx.i�suek�inssisusiau},t�er.du shslbs�sl�s�x Fs�s�s sa�}tlsr�s�r it�-� = -___---__- -_
<br /> , .. Isoder may n�t cbar6e for boldioa aad tpplyins the Funds.analyzinB the accoant or vaifying the eccrow►iteacs,uakss '
<br /> � . ` Le�der pari Barru�ver interat oa the Fuads aud sppliCabk Jsw permits i.es�du to matce such a charge. Borrorrer�usd . �
<br /> , �asder tnsy ag�e in writins t6st i�emt sl�ba paid oa the Fands.Unlas wt sgreanmt is ns�de or applics6k laM
<br /> ' • • �a iate:at to be paid,Lender shsl{not be required to psy Bormwer an�r intcest or esrnings a»the Funds.Lender .
<br /> � �6a11 pve to Borro�rer,�vitIiout cbarE�au annual accounting of t�e Fands showingc�dits and debits to the F�nds and the
<br /> � . pdrpo�e iar�vbich acH debit to tbe Funds a�s m�de.Thc Fands ue pledged�s additional sxurity for the sums seGUred by'
<br /> � tbi�5acarity tausomm� ' � - , �
<br /> . If tbe a�of ta��mmis 3��'�rdtr.tugether vvith tbe fature maathlY PaY��of Fmids payabk priot to -- - ---
<br /> tbe�us dsta d'tl�acrow itemsy sts�ii eacaed the amount rcquired to pay the escrow items whrn du�the exsess sh�ll be, �
<br /> , • ��at Borroads aption.either ptomptly re�aid to Bono+vu or crcdited w Borrowu on manthly paymenu of Funds.If the ,
<br /> , amount of t6e Funds hetd by Laidtr is not sutf cimt to pay the escrow itcros whrn due.Borrowet sbsi!pay to Lender any
<br /> . �noane�ry w mtice up the ds6ciem.y in oae nrmore p�yments as r�qnirad by I.c�ndu. .
<br /> . Upon psy�rnt in PoU of all sums sec�ited by this Security Instrument,Lendec shall promptty refund to Borrower
<br /> - sny�wids held by Lender.If under psragraph 19 the Praperty is sotd ur aequired by Lender.Lender shsll appty.no l atu
<br /> ' than itnmedisteiy prior to the aats oi the Pmperty or its acquisirion by Lender.any Funds hetd by Lerider at the ame oi ,
<br /> , . sppliqtion u s credit�gainst the svms sa�red by this Security Instrumtnt.
<br /> � . 3. A�Iieatjo�o!Pa�eah.. Unl�ss appfipble la�prorides otherwise,all payments ereceived by La�du under �
<br /> � pan�rap6s 1 and 2 sb�Jl be spplied:first,to late charges due u�der the Note:second,to prepayax�t charges due under the � � '
<br /> Note;tlritd,to amounts payabk�ck�pnrag�pb 2;fourth�to interest due;and last,to principst due. � � '
<br /> . . 4. (�r�Ueas. Be�'ever shntl pay a!1 taxes,as..�sssm�nts,cbarges,�aad impositions aitribntabdz to the � ,
<br /> Ptaperty ahich any att�in pr�ty,over this Stcurity Instrummt, and teaseho�d payments or grounA rents, if iny. '.
<br /> BorroMer ahall psy thae obligatians in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid jn th3t manner.Borrower ahait ; .
<br /> � �y them on time direcdy to the pe�on owal payment.Bonawa shaA promptly furnish to Lemder all notices of amounts -
<br /> w be p�id under this paraEraph.If 8orrower makes these payments directly.Borrower shall promptly furnish to Ltnder �! __
<br /> recdpu evidrncing the paymmts. �
<br /> ' Borrower sha11 promptly dischar�e any lien which has priority aver[his Stcurrty lnstrument unless Borrower:(a)
<br /> sgea in Mriting to the payment of the obligarion securod by the lien in s m�nner acceptable to l.mder,(b)contests in good � _-
<br /> faith tbe lien by.or defrnds a�ainst enforcanrnt of the Gen in,Iega!procecdinss Nhich in the Lender's opinion operate to � . --
<br /> prevent the enforeemrnt of the lien or forfeiture of any part of the Property;or(c)secures from the holder of tbe lien an .
<br /> � aaraesent s�tisfactory to Lender subordinsting the lien to this Security Instrumer�t. If Lmder determines that any part of '
<br /> tlte Property is subJoct to s iirn which may attain priarity over this Security lnstaa�me,nt,l,enQer ma,y givr Hatrower a
<br /> aotioe identifying the lien.Borrawer shall satisfy the lien or take ane or more oP the actions set fonh above within 10 days
<br /> . of ihe Sivina oinotice.
<br /> S. HasarA t�rawce. Borrowtr shall keep iht improvements naw caisting or herqftcr erxted on the Property
<br /> insured�E�inst toss by fire,hszards included within the ttrm"extendad coverage"and any other huards for which Lender
<br /> requires inaurance. This insuranoe shs9!be msintained in the amounts and for she periods thst Leader roquires. The
<br /> insursner curier pravidina the�nswana sh�ll be chosen by Bonower subjcct to I.ender's appravai which shaU not be •
<br /> � unrasonsbiy witbheld. . .�'
<br /> All insursna poticia and rtntwals shall be acceptabie to Lender end sfiall include a sandard marngage c�suse. .. �
<br /> Lender shall hsve the esght to hald the policies and renaw�ls. lf Lender requires.$orrower shall promptly give to Lender �
<br /> dl rereipta of paid premiums a�ci cenewal notices.ln the event of loss.8orrawer shall give prompt notice ta the insuranee
<br /> carrieraad Leader.Lender msy maice prooPoPloss if not msde pramptly by Horrower. '
<br /> ' Untcss Leader and Borrower otherwise agra in writing,msurancr procerds shall be applied to restoration or repair
<br /> of the Praperty damaged,if thr restnration or�ep�ir ic economically feasible and Lendet's stcurity is not lesstnM.If the
<br /> ratontion of repair is nut economically feasible or Lender s socurity would be lasenod.�hr insurance proceeds shall be----- --- --�---� �-- �
<br /> �pplied to the sums se�oured by this 5e�urity Instrument,whe�her or not then due.ivith any eacess paid to Borrower. ii
<br /> Borro+rer abandons the Propeny,or does not answer within 30 days a natice from Lertder that the insunnce c�rner hag
<br /> oftertd to xttle a c(airn.then Lender may ccllrci ehe insurance pracceds.t,ender may use the proceeds to repair or restare
<br /> the property or to pay sums secured by this Secunty Instrument. whether or not then due. The 34day penod wil!begin
<br /> , when the natice is�iven. ,
<br /> Unkss Lender u�d Bonower otherwise asra in wriung,any appltraUon oi prviceeds t�psinc�pal sh�ll not extend or
<br /> . postpone the due date oPthc monthty paymeats referred to.in para�raphs 1 arid 2 or change the amuunt af tht payments.It
<br /> under parasraph 19 4dte Propeny�s�cquired dy Lender.$onower's neht tc�any�nsurance pof�cus and praceeds resulhng
<br /> � kom d�mage tv thc 6'roperty prior to the acquisition shnll pass to L,ender ta�ht extent ot the sums secured by th�s Secunty r-------°--
<br /> _ lnstrumtnt immediatety prior tn the acquisition. • � �
<br /> fr. •a�es"ei�si�iii s�i�Z�ffltfii�iiC2 fis i JU�Ei'�i f+Ci�KitOI�. Pit7iii3wcT i�i3{i iieij t��iCiii��vd�a�jc E���uini��iltaii� .
<br /> chsn�e t�he Prapeny,allo�tv the Property tn detenoiate or comm�t wacte If th�s Securiiy Instrument ts nn a feasehuld.
<br /> Borrower sh�ll compty with the proVistons af the lrase.ana�f$orruwer acyu�trs fa tstlQ ta the Yroperty.the leasehald an�
<br /> - �� � Cee Gile sh:D nnt intrae untess Lencier agre�to t h�e mer�er in u+nting: . - - --
<br /> ' 7. Protectian ot [,teder•s Rig�ts i� thr i'ropeny; !11r�rtgage lesunnce. If 8orrawer fails ta perfarm �hr . �
<br /> � covenants and agreements cc.ntained in this Stcur�ry Insttumenl,ar there�s a leg.�l pra:eed�ng that may stgn�ficanNy nfTec� �
<br /> Ltnder's rights in tht Prnptrty(such as a ptocced�ng in bankruptcy,prr►bate, for condemnatco�or tv enfotce faws nt
<br /> te�ulat�onsJ,then Lendet m3y dn�nd pay tor wh�tever�s necessary lo prutect Ihe ralue c�f the Property and I.ender i�nghtc �
<br /> in the Pra}�erty. LendePs act�uns may �nclude paycng any sums s�cured by a.hen wh�ch has psivrny ��ver Eh�s Secunty , �
<br /> Instrument,appearing in crurt,paymg reasanableattoraeys'fees�ndentenng�n the pr�perty'ro re�ake repa�rs Atthaugh 1A�
<br /> Lettder may t�ke scticm u»der this paragraph 7.t.trtder daes��t h�ve tu dc�tE* �- � -
<br /> An�gmt�unisdishurse�lbyl.tnc[eturiderlhisparagca�+h?shaffbecemieadditrE�nalclehtofHc�rrc+wrr�.e�ure�lh��he.4 r- '
<br /> Secunty instrurn�nt.Uniesc 8asr��K�r�and i.ender agree to uther terms��f pa4ment.thece amc�unts chaif hear jntere�t frnrn
<br /> � . the date t�f d�sbu►sement ut the tiofe rate �rnd shail t+e ��a�.�ble, with ���tefe�l. u�m nctit►ce fmni tendcr t�� R:�rr��aer
<br /> , requesting pa*ment.
<br /> , . . ..�_.�i
<br />