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<br /> c, � � � . � � � ` . . . .
<br /> - , " •.F� � -- c, - � �, � � ,- � � � . ; . � ,, �. . �. . ` � . � . , . ` , - --� . . . . �r�'"t�
<br /> , - c. F - � . � ,
<br /> �� � � . � ' ADJU�TAB�E RAT�1tIDER ..� ` � _ � . ` . • `
<br /> �. . � . � ��Y��,,�.��., � aJp:-- 3Q4..��p�► .
<br /> i , • , Y
<br /> - ` � � `-..�tt�s�,n�us���wrgiun�;�maae�,ts 3�. �,y� � �Jc�.tq � .iq�� .
<br /> , �d it l'soorpalr+�ed Iato aod a1Wt be,de�ed to amend�nd�mt thc Morq�e.�Deed of Trast. a See�itS►Dead(t1K"5aauitg ;
<br /> �`••----_---��d�t�' � Na�#c�u�4'�'-'jtat!!!alE-,.-. �.. �:�: --- `:" - -
<br /> _�-_ '_ _ '-��j'�,i:t�N�IS�f�:tw - - - �faTi - � � - •�. , _ __ _. .. _ .
<br /> ,, — � , . . .
<br /> ; '�Ydaci�bqdintfrtSe�aritrli�brua�taMbcttedu `. - . „ ' . �
<br /> , . , .
<br /> � ^ � 2916 WLHencock Plaee�. Grand Isl.and,, NE. '688�3 �
<br /> � � , , . . tPtope�c]rAddcas) . , .. .
<br /> k , . �� .° �itii.wle e..wr: �ewMs a�wr1�t..dr.�.w.p r� ewe s.i .0 •�!' � . ` ,
<br /> =:_•�---_- - - ---- - --- --- �.'l�fs'sete at�a�!�s�met�s�3�sesi nte�t�r s!ss�r e�tJmt a�ad � . -
<br /> �i ", , . � aiw�e I�i�(�Irr il�i lie Mnsl�w r�e 1 wt�.� � � • �
<br /> � . . ( , , ' . - ' � `
<br /> �� ., ADDlF[lk1AL COVENAN�'S.Ia iddtIon to the wvea:ats and yroemenfa�nade in the Security inatrumeat.Rorro�rer�ed Lender
<br /> .t ������1V�77�if , r -
<br /> ' � ` �.. �. nr�r��,�rD�ro�tnr.v r�v�t ca�wc�s �� � �
<br /> . ...i . '�Nate Draride+ta as in�l iataat rate oi 11;�� �lG.Sectioo 4 oi tbe Nate�xovides for chsa�s ia the iatarat rate�od tbe . . _ .
<br /> • ' � . �7 W�.asfai(aws: . ;
<br /> � . , . , . , � .
<br /> '(A� �.Il�tfs. ' . • • . .
<br /> `° .. Tbeit�t�escraiedwtll�yri�ayclaaaaeonthefirstdayof Sep�ember � ,t9 91 s871dOAt1lttdtyNlfy `
<br /> ty�l v�[1�9,�,mot�ths thereAfter.Each date on which my interrst�ate could change is calkd�'`Chan�e Date." ` �
<br /> f m �n�r.+� � . , ,
<br /> j, ' 8qinnin*w�ith thel3r�t Chan je L�te�my intaeyt rate will be bued on s►n lnda�.The"indes"is�t�e Wakly avecue yktd on Uaited Staus � ,
<br /> � � Tre�sµry tocttr�tkt adj�cted to a constant maturity of 1 yeu.as madr avulable by the Federal Iteserva Bou�.The most rexnt Indes fr�urs
<br /> i availabk as o(the date4S days before acb Chsnse D�te is called the"CuReni lcsdex." . .,
<br /> If-tAe index is ea f�e�er avWabk,the Note Hoider will choose a new i�',ex wt►ich is basod upan compkrable infonnatioo.The S�tote
<br />.. Hcidet�riii pve me ra,ikx of ihit dt��iet, � ' .
<br /> : t�7 C�1ed�W��iC�s ; _
<br /> &fore ead�Cba�e t�u.the Note Hotder witl calcuiate my new interest rate by adding Three and one hal f p�i�,� ; :_F
<br /> � poipts r 3.5 qy�to the Currrnt Iedex�nd rnundinj to the neuat 1/Bth ot 19•.subject to the tlmits sated in Sation�(D)below. � � ��`
<br /> � � Thii reuadeA vnount wiU be my txw 3nterat rate uncil tAe r�ext C ` Y�
<br /> � hange Dtte. s,_-_
<br /> �. • ! • '!be Note Huider vrlll then detmnine che u�wunt of the manthIy pa�mrnt that would be euf�cirnt ta repay in fu111Ne p�incip�i l am
<br /> � a�pectod to awt on tNat CAanle Drte in substandaUy equal payrtrents Dy the maturity date at my new interesi rate.The rault ot�his catculation , '
<br /> ! � will be ths nnv amount ot my manthty payment. •
<br /> • (D) MLM�o�hterql Rate Cia�q . . '�—
<br /> The interat r�te 1 am rcqai:ed to•p�y at the Grst Ct�ange Dace witl not be �reuer �han 13.S q� o� �� � • `
<br /> M g•5 Ri.ThercaRer�my interat rate wiU never be increasetl or decrrased on any sin=SeChanse ihte by more t'saa Two Pet'eent
<br /> .. , .(�•a��from the nte of intertst 1 have been paying for the prec,eding iwelve manths.The minlmum interest n+te on tlas loan aill never be '
<br /> ; lqt than 9•d �lb anQ tho muinfum intece.5t rate wiQ aeva Ix greuer ihan _ IFi n _. ri. . .
<br /> �
<br /> (Ea Flf�etlreDrfe W CW� , :
<br /> � . My new interat rate wii}bacor�e effective on each Ch�nge Uate.l wi!!pay tbe amount of my ne�v monthty payment brginning on the first
<br /> � ewnthJq psyment�tcafter the CAanae O�te�ntil the amount of my montAty paymrnt chan�e�aaain.
<br /> (F► lVelkeNCi�1�e� . .�},.
<br /> The Note Holder wiU m�i)or detiver to me a r.otico txforc each Change Ua�e.The not ice wd1 advise me ut: �
<br /> (i) tAe ne�r inttrest rate on�ny Loan u of tha Chu�ge D�tc;
<br /> ' (u) the�mount of my momhty payment following�Fe Change Date: ,
<br /> (iU) anyadditiotuil matterM1whieh�he:4ace Hol�er�s,reyvirrd tu disclose;und
<br /> [iv) theaQ�tssofthta�sociatfonyoucr,uldeGatactregard;ngany�atstion�ab�utthe�Ajusimcnlnntice. �
<br /> � �. CHARGES:WElY$ - . . .. . . . . . . ... ._ . . . .
<br /> . Ualitont►Covenant 4 of tNe Sccurlty Instrument is amended tn read as follnws:
<br /> , � (3�tp�;�1e�,Bomavrer shzll pay,all ta.+ces.�ssessmentv,and other cftarges,fines.and imp�rsitians attribueabte to the Aroperay wh3eh tt�y
<br /> attain�ptiorlty over�i�ii Security Instrument.end[tasehold payments ot gtoutttl«n.s,if any,in ihe manner�rvvided unQer pua�raph I heteof
<br /> . or,it no1 paia in sut�b rpxnnrr.by Ebrrower making paymsne,when JuC.dire+city tn sAe payer thercc�f.Bd�rower sh�lt ptompely furnlsh Lender
<br /> • � • • dl notiee�s et�ttnoattt�dtte under this pat�tapA,ar�A irr Yhr Event Horrowrr sha11 make tisymmt d�recqly,flnrrower shaCi prarr�pity furnish to
<br /> . : [y�.'tl(�t f!'Ct��S CV�,'llCltu SUC�l p3YTftCA11. }�Nit�twC,e Sli:ill�7tt�ftlyt[y l�lx�liJtgC Aity 3icJ� tshi.t� t7.lc jltll�f�ty a�+Cr fhl� !titk'ii7lty I1t'.tt�titlCtSl;
<br /> • however. Borrowrt shA)I n4t be rrQuired tc�diubarge ony�uch tiro co long av Hc�rrouer. (s)sh;�li ngrce i�writing t�,the payment n1 the
<br /> � . obiijation st�ured by surh fien in tAc manner accep:abte tcr leodcr;ll���,hall in gaad faith eon►est such lie�t by.�r defend egamst entorcement af•
<br /> _ ._-__'--
<br /> ' euehlito in.tt�l Gtase���s whicb in�he opininn�f Let�det�perate tc.pre�ent the er�farcement�f tne 11en�r fe�feiiure oF ihe Nooperty m any ,
<br /> . ' part theteof.;ar(c)sh�li secure from thc hpldcr of wch tien an qgrccmrnt in�form sa�iifa��ory to Lendco su�+ordinanng sucb�ien to ti�is
<br /> • , SecutiCy insuutntnt.
<br /> .... _ .--- - -���C.ZirQC�i�a{�i'rii��wE Zti i3F o87�*"�jSf SS?:�"t."s��.:#3. ,�i;�';i=s"i�{3 d.�is—ii'.:�'d:.�ii33�a"�;S Q Ziitfiit��:.'f C.ss,'z S:t:iT»_L-Sti:itil:Ci.:RtF - - -
<br /> S.endtr ehail6ive Bc�rrpwer.a notiee identi(y�nR such licn.I�c�rPUwer�t;all sausiy such l;en e,r��kt une or mur.e uf rhe uc�iorrs srt fv�th�bore
<br /> ` , within ten daye ot the givirtg nf the no�rce. �
<br /> � C. Nq7tC� .
<br /> . Unifotm Ca�cnant 14 of thc Stcunty Inctrumenl is nmendcd t�rcad as fa1loc�s . • �
<br /> . K
<br /> :�r 11. NeUes.Fxcrpt fat uny nutice re�cuted under apyli:ahlr law cu hr t�ac'n�n aisc,:het rnaur.rr,f;li Uhy I�a�:�:e i��k��:rs��u•r�ir����did for nr th�: tp
<br /> SKllQIi}IQS1JllII1CIIt 5$�II�C glt'C6 64 dC�14CI(IIA 1I�I I'�Y m.11f1IIE iI L�}'fifSt lldiS III:llS It t3c�lrc acr ai►u_{�r,;�ti��t Addr:.,,u;ai cu�te uihcr�dres: " ���
<br /> . a5 iiat�ocier may dcsignatc hy noti�e i�1.cncic�us proiide�lietem,and thi am n.rF�:c tc,i cndcr;FaII i,-g��;��hr fr;r:.ta..ma�t tcF i crdcr'� ' �
<br /> �.
<br /> � nddtes5stste�ihere�nuc tosu�h othtr usdrrss a.l ci!dtr in3r d:,�E2iia[c ey u��Ii.c ta H�fff��4tf.r�E•�c:4�S_��f t:rt:u�.:t�,y r.ca�_t{�tu:t:ir,l j��r m t;�r.
<br /> . " 4f'GUt1!}�Il:!►17f11.nsehaithe�cemedtczfiateF�'Cp(.t:'.ih`f{i.t(i�aPF��:�f�.I:its�:Ci�F.ltl�N!�ti,�'tt.[F�Cf':.C,t�U.�tc�4�.c'_��t � , '
<br /> . ' ` �
<br />. ' � �� ' .' ' � ' .
<br />