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<br /> K�QNT AT,�. �N BY TH�3E PRB�38NT$:`, . `` . " "Q� , - .
<br /> . THAT WH�REA9, alt of the in�iebtddne�s �ecund by tl�'1'�ruet �eed eiecuted by..............................._..__.............. � �
<br /> . t- nt.....s e+_ .��� • . . . _ . . ,
<br /> - .. _ ...... --.-......::..���-...�:...._......_ ._i�h�I�s.—..4. .�#�i$�P���..����Yii��i�..:.....___..__........»..>...»....»». ........... . ; .
<br /> � , ta .._...... 3aseph,g.,,Badaai.� � --...--- ....,.... .. . � as Tru�tee fos the beoe5t of
<br /> ..,... .... ... ..........._..._..-------....__._...._.............. .
<br /> .. .. ..«........_._.��.��..T...�DF.RAL_S!l�1INGS.A1,iB.�.OAt�t.�S$QC�T.�S�I1 Q�..T►���I.�T..._..... .,tlte B�eficc�ary nam�d th�rdn, � . ..
<br /> � ` �e€a�......��81t!��;���..i�$�..._. s�d r�rcied'ia t�ie ol�e af t�e R��et�of If�etdus of...__...8a21------� . ------•--- . .
<br /> . ` �ty;l�ieb[adta,in Boo1�..:�.....:J ae Iaatrumixtt Number85-004087�an 14�icmfiim Roll 1�umbeiXXXS.......... �
<br /> . . . •►
<br /> ' � Pa�.....:� ., Wu bed�pud,utd ssid Berte6ci�ry h�s �qtieeted ia vPSiting that this Deed of ��oonveyanee 6e
<br /> , �i �cat�d and deHvet+ed a�confirnkd by ita�enctoreehaent beIav;
<br /> • � � NOW THEREFURE,ia oot�den,tion of�uch ps�ttnet�t and ia accordance arith t�ie requeat of the BeneSciary n��med .
<br /> . � .� t�e�n; tr1,e w�deesi�oed as Z`rastee does by tlje� praenta, giant, nmiee. releaae and recouvey to the per�oa or_
<br /> # p�ous�dntitied t�et+eEo a11 tbe intet�t and eatate dexived to said Trastee bq or t6mugh eaid �nust,Iked in t!�: , '.
<br /> , follawia�de�cribetl pnmitea b�ut o�ly�a to auch pn�misea: .
<br /> r ,
<br /> � . . �
<br /> j Lo� Three (3), in Block Eigbt (8), Replat af Riverdale Acres, an Additian �
<br />, � ,. . �
<br /> � ! � to the city of Grand" Island. Hall Countq, 1L'ebraska. � �� �r �
<br /> , .
<br /> , , ,
<br /> � DATED: ...�l,Uqu�t..z�.,....1.99Q............. . TRUSTEE: .. .�...... .. . . . . ...._._..---..............-•-------......-----• ' �
<br /> � STATE OF NEBRA�KA " . F- .
<br /> �8. • • { '
<br /> ' CAUI�TY OF ....xrl!#�I.�A��.'�!.'��.............. ; . . .
<br /> ;
<br /> � � ; .. �
<br /> ' U�this ...13�h.. day of .......A��us�_......._..., 19..90,before the underaign�d, a Notasy Fublic dnly commiseianed ,
<br /> ,: . , .
<br /> � Jose h H. Hadami ��
<br /> and qualified far said CountY, Person�lly came ..........._...... P..................................•-��---.....__._...----•-•....:..........,..................... . ' -
<br /> ; �s �uat�ee► to me.lcnuwn to be the identical pereon whoae name is subscribed to the fotegoing instrument attd • �
<br /> ' � ackao�rledged the e:ecution the:eof tA be his voluntary_ect and deed as such Tsustee. -
<br /> i:'.i::14i1;°l.��l�L��i Ot K11t�lri� , � _
<br /> �
<br /> JUDi1AiA.KUNKMA[11 � . -{ , , -
<br /> � .:+�!1i'r Cor•_ �i.+� ��rit! 1�92 • ,
<br /> �My�comnve�'fb'lYeYp ......_...Aprl2..1......... 19.92__. ... .�:...�`,ui�'!d%w.. � Notary Public
<br /> ., .�
<br /> � ie to vertify that taha above �d Trustee has been requeeted in writing to.esecut� the fotegoi� Deed oi
<br /> � Raouveyuice iusd hia action ia doing eo is ratifled and rnnfiraied in all respecta. , . �
<br /> By: . ! � ...........�.................. ��;
<br /> STATE 4F NEBRASKA � . ' ' . . �,
<br /> � � � �s.q. �nthis-----3th... da of ..:......Au�ust , 199Q . before �
<br /> � .... . . .
<br /> , COUNTY OF ....LBNCASTFR.............. •mo, the undersigne . a NotAry Piublic in and for said �
<br /> � Coont,y pereons�Uy came .._.....L a r r�!..L.�...Pf e i 1...... ................ . ....... ..... ...... . ....................� o! Fisst Federal Savinge
<br /> . .... . .
<br /> ` and Lan Aseociation oi Lincaln, to me �ersonall�► known to tie the ...�xec.._.Vice,.President: and identical
<br /> , _ pel�n whaae nnme i� affiaed ta the above foregomg inetrument and acknowledged the e:ecution thereof ta be his
<br /> tuy act and deed as such ofl4cer, and the voluntary set and deed of tha �aid �'irat Federal Savings and Loan
<br />� Aeeocution oi Lincoln. /� , ,
<br /> My� camrni�eion e:pires.......A�r i 1 I...:........ ., 19 g?... ..����4C�..u..................................... �
<br /> .., Notary P�t�lic
<br /> .��-_.,��,� . .
<br /> t; ;�;.,. -:,.r� .. �.. �
<br /> • ,�;�h�r:�p�.K41tVK�€dt��� Register o� I�eeds lndex When rProrded to be returr�ed ta:
<br /> _�.�i
<br /> e FP,•1 C.r.,'�,',• FxQ O.yt9 I i"�:�
<br /> . > _ ,�,..-��.:�� .. .. � , :-_ --�
<br /> , ' _'. •_._--'- Name T�_.__
<br /> - - - - - - . ' . ' • , . . . . i .
<br /> ___�.,�_4trmi A�fdre�v J'... _ �
<br /> � � ' �
<br /> . -� ------�.�i. ftoa' •--J �'
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<br />. • . l'ifV !��-. --Ftnfr X�i�I��wfC
<br /> . 1c! �. .
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<br /> ' �ortn651•12$$GFC - �.
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