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<br /> t. . ��!'8t�����IIQ[�!��i�OOd�1�iOQ OF IDt�11ts�iE lQid 5lCOil���If.���ta
<br /> ,` �plTD'111lI'S�f'����!t�I�S"t�EqpilOa td�ID�E l�Q1 E�ECt�.spC2t�1G�R 1�TEQQaEm�At f�i tIIE
<br /> � ` �OLxMR1f0��liiAiabf�iRL�lBOR�Y+Ci'l�X�G!'i�ilttCD�CdillRE�ISQQ�iq�l.'�N .
<br /> . ` , ' #� I�eliw. �ar!s�i��i :i,.,,, � ;{�i'��i���S upon a�inspeetioQS d the Property.I,eader_ r .
<br /> . � . tlait�i+r�Hare�awernotiaaet�r�; pitiqf�r� ra�onabkcsusefottbeb�spect�on.
<br /> . ' - • ` � �� !: C�i�wtiw. Tl+�Pr�dia�s�lr.�!��4p�a d�n�a,dir�ect a coa:eqivatia�in caana�ion with �
<br /> __.� —.__,�,� . . -- -_ - -��f�;'ot�fot:carvey�at�e in dieo of Goedemnstion,�tt+e t�ae�► . -
<br /> "" �i ' ai�y�e��sd�6epidtoLaider � � < ' -
<br /> � � L t�e e�t of a wq�tatciea o�tLe Pr�p��ty.ttre p�ooeeds,s�l be applied w tbe sa�u�ecurod 6y tbis Savrita► .
<br /> ' � ,` t�ra�mt,wl�etliar or not tban du�witb aay e�a�t paid to BormMrer.ta the evmt of s p�eti�1 takin�af tbe Property,.
<br /> ; . . qaleit Hocr�s aod IROder otLenri�e a=c�ee ia�vtiGin�.the�s aecurad by tLis Securiry Inswma�t�Lall be teduoed by .
<br /> : , • tlie isw�t of t1�e pracne�multipl�ed by ttu f�oUc�n j,fisctim:(a)the tot�l ansount of�tlse sum�tecured immadiatety , • .
<br /> .. � be�ar t�t�,divided b�►(b)t6e lsir m=r1o�t value otthe�Pt�nperty immodiatdg bdore tl�e tatcin6.Ariy b�tlance ahall.be �
<br /> p�da Borro�er. � . � , :. �
<br /> It We Propaciy is a6�oda�ed by Baro�ver,oc if,�Rer naice 6y I.mder to Horro�ra tLst the coademnot oReis to
<br /> ' � �m�ce�u awnd a�ettle s claim for d�ma�e+.Borm�rer Gib to rapond to L�ender�vitbin 30 dsys after the dste the notice is .
<br /> � �Ivm�Lmder u sutborizad to colkct snd appiq the praaeds.at ita option,eittxr to restor�tiaa or repair of the Property o� _. �
<br /> , ; w the�ams�ecarod by tbis Secnrity last�umeat,�►hethu or not thea duS. ' . �
<br /> " ; - � ' Uak�s I�eader and Borra�ver otbeswise a�ree iQ�►titiag,my app�ic�tion ofproceeds t6 prinap�l sbalt not extend os . _
<br /> � t ,postPone tl�due date of the monthly Pagmeats r+eferced to in p�ra�raplis 1 and 2 or cbangc the amount af sucb psymaits.' .
<br /> � � !0. Bcrrowa Not Rtle� For6earuae B�► I,eaiee Not s Wwea Eatensian�of the tune for.p�ymeai or .
<br /> modideation oP amortiTatioa of tbe ausns secared by this Security Instrument gsanted by Lender W any succtssoi tn
<br /> . iaterr�t ef Bortc�ver aha11 not+opaate to rdase tlse liability of the 6rigiral8arro�es or Borrower'a saccessors in iaterest.
<br /> j � Lender t6a11 not be raqt�ired to commenca proceadinas a�inu any snccessar da intereat or refuse to eatend time for �
<br /> I payment os otl�a�vix modify amaRiution of t1u sw�a secured by tl�is Sxurity Inst�ument by reawn of any denwnd m�de
<br /> � E by tLe oripn�l8ormw�er or Ho�+a+ver's su�essors in interes�Any forbearance by I,ender in eaercising aay right or rsmedy . ; .i
<br /> t � shaUaot6es auvuofor pr�I:ud�;tbe esercue ofany rigbt or remedy: �
<br /> : % �11. S�oeea�on a�i Miip�Sor��oLt�/S�eeal Lt�Mlfty;Co�tper�. The covrnants and agreema�ts of
<br /> � this Security Instrument aball bind and bene8t the auccesaora and aa�igns of Lender and Horrower,aubject to tbe provisions " � :
<br /> i oip�rsgrapb 17.Borro�rer's covenants anA�greements sbsll be joint and severat.Any Borrower who co-signs this Security �
<br /> { Instnunent but das not exocute the Note:(s)is co-signtng thia Security Instrument only to mortgage.grant and convey `. ,
<br /> � tl�t Horm�vet's interest in the Property under the terms of.this Socurity Instruratnt;(b)is not perscrnally oblig�ted to pay •�. _�
<br /> ' tt�e sw�u socured by this Security ltistrumerit;and(c)sgrees thst Lender and aay other Borrower may agree to examd, -
<br /> ajodify,foibeat oc a�aice�ny aacommodstions with regard to the ttrms of this Sacurity Instrumrnt or the Note a+it6out
<br /> � t�fit HOS'O�YCi'1COtIfE11t. . . . . .
<br /> ; �. Lor Cti�[�a. If the 1ar�secured by tbi�Security Instrument is subject to s 1a+v which sets maaimum loan . .
<br /> ; char�es,and tLaat bW Is flnally interpreted ao that the interest or other fan chatges collected or to be cutkcted in '
<br /> � cont�ection�with the loati exceed tiie pttmitttd limits, then:(e)any such lo�n charge shall be roAuced by the amount �
<br />. � nectuary to reduee the chuge�to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums alreidy coltected from Boriower wfiich eacudod
<br /> f pesmittad limits wIU be refundtd to Borrower. Lendat msy choose to make this refund by reducing the principa!owod
<br /> i uridet the Note or by maicing s dirtct p�yment to Horro�rer.If s refund roduces principal,the reduetion will be trested as a
<br />• � i partW gnpaymrnt�vithout any preptymeet ctsarga under the Note. � '
<br /> ; . 13. I,�btallo� ARecti��Leaier's Ai�hb. Ii'cnactment or expiration oi appticable laws has �he effect af
<br />". , readerin�any prov}sion otthe Nute�r ehis Security Insttument unenforceable according to its term�.Lender,at its option.
<br /> : msy raryire immediate�ynjait ic��ull of all sums socurad by this Sacurity Instrnment and may invotce any remedies �
<br /> � ptranitued by p�raarsph 19.If Lmder exerr�se�this option,Lender sha11 take thG steps speci�ed in the second pamgraph of
<br /> ParaEraDb 1�. � . . : ��.
<br /> • i�. Nodca. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security lnstrument shall be givrn 6y delivering it or by .
<br /> � msilins it by Ant clus mail unlas spplicable taM requira use oF anothcr method.The natice shall be directed to the
<br />� � ,Ptoperty Addras or any other aQdress BorroNer designsta by notice to Lender.Any notice to l,ender sha116e p,iven by
<br /> first clasa�m�i!to Lender's address stated herein or any ather addresss Ltndrr designates by autice to Borrower.Any natice
<br /> • provlded for ir�this Security Instrument shall be deemod to have been given to Borrower ar Lender when given as provided . ... . . ....... �
<br /> in thi�pussaph.
<br /> � 2S Coternts�Lw;SereralUtty. This Security Instrummt shall be governed 6y federal law and the!nw oF the '
<br /> jurisdktion in which the Property is focated.ln the event that any provision or ctause of this Secur;ty lnstrument or the
<br /> Note eanAiets�rith applicabk lsw.sucb conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> � whicb cart be�lven e!![c�t withont the eonAie�in�e provisian.To this end the provisiorrsof this Security Instrument and the
<br /> . Note�re declued to be aevenbk. �
<br /> . 16. Borrowdr'�Co�y. Bonower shall bt givrn une conformcd copy o€�he!Vote and af this Security lnstrument. ' _
<br /> , l7. 7'r�fir ot tit Pro�ae��eBeLl Lkra�t ii �arrower. If aU or any part of the Property or any
<br /> interdt in it is sold or transferrod(or if a betteficial interest in Bottowcr is sold ar transferred and Borruwer is not a natural
<br /> person)�vithaut Lender's prior written consent,l.ender may,at its option.require immediate payment in fell oi all sums _ _ _
<br /> secure�by this Sxur'ssy I.nslrsss�ss:t. �'.es��eser„tbis api:on sls�!!not be exe:cisec!bj l.ettder i�exe�rise is prahibised by ; ��
<br /> f�dertllsrv asoPthe dateof thisSecurIty Instrument. "
<br /> If leer�der exercises thisoption.Lendcr shal!give Bonower nolice of acceleration.The natice sriall provide a period
<br /> -� " ti�'not Ies�than 30 days I'roai ita date the notice is deliiiered dr mailed vi+ithin which Hotrower musi p3y att sum4 secured by � "
<br /> this 5ecntity Inst�umtnt.lf Borrower fails to psy thae sums prior to ehe expiration vf this periud,Lender may ihvnke any �
<br /> re�tudies perm9tted by this Security lnstrument without further natice or demand on gorrower. ,
<br /> ' l�Bormwer's Rl�lt to ReieNate. it Bonower mats certain conditions.Borrawer shall have ihe right t�have �
<br /> � rnfvreement of this Security lnstrument discontinucd at any time priar tu the earlier of:(a)5 days(or such other period as
<br /> applic�lble taw tt�y specify far reinstatemeot)befoie salt oP the Propeny pursuant toany p�nwer uf sale contained in this �
<br /> Security instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument. 'thc�se c�nditinres�re that Harrawer: • f.
<br /> (�) p�ys t,ender al)sums whicb then waWc1 be due under this Security lnstrument t►nt! the Note had nc•aecelerativa► �
<br /> . - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - • -
<br /> occutted;(b)cuies any default bf any o u cavenants oi i+gteemenfs;(e)pays al eitpEnses incurred m e�f�ic�ng this , � . �
<br /> • � Stcurity Instrument,�including,6ut not Gmited:tn.reatonaAlr atturneys fees;and (d)takcs such aclian as I.endet may ;, _�'
<br />, ` teasonabty require[o assure that the lien oP this Security Instrument. Lender's rights in tPie Property and �orroNer's
<br /> ' . � abligation tu pay the sums secured by Ihis Securify Insttument s6al1 cuntinue urtcbanged. UpE�n reinstatement by � �
<br />, Bartewer,this Security Inslrutnentand the 4b2igatinns sprured hrreby shafl rema�n fully effecuve ar�f nn acceterat�nn had
<br /> occurred.However,this sight to reinstate shall aot:rp�ly in the tnse af acceleration under paragwaphs 13 i�r 17 �
<br /> - . ,. �
<br />