<br />89- 102165
<br />The F.,rm Crr-Oft Bank of C m--. a, formerly krxDwn as 11-lie FcL;exal Land Bank of Mmha, a
<br />Corprrati-on orcord.--d and exir tirx;
<br />; urxler the lx..L ---f tl-.c United States, GWIIVItS,
<br />in co---.*c4eraf--_*(-i of
<br />Nintv 71tt-_:�inri Nolllffl r3oll--i-s f1cm GMTfEE,
<br />Prtert T. Pn-Tr-lu,! jur! !zr'rcy eryl Wife, Joint Tenants With
<br />pi"Ints, —F
<br />f-C, =7'7IT7., 0-t! rcal estate in flail C=ity. Nebraska
<br />(I!-'! :n '7-1,. 1',:*.,. !;tat. W-201):
<br />in •crtI7, nrnc- 'I, vn.► of th •vu.1 v.n.
<br />35: 7b(� !>-7t (-.n acres of t-;-.c ji 1,11" 17-- 1/.*
<br />T", vrrer Tz-, Cr-(.!u, Scct_-o{,
<br />t`-:nt I%;- aW !-•voz,il, wl-Lh GPR,7!k.L
<br />r,.�l and uizit It i,.: t'rre
<br />C.-C_-cq� ssulj-_tiL 1,: e::ISLIMI f�•.I-;0I:PuiU: of rrN_-orj;
<br />atents; VO3 t'--- lights Of
<br />n
<br />t.r _(7rivey the s-e-'re;
<br />title t(- _n- ir-al estate ;1gailLst the
<br />o :s — tell r"T.,E, or it ily ;art thCr(_-Cf
<br />April 2.6,.,.,
<br />ossocq
<br />r tv
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<br />m
<br />31 iclQ,..*o
<br />0
<br />A!r!�;tarit Secretar-,
<br />SS.
<br />the nricultural
<br />1':'X! CPU IT PANT. OF (fl.NI;;,
<br />11., F*cflcr,,A T.vyl Fl nk An.,-:ociat-cii
<br />,r rl,•
<br />I t 1; r,ujfl;r 2
<br />7KI ALLortit-Y
<br />ILA"
<br />C/ = regory A. lbacn
<br />s-stant V-c--el-Iresident
<br />On this 26thclay C" April K-F9, tcf(,re .-c a NoLaay Public in a.,vd for
<br />A_-(4 lxers(,T�Mv 5,7peared Graa_,.•ry A. lbud!, 1,ssistant Vice President , to
<br />rx-- rersc-r.,illv knot,-n tc- I-e t1--, -_0 vtical person .no e.,.(-•cuteu the ior�.Incj
<br />%.-N) 're`n7, t-v re s•y)rn -Iicl SZly tAlIZIL 112 is assistant vice-preside-rit
<br />of t"?- Fc-feral Land r-uu.. As_,xc.:at_'"i: tJil:tt said instr ' unient. was sIgneed
<br />lit '!ily_ ac -ant ar(q, nttcrn,\�In-fact on Ir--half of an-] as a voluntary act and dead
<br />r,f Farr` Crr-lil Pan -, of C� z!ln, a c-orj-oraL__'C)fI i-ryailizc<j aixi existing under the laws
<br />of tho States.
<br />Patricia R. Moffett L-
<br />P*zb ��MTRICNRM�ftE�t print rkinKa ury-lor sigaature)
<br />Notary Ptfirl-c in ter.-! fcr said County and State
<br />C-Pircs:
<br />- q -
<br />