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<br /> 4. Aa sdditian�l eecurity.'a'rurtor her�eby givee tc►�nd oonfere uprm Benef,ciuy tix dgh�.Po�rer and sulhority,during ti�e cnntinuance .. •<
<br /> � of tl�e Tnuts to aollect tbe nntr,,im�e�iwd pe�Qr o!�aid p�oputr.neretving�nYo Trurtor t�he*iBht. Prinr to anjr default by,Trustoe .
<br /> � � in p�At of anx indel�tadnMr Ne�d heeebY ar in peEa�anae�cs af mJ aQwment hereuq8e�:to eoUeet aod eetsin su�ernte,iasues �� � .
<br />- aad pe+�dta as tiwy 6uame dae�d p�yabk.Upaa my�urh debnit,Sene�eiarY msy at any time without notioe,ai�er in perwn,Dq . ' ,
<br /> .. �ara�.ar`by a e�eiwr to be�ppainte8 tsy i eou*t.�and witMat t�d to tl�c adeqaacy of un ex�ity for tbe inde6t�dneis heeeby eaeuted. . .
<br /> - : ari4r i�pon and LEice porer�on d iaid pra�let�o�apy paet tlus�so�,_ia hi�wm name we for.or otlrerwi��olleet sneh rent�.i�ues and . � .
<br /> ---;�i_^- .._OlD�fi,�ttdld��`�10�C fl��l�>�.`il��._.�p�i���IE�{1�OD�AY_�_ iD��1l�0�.bC�..�.{II 11�.0l�ll�f�!DlFICIt[y —
<br /> — --iwY determina.The ent�iro�upon md taloa�po�eMion of s�pia�erty,the ca ' of�ncfi-rbats.iaa�es�pm�iti aad the appT�tatiari - ------. _ . __..
<br /> ' .",- therpof�a afoneaid,shall uot cun or�vaive�ny defi�ult or ndiae otdefauit hee+enader or inva]idaLe anq act d�a punaaat to s�ch aotioe. _
<br /> '; 6.upoa default by'R�ueWr in tl�et payeoent of aay i�ebtednai secured hereby or in the g�etfasmeaoe of anp agnemeat eontaii�ed herein, . .
<br /> ' sIl�ns�ecured Lereby�tuII immadiaWY hecome due aa�}paya6k at the optian of the Benefiaary.In each event�ad upon�riften nqueet ,
<br /> . s of Hene6eiYry�Ttustee sl�all eell the twt peopesty.ia ueardanoe witb tha Nehnsb Te�t Deeds Aet, at p�blic audioa to tlu highe�t
<br /> . bidder Any penoe e:apE 1'nistee msy 6id at Truitee's eaTe. 1Yustee slult spply the proeeeds of ttae�te u.foUows:(i)to the espease . .
<br /> o[t,he�ale,inel�s reaeonable Tsurtt�e fee;(2)to th�e obligation euy�ed bp this Deed af Tnut:(3)tl�e�snsplus.if any.aIsaU 4e dirtrihuted ,
<br /> , . co ti�p penau entitied tl�ereto. .
<br /> _ _.. . - - 8.-�*.�a ds�11�tivsr ta th2 purr?�sar at Sks saia �ts '�.-�it6aut aear:sar;r e.hfek ehal}eoaxep tfl thz pnnehae•�3he`inter�et ia .: - -
<br /> • f.tx�►lmpertg'which Trudor had ax tuid tl+e po�rer to aoacay�t the time nf his eueutton of this Deed of T'iart.an�encb as he m�y have � .
<br /> = acquf'red t]uneftcr.Tiu�tec i deed ehall ieci?e thhe tscte showing tl�st tIie sde Aaa coaducted in complianoe aritti aA the reqrsirementa
<br /> � } oi lawr end of thir�l of Truat,wbicb ceeital aha116a psima fieie evidencc of euch wmplience and conetueive evidenoe tlierens in favor
<br /> E of�lide ptusAsiees and encumbsanvese fas vsiue. •
<br /> . , . .._. .
<br /> < ?.�e powtr af sale confened by tAia Deed of Truet is noi an esclusive semedq;Henefitiary may cauae ttYia Deed oF Trunt to be forectased
<br /> aa a martgage. • �
<br /> s 8, ta the event of the death.incapacity,dienbility or resignation ot'!'tustee,Beneficiasy asay eppoint in wriGag a aucceseor hvstee,
<br /> ' . end upon the recording nf such appointment in the mortgage records of the county jn which thia Deed of'Itust ie recorded,the succeesor
<br /> tnietee ehall be ve�ted witb all pawers of tha original trustee.'f7:e truatee ie not abtiged to notify any party herew of pendiag eale under ,
<br /> � any othee Deed of"�rust or of any aetion or proceeding in whlch Truetor,Trustee or Beneficisrq ehall be a party unleea such aMion or
<br /> �- , praceeding is brought 6y the Trustee. ,
<br /> . � � 9. Thia Deed of Truet applies ta,inures to the benefiL r4 and i$ Dinding not only on the partiea hereto,butcs their heirs,d�visees,
<br /> � legatee�,ndministratore, e=ecutors. succeseore and assigns. 'Tha term Benefrciary sluill mean the hnlder and o�vs�er of the nc2r seeured.
<br /> � hereby,whether or not named ae I3eneticiary herein. '
<br /> 10. Request for Notice of Default or Nqtice of Sale.it ia reyuea2ed that n copy of any Notice of Default or Notice of Sale be meiled to '
<br /> each peieon who is nnmed in this Truat I)eed et the mailing addresg of such person es ttet out above.
<br /> NOTICE TO CON9UMEI;: l. Do not sign this paper before you read fk 2. You ere edtided to a copy
<br /> ot tbis paper.3.You may prepAy.the unpaid bxl�nce at Any Nme withaut penalty and may be entitled �
<br /> � to receive s retund oi unearned ahargee in Acaordance with law. � �
<br /> ; siAned chig 1��asy�f,_ August ;A.�.1� 90 _. • � --
<br /> � X ,Q. . --
<br /> . � S'�AT� OF NEBRASKA i -. _ _ ..�r���-�''-----.-- .`.�
<br /> . � ►x�. 1I V � '
<br /> �. Nal l - . COUNTY ► x --Y�rsJ��e..t� • ,..1��.
<br /> j� ---- -�---
<br /> � On thi9..Y. 13...._.day of AU�USt � A.p., lg� 90 ,before me,the undereigned. a Notery Public,duly
<br /> samm�a�eion}d and qualified for and re�idinq in eaid county,qernonAlly cs�me ���.�-..�1�����i�• ���
<br /> . hUSD�I'10 afld W1i2 _�__ � mv known to be the identic$1 perean _S_..whoee name S si►lyised to the fnregoing •
<br /> ingtrumetft se Truator _.S__ __�._____ . ' und ncknuwleciged the eame to Le.—___��he i r__, , v��,
<br /> untary sct and deed.
<br /> � Witneas my hand und Notarial SeAI the day and yeur It�s � '
<br /> My Commiseian expirra the _ __8_ . _. duy ���i�f 11Ms4 ,� �-'�
<br /> � of Fe�u��----- l9. .91 MI�IIM.tl.MIAT�ON_ - __.._:./�+�am•' �A.
<br /> ` f ' ' �t'A�i�i"t� Publ�
<br /> _.. .. .. . ._- -�- - . .._ .. . . . .._
<br /> _ .. .. . . . ._ . . . . . . ..
<br /> S'CATE OF ....__.___....._.___--------. .. ►
<br /> 1 Sg.
<br /> Y___._.� �.__.... ._ County ►
<br /> Entered in Numerical Indr.x und filed firr record in tlie ufiice,of'the freqtatE�r�f lked�of etuc! a�uniy, the
<br /> ' day af �._ . . . .... _. . . ........_.___.__._ � _ . 19—_,_ , �t . . a'cirxk tirid . .
<br /> , minuka . . ,. _ . . . . . . ._ 1L, nnd duly recr�rded in BcK�k . uf '
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