. --- -= .=� .` _< T - -. ` - - _ � -=- - ----- �- - —----- -----�-=--�
<br /> , , . . � . . . � '� , '
<br /> _. . . . , _ �. � .
<br /> - - . � .� - � . � . :: �, t-- - ..__ .<` . . . :� . . .. , . . - , <
<br /> ' : . � . `. . . . ' • . ' . , `�
<br /> ..., . . , . .
<br /> `• , " ,. � DEEt? OF�REC(3NVEYrANCS� . ;���-•.
<br /> � . � . � ` . . ` � � . � � ��4�8�
<br /> . � . . .
<br /> , • , � � � � WHERSAS, the undersigned, William G. 8lackbt�n, of Grasid �Ieiand, � , , , � �
<br /> ' �� � Aall 'Courity, Nebraska, is �� niember of the Neb�aska State Bar Associa�iQ� � �
<br /> . _ .
<br /> ` `� � ' as Trustee_ under the� Deed of�Trust dated_Jartuar 19,,_2989 t executed ____..__ __.�_ __ .
<br /> ,
<br /> � .. ,- -- -� .:. . . _ . __ . .
<br /> - � - -- - - -._
<br /> �"' - - _- �. PI�.11ig J. Yan�sAalle�aaic� "5heiTa_5:.:Yan�Aalle,. Husliancl and�__'i+tife� - -_. . -
<br /> .;
<br /> #_< � < as Tsustor, i�n' which Five Poiiits Sarik of Gfai�d Island, Nebraska, is `
<br /> . � : : �named as Henef iciary, and the undersigaed as Trustee, which Deed was "
<br /> . ; recor�3ed as Document No., 89=3.t104��, in the Register of Deeds Of€ice � ' `
<br /> f � of �all County, Nebraska, =on the 31st day of Jaauary, 1,989, and_ � � �L �
<br /> , �` , . � .
<br /> ,
<br /> , ; ,
<br /> ` � ° , ; WBPREAS, �aid undersiqned, Williaz� _�. Blackburn, o� Grand Island,_ . _ � �
<br /> ` �; � -- _ - _ - � --_ -_
<br /> < SaIT County,_ Nebraska, has received fr� I�ive Points Bank of Grand � ' •
<br /> � . ''� ' Island, Nebraska, wrtt�en request to re�onvey tHe real estate described .
<br /> ( � in� �3�e Deed of Trust above mentioned; as �ollows: � � �-. " � .
<br /> �'��� , A �sact af land oomprising a p�r� mf the Northwest Quarter . . -'
<br /> � • (NW�� of Sectfoa Twelve� (12) , Township .Elev�n (I1# �Nartih, " . � -
<br /> , . • . . � Range Ten (1�) , West of the 6�h P.l�+i., -mare particu�asly � � � � •
<br /> _`=r�:_r`: . � describea as •�o32t�s s He �tts� at a �
<br /> 9 g pcisi��cn tY�e Wsrt �ine
<br /> ,� i ' �, � of said Northwe�t Quarter, �aid point. bei.xig" 39Q:Q feet N�th � , '
<br /> • • � ' , of. the �Southwest corner af said Northwest Quarter; thence , �
<br /> ; . runtiinq Norther ly along the West 1 ine o£ sa id. Narthwest Quarter� �
<br /> � a distance of 29b.0 feetf thence runninq Easterly and pa�rallel �
<br /> , to the South line .of said Narthwest .Quarter, a distance of 300.0�
<br /> � � , feet= thence runninq Southerly and parallel to the West line of
<br /> � � said Northwest Quarter, a distance of 290.0 feetf thence run�ing ' ,
<br /> � . Westerly and parallel to the South line of said Northwest Quarter,
<br /> � � a distance of �00.0 feet to the point .of heainning, in �iall County,
<br /> Nebraska, and � � ,
<br /> � . � ,Part of .the Northwest Quar�er (N�;t�y af Sectian Twelve i12) , in �� �
<br /> Township Eleven (11) Narth, Rang� Ten 110) , West of the 6th P.M. , .
<br /> � more p'articularly described as follows: Heginning at a �point on
<br /> � the West line of said NW�;, said point beinq 68�.O�feet North of , '�� '
<br /> � . � the Southwest corner of said NW�, thence running Northerly alonq � ' --=
<br /> the West line of said NW�, a distan�e of 145.0 feet; thence ��
<br /> � running Easterly and para11e1 to the South line of saxd NW4 a '�i_�
<br /> � ; di.sCance of 300.0 £eetj thence xunning Sontherly and parallel to � �
<br /> . the West line of said I3W�;, a distance of 1h5.0 feet; thence ,
<br /> running Westerly and para11e1 to the South line of said NW4, .
<br /> : a distance of 300.0 feet to the point of beginning, all in Hall
<br /> � County, Nebraska, .
<br /> � said request to rECOnvey rec3.ting that all sums secured by such Deed .
<br /> . af T=ust have been ,fully �aid;
<br /> ' � � :,
<br /> � � NOW., THEREFORE, in accordance with sueh reguest and the
<br /> � pro'visions of such Deed of Trust, the �nd�rsigned, as Trustee, does �
<br /> � hereby reconvey, witYiout warranty, to the person or persans 2egally
<br /> ; entitled thereto, the estate now held by said Trustee hereunder. . �.
<br /> " . '�
<br />� . ' IN W��NESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Deed of •
<br /> Reconveyance at Grand Island, Nebraska, �his l�th �3ay of Aug�st, 1990. �
<br /> : �
<br /> , � �� .��-'. '•. �a' r ` ,�-
<br /> Z'�Ly����,'����L�LS-L-.._. .
<br /> • � � 5TATE OF NEBRASIiA) �
<br /> , �55. �
<br /> . . COUNTY OF H11LL. ) ' .
<br /> The £oregoing Deed df Rcconveyance was acknowlcdgcd be£ore me on t:
<br /> Augus�t �_, 1990� by �WII,LIRM C: RT.�IICIGB(SFtP�, TR(,1�T�L'.
<br /> ,•
<br /> ,� �f .
<br />- . GElIERR:NOlA�7f•sr::�as�•sa �����f. �. •. ,'., a �r �
<br /> ' _f.. :-_ _��__
<br /> � MIOCE GOL�SMITH ------� - ( r.�-------- �-
<br /> � � M,rf;omm E�D!an 31.1993 ����ry �'l1bIYC
<br /> --- . . . . REQUEST FOR RECOI�VEYl1tIC� . :
<br /> Tlie Heneficiary requests the Tru�te� ta �ec;onvey the�e��l ��state �
<br /> above to the p�rson or pes�vns �ntitled tiher�to.
<br /> - � f
<br /> ; � I'IVE OI ' S I3A"
<br /> .. �� E
<br /> ; ��
<br /> ' � R.. <F
<br /> . �
<br />