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<br /> 1 � ; ��- �oirov�rei sfia-ITpay thc premiums requiired Eo maintam�the insurance in�effect until sucI►timc as th�requiremmt for the � .
<br /> t , insurance termieates in�accardaact wittt Borrawer's an�I.endec's written agreemant or appGcabtc Iaw. � � , � � �
<br /> • ! . � , s. Le�det�or its em rna make rasonabte entries u n and i»s " � � ' �
<br /> ; Ia�e�tion: ag y pa peet:ons of!be Preperty. i ender . ,
<br /> ,; � st�sll give Borrmver notice at Ebe�iimet�t'ar pri�ar taan impection spocifying reasanable cause for the inspection. � �
<br /> � � ,9. Co�saatiw.� Tt�t gro�kbds of alny awrird or claim for damages,direct or consequmtial,in connxtion with . ; . �
<br /> i . .any.caridrnnnat an ot other takins of�ny put of the prdptrty,or for conveyance in lieu�f condemaatinn,are bere6y .
<br /> -. _3-__ _-- -assigcse�anai�hr paid tQ I.ae�et: - - � _. - - �' � . .
<br /> 'f < In the svent of a total taking of the.Prappcty,the proceods.sball be apptitd to the sums secured 6y ihis Security � �
<br /> � - Instrumertt,wlxther or not thea}duG with any excessp�id to BonoRa.In�the event of a partial taiEing of the 1'roperty. '
<br /> :. � , . .utdas Borrawra and Leades othenvise agra in wtiting,the sums secared by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by -
<br /> �thr amount of the proceeds mutti�fied by the folla�ng fsaction:(a)the total�rrsount of the sums secu�ved immrdiatety
<br /> � before the uking�divided by(b)the fair maricet value of the ProptrtE°ammediatefy bePore the takirrg.Any batance slrall be
<br /> j . piidtoHorrawer. � , � . � � ,
<br /> � , . Yf E�e Property is ah�u�dc�asd by Horrower,os if,afta noti�!sp i.�tder to 8orrower that the co�6ea€nar afftis to � '
<br /> = � raaaice an aw�r�oe seltte a ciaim for damages,Horr�wer Faits to r��to I.ender.within 30 days afttr the�Fafc thc mQi�ce is � " -"�� � � - -"� �
<br /> , � . givcn,.Lencter is s��tborized to eolleci a��lx the proee�ds.ax i+s c�x�ivn.either to cestoratio�ar repair of the Pro�eerac��r � �
<br /> i to the sums sqcwed by tbis Security I�s�u�ent,whether or r}at thet�due. •
<br /> � Unless Lenderand Bzssf�vet other�ist agroe in R�iting,any application of proceeds to principa!shall not eatend or
<br /> 'j � ' • postpone the due dafe of the�;:�'�hly paycsients re�erred to in paragaphs 1 anc12 ar changc the amount of sucH paymtnts. � '
<br /> � 10 Batrower Not Rs�wed; Forbeuance By Lender Nat s Wslret. EMension of the time for paymeat or ' _ �
<br /> � modification of amottization of the sums secured by this Securery Instrument granted by Lender to any succe�soz in �
<br /> ; interest of$arrower shaU not operate to retease the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's saccessors in incerest. .
<br /> ? Lender shall not be required tQ rammenee proccedings against any succ�ssor in interat or refuse to eatend time for �
<br /> � , payintnt or othcrwise modify amortizatian of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made � ,
<br /> 1 by the original BortoNer or Borrower's saccessors in interest.Any forbearance by i,ender in eaercising any right ar relnedy
<br /> � j � shall not be a w�i�er oPor pr�clude ihe exercise of any right or remedy..
<br /> t 11. Suecatso�s asd.�ig�Boand;Joiat and Sereral Lia1�'ity;Cq�si�nere. The�.avenants and agreements of
<br /> � this Security Instnunent sha]16ind and 1xneSt tbe successors end assi$ns oF Lendes and Barrawer,subject to the pravisiot�s ` �
<br /> af paragraph 17.Barrower's crs�enants and agseements shall be joint and several.�ny Borrower who casi�s this Security .
<br /> r Instrume�t but does not eas��ie the Note:(u)i�co-signing this Security Instrc:ment only to martgage.grant and convey
<br /> ! f. �: .
<br /> that Sonower's inteast in tc^e Property under the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)is not personal}y obfigate�to pay
<br /> � the sums secured Dy this Srcurity Instn►men2;and(c)agrees that Lxnder and any other 8orrower may agree to eatend. � -
<br /> � ( modify�furbear os malce any accommodatians with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument ar the Note without �
<br /> I thatBarrower'scansent. �
<br /> ; II. Loan�. If the loan r�ecurtd by this 3ecurity Instrurttrtat is subject to a law Khich sets maximum loan , • --
<br /> - � charges, and that !aw is Snally intrrpreted aa that the intercst ot other loan charges calleeted ar ta be cnllected in � �
<br /> , connection with the loan exceed the percr.rtted limits. then:{a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amonnt
<br /> ; . necessary tu reduce the charge to the permitted limit;und(t�)��ny sums alrrady wilectai Frcm�Basrawer which exceeded ' ��.
<br /> ' permitted limits will he ref�rs;ed �0 9orruwer. Lender may chcxne t�make this refund hy reducing the prirecipal owed
<br /> � under the Note ot by ma4cing a di�ect payment to t3�rrowcr.lia rePund reduces prirscipal,the�feafuction a•:tt�e t�eated as a
<br /> ; partial prepayment without any prepayment c'�arge under the Note.
<br /> ' �3. I.eaitlstion A![ectiag I,eeder's Rig6ts. !f enactment c,r rxpiration oi ap�itc;ahle laws h�.s the etFer,t-.�f
<br /> � rendering any provision uf the N�tc or this 5ecunty instrument uner.�:zccable uccarding tn its terms,l,ender,at it�opsinn.
<br /> � may require immcdiate payment in fall of a11 sums secured by this Security lnstrument and may �n��ke any remedies
<br /> ' � � permitted by paragraph I9.If I,ender exctcises this opti��n,l,ender shali tuke Ihe Steps tipertfied in the scu�:�d paragraph of
<br /> � p�ragraph 17. � �
<br /> � , 14, Notice�. Any noticc tn Bc�rrowcr provided ic+r in tc:w 5�run�y in�trumcnt shaU i�c g,iven hy dcbvering�t ur by .�"
<br /> mailing it by first class mail un2ess appticable law requtres use of anathet rnethad. Yhe nouce shall be dire:rted t�e Ihe •
<br /> ` Ptoperty AdJress i�s any other uddress Rc�rrower designates tsy n�tice tn[.ender. Any n��tice t�l.ender sl�all be give��by ,
<br /> firs!rlass mail to Lender's address stated itere»or any c�ther addre�,�l.ender deF.ignate�by nnt�cc tc�Nnrrnu Er. Any not�ce
<br /> � , provided for in tAis Secu�ity Instrument�hall he deemed��havc t�ccn g��cn to f��rrciwcr��r Lcndcr whett gtven�v pr�ivtded
<br /> , i+ti thls paragraph. .. . _ _.
<br /> .. ... _.. _.. - - ----._...__........... .-----..... ..........._.. . ._...._. . . .. .--�� ---._..... ........_ . . ._
<br /> ls. Corereing I,tw;Sever�bility. Thit Secunty Inctrurnrnt rhalf he�c�tierned hy icderaf law arid the law uP the
<br /> jurisdirtian ic►which the Presperty is tacated, !�the event that an� pre�vitiiun or cl�uce��f th�s Secunty Intitrurnent nr the
<br /> Note cnttflicts with applicablr law,Such cc�nflict sha11 nat afiect e�ther prov��ionc nf this Sec��nty In�trument ur�hr Nute
<br /> which ran be given etTect withnut thc ctinflicting prnvitii��n. 't'n tfuv enci the pmv��i,m„�f th»Securuy IntitrumeM artd the
<br /> , Nouaredectaredt�6esevesable.
<br /> 16. Borrowtt's Copy. E3�rrower shall•t►e g�vrn ane cunfornied c��py��f the (+i��te�,nd e�f thi��c�:uruy Intit�umrnt.
<br /> 17. Tran�ter ot the P►openy or p lleterficial fnterest in BUrruwcr. If al!or any part crf the Yropetty ar;iny
<br /> : inter�st in it is sold ot transferred(cx:if a hl•neficial mtereti��n Nurruuer�ti�nid��r tran�fecred anci I���rr��u•cr�ti ne�t,�naturel
<br /> j*erson)a�rth�at l,ender's prior�ti�ritten crnse.�nt, I.endrr may,at�lti�+ptu,n. rcyuuc immrdwtc��ayme�ii m ful!t�f aU sums .
<br /> secured hy thiy 5ecurity Instrument. Howe��e�. th��upU�m �hall n��t t+e exe�c��ed F+y I.cisder.i1�caerc��e�� prnh�h�ted hy
<br /> fe�lerall,�wi+�E�fiheiatrofthisSee;urity !n4!ru*n�ait. �----�--�-_'
<br /> IPl.et;cier exercic:s th�5 f�ption, I.ender shall gi�c Hner�+ucr nnhee��f ac�etcraa�ur� '1 he r���s�ce Shall pruv�dc a�rru�d ' '
<br /> of nol(ess than 30daysfrotn the d�te the aatice i5del�tiered ar niailcd Uuhtn uhr�h liErnuarr mutit�+�v a!t�ut���:Sccurcd b�
<br /> ,, fhis Sccurily tnatrun�ent.(f Bc�rmwcr faifs tu pay th�e wm5 priur ta thr cti��uati��ie��f thli j�ettn�i. I cndCt rt�ay en��+ke.�ay
<br /> ' remrA�es permtucd by this 5erunt�Instrument�rithnut further nut�re u:�Serrta�icl��ss lirrr«�rcr ' � •
<br /> 18.1)orrower's Right tp Rcipstate. (t'�3nrrcit�c�mcris t�crieir�cu►��IiU��r��, H�rr.r4�«cr�hatil ha�c the ti£,ht tr,h.»e �
<br /> ' rnPotrrment e,f th�s tiec�arity �n�trurnct�t ditct+sFt+nucc}at any timr F�tms�ci Etze r3fIICt t�f f:��t da�s i�+r tiucF=i�thet�crtt�ci ati i�
<br /> � upPliCablC(�iw tn;iy ypc�ify fur rru��i�tcmetttl heRuG ti.ifc nf ihc 1'r�,rcriti•pt►nte:�nt tri art} tn��•rr ��f c.�lc���ut.�►r�cJ t�i�h« ��
<br /> Secutity In�trumeiu;c�t 1b►eritry of a judgn►e�it'eat��r�i;�g tloit�rcur�t� lu�ttwryer�t 1►tc�y�•ca:r«Sit�esn�.1re th.�t lf��ts��aer
<br /> {ai pays ltnder��E! su�ns«l�i�h then a•�utc� he due �a►idcr th« Se.tt��ty is�ti�rc�nu•��t �fti(� IIIC 1!E�tC Ii:1EI re��a�ccicrat���n ��,,�
<br /> _ erccurretf:li�l curc� :�ny defaz�tt�F ar►y r�tt►er E•tscc:it+a..<�r �a�trrc�r�e�ir<. t�s �,�L� �t3i ri��-ri.r=. tn�arrrYi tn enf��t�t�r}: ttr��: ���
<br /> � �icutii� Insfri�nieni, in:lucf�ng.f+uE�,c�t 1!(i3Ucel tt�. icati�+3�:�h1e;+tt��zney�' f�er� ;�n,#•t,lr t;�i�rc<t:�F: ,r t����r .e.F c-rra;c: +�ra� �
<br /> reasc�r�abh• reyuire ina�cur� thut �Im fTCn t,f th�ti yr�t��itc ln�trumcnY, Lcniler � rsct6t� �n !i�-.� F'ti�l�errt .,i,� li,�n��uc!'ti . •
<br /> i�t�lty.�tfien t�. pay the �vit►+ :c��t�scat ht �Fu� �ce�Froty JI�SftUtiteStt 4I►��I ��.�ntin:ie F�n:t�sni:c�� t ���,n f�lU�ta!e•IUCt�E t,� ` - .
<br /> Itl,r�nu�er.tltti�Scc u[�fy 1n�trEu����ei�i�t1 11�e+�fi1 E���trvn.tiec ut r�!9�:rrh} �t�.d? t!•u7_titt i�tll� riie•�t���:i4 N+�,�.r��i�f�•t:�i r.�o,i�:��l •
<br /> ��cu►rr.1.11c,tiae�er.thi�rigf:tfntc�n�lut��eh,ilte�e�taprt�intl�ei�i�r�,fa,..rt;;�.i��.,��i��,,t�rt..�r,i���.��,t�. t ;��� 1%
<br /> �
<br /> . ,
<br />