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<br /> �� � � � � � � . D OF TRUST �� < . . .
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<br /> �; ,� _;,;. . '1�ii313EED 0'r TRUST C`5ecur[tr.y Ii�str�mrnt")is u�ade an R u g tt st 15, � . . -- ` .
<br /> 19 g� .Thecruscorss Qenr�i.s E. Ranne end Carolyn L. Ronne, each in his and .t�er. awti right,
<br /> .t �end es spouse of.ea�h other . ("Borruwer",).7lsetrusseeis �arl 0. Ahlschwede, Attoxnay . .
<br /> ,.;.� . . . . � , • , • ('"!'�uus,x").Thebeateficiary ts , • .
<br /> THe Equitable 8aflding and, loan Association ,ahic�:�argaaized aad,exiscing , ,
<br /> . � underihetaw�of the Stete of Nebraska .aadwhoseaddrossis �13-13.� Nortl� Locust Street
<br /> : �� Gra�td Islend, �lebraska � i."1-c�►der`'). . �
<br /> Bono�verowesLendertheprincipalsumof Forty Twt# 'fhousand Four Hur�d�ed and no/100 --�------------ -
<br /> ; � __�_ _ ,. � _ _.._�ollars(U.S.S 42,400.OQ ).Tf►is debt is e�zdenced by Sorrower's note
<br /> dated the same date as this Security Instrument("tiote"),wh�ch provides far monthJy payments.with thc full debt.if not •
<br /> �� paidar3ier.dueandpayableon 5ep tembeT 1� 2405 � .
<br /> � Thi4 Security Instcument secures to Lenderi(a)tht repsyment of the debt evidenced by the Note,with inisrest,and�Il • �
<br /> �� '� renewels,extrnsions and modifications;(b)the payment c�all ather sums,.with interest,adva�ced under paragraph 7 ta , ' . �
<br /> , ; pratect the security of this Security Instrument:and(c)the pert'ormar�r�a�f Borrower's covena:��and agrtements.For this ,
<br /> � �� purpose.Borrower irrevocably grants and conveys ta�'rusta,in tru�t,A-i�h pnwer of sale,the fe'�owing described property •
<br /> ; `
<br /> , ' � located in N811 . County.Nebraska: �:•`
<br /> ;y
<br /> r::_
<br /> �' -
<br /> � , , _-
<br /> ! . .
<br /> � ..
<br /> � Fractionel Lot One (1), in B�ock Eleven (11) of Chaxles Wasmer•s Addition to,the City
<br /> i of Gra�d Island, and its complemQnt, to-wit: All of Fractional Block Eleven (11) of �
<br /> � Palmer's Subdaviaian of Lot Number Seven (7) , of the County Subdivision of the South-
<br /> ' eest Quarter o� the �outhwest �uarter iSE:St�'�) of Sectian Number Sixteen �(16j, in
<br /> , ; • Tow�ship Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M:, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />. , '
<br /> �
<br /> . .• ! . �
<br /> ; :�..:
<br />, � �,
<br /> ,
<br /> ' . . , .
<br /> i � � �
<br /> : . �
<br /> ,
<br /> ' �
<br /> ; �
<br /> whichhastheaddressoP 1501 West Oivision • Grand Island f .
<br /> ' (st�eeta . (�nyi - -
<br /> ,- : ___
<br /> Ncbraska 68802 ("Property Address'): . '
<br /> . l2�D Codel .
<br /> � • . 'f'tx,:�TfiFR WITtI ali the improvemeats naw or 6�ereafter erected c�n ihe y�ruperty. a�iJ ziil eay�r�ient,, right5, �
<br /> appurtenances. rents. r�yaltees, minerat,ail nnd gas rights And prufits, water right�; and stock and aLl 6aturez n�w or `
<br /> . . . hereafter a part Of the ptop�erty.All replaeement's and additions shall ulu�be cu�e,red by this Secur�ty Irntrumrnt AU uYthc
<br /> L foreguing is refetttd t�in this Serurity lnstrunient as the"Propeny-" .
<br /> litKtRUwEN CovE!vaArls that Botrc�uer is tawfully seised of the estatc trerehy cun�cycd a�nd 1►ati�he r�ght t�•�;rant
<br /> � nnd eanti•ey ihe Pr�perty a��d that Ih�Propeny is unencumbered,excepi fat encun�hrattce�uf tc�:ord ►i�3rtf,wcr warrantti �
<br /> �, � and wi11 dcfend generalty the iitlr ta_the Propertv s�tainSt�ll claitn�and demands,subjeet t�•any cncu:r�t±E.11ICf�kt�'ft�i�f(f � � ' �
<br /> � ' . 'CHIS 5F.CtiKitY 1!r5�iRtMEti1 combines unifUttn covei�ants fi�r nai��»�sl u�e and nnn•uniform �ef�evi;irrts uith � �
<br /> i�mited vanations hy jurisdic:tu�u t�i�f'�tistitutra unif�rm security in�trument re3zrr�nE;r<<�!rru���rty � i. �
<br /> �8�����--5ingkt F3m�Iy- fNMAffN1MC !lNIFORM {NSTAUME�iY farm 302fl 12tfl3
<br /> • . . . .,�_ ,. _: .. . - � • �
<br /> �.�,�.,,,r, � ♦aan�axusou�. �. .. , ,,,-�8t1U35IIFQ43
<br />