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241— PURCHASE AGREEMENT —Real Estate <br />2001.07221 <br />To Whom it may concern <br />The undersigned, hereby agree to purchase the property hereinafter described, to -wit: <br />At 909 W. 4th. ST. Grand Island, NE. Known as Lot 2, Block 19 <br />Rollins Additionto the city of Grand Island,Hall CO. Nebraska <br />79 <br />subject, however, and on condition that the owner or owners thereof have a good, valid and merchantable title, in <br />fee simple and will agree to furnish abstract of title down to date of sale, and convey said premises by good and suf- <br />ficient warranty deed. <br />The undersigned agree to pay for same, ($ 48 , 000 .0q <br />Dollars, <br />on the following terms, to -wit: Payments of 400.00 <br />y per. MO.for a period of <br />ten years or Ins.of $253.00 yrly or 21.08 per month <br />All payments to be paid at UNITED NEBRASKA BANK at 700 N. WEBB <br />ROAD to the acct. number 12089-7.4— No later then agreed day of <br />deposit. And if Insurance is to be made monthly it too shall be <br />paid and deposited on same date. Be it noted that no interest <br />is included in this contract, Said interest will be paid by the <br />sellers as agreed. <br />This contract includes a new gas furnace, new cent. air,new roof <br />electric stove large back yard,neighbor fence and a garage <br />that is in poor shape. <br />All drapes in the house,And everything sold as is. <br />r,���t sr - �`/•����,1Z3� /� c <br />15)', ate ' j7 7 tWT � <br />All taxes for all prior years and including Aft 01, and any special assessments to become due or delinquent before <br />this offer is accepted shall be paid by seller <br />Current taxes shall be paid as follows: By buyer, and n 5LLrck f\ cQ_ <br />the firm o� Qyreemen <br />Said property to be delivered free and clear of all encumbrances, except as hereinabove otherwise stated. <br />If this proposition is accepted on or before the 18th . o f , day of 01 <br />the undersigned agree to close said purchase in accordance herewat�i aL gave possession on or before. above date <br />days after abstract of title has been furnished for examination. The undersigned agree to furnish the seller a written <br />legal opinion showing defects, if any, in the title to the above described property. Rents, if any, are to be adjusted on <br />and as of the day of closing. <br />Title to said property to be taken in namc or nantes, of: Will stay in sellers Name <br />untill last payment is made, at which time the seller will turn i <br />over to the buyer a clear and complete TITLE. I <br />19 <br />Received from , the sum of <br />($ Dollars, to apply on the <br />purchase price of the above described property on the terms and conditions stated above. It is further agreed and under- <br />stood that in case of any legal defects in the title which cannot be cured within a reasonable time after filing with us a <br />written notice of such defect, the money hereby paid is to be refunded. In the event of the refusal or failure of the <br />buyer to consumate the purchase, said deposit shall be retained as liquidated damages for failure to carry out said con- <br />tract of sale as herein agreed to. This receipt is given and offer to purchase taken subject to approval and written <br />acceptance by the owner on or before the day of <br />19 In the event <br />the offer is not so accepted, the money deposited shall be refunded. <br />....................••---------.............------•---------------------................------------ <br />By---------------------------•-----------------------------...... .---------- •- ............. - -... <br />19 <br />The undersigned do hereby accept the foregoing proposition o the terms above stated, and agree to execute the <br />conveyance upon the terms and conditions above set forth. �y^ <br />...... . . .. .....Seller <br />.---- .---- Seller <br />
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