_ - . � .- - • ' . .`
<br /> , - _ - -- ._ . .. . ._ .. . -- - - - � - - . ; . . ._
<br /> . ,' ' �t . ' .. . ` . ` ��- . �
<br /> �� y� • � •
<br /> � � , . _._ __.. - ... ' ' . ,
<br /> . � �� � � . � - � � � . 90-��.o�ss� .
<br /> . _ , . , . � .�
<br /> � . , � �
<br /> � � I��Lendrt requii�cd mortp�e insurin�ss a eoaditiwa�of makinb the l�us�ecurod by this Se�urity Iiutruma�t, � . �
<br /> � � �+rro�rer sha11 p�y the pr�ensiumr,ra�uind_to�a�uia the inaurmae in tRert until auch time as the requfic�raKat fw the
<br /> : ifpilll�Ce�'i-1�i1�I���rt[h Borto�rtr's aad I.ntder's written a:reement ns aeelic�a,l,.t�v_ --- . .__....____ - ----- —
<br /> -
<br /> � --_ —
<br /> -� ....--- -----'---:-T- or�n s�t miy make nasnn�bk enuie�upon�and"uupecpom o[t!►e Pi� ---- ----- . -
<br /> s1W t pvt Bart�r�otioe u tLe tta�e pf or prios ta sn a re�saaibk csu�e for tbe' �Y �� '
<br /> otioe ieu�a.tio�specifyi � tnspation:
<br /> . `.f. C�ie�tlw. '?l�procaeds af iuty aw�std or ctaim for dsmaEea.direct or cansequa�tial.in aonnection Mitb ` .
<br /> . .ay��a�o�a�ot.ny�ot��y.or for comreyaaa in!iw af�mnatioe.are heneby . �
<br /> . �apedaaQaaubep.idaLe,�der. < �
<br /> . Is tlle eveut ot a wtal ukin�of t1x PsopeRY.the proaeds al�all bc appli�to the suQU sacured hy this�ecurity �
<br /> � � • � U�trwnsnt:�'beti�a or riot tbert du��vieh�►Y ex�e��id to Bniro�ver.In the f+rent d a p�rti�l tatias d the Property, . . _.
<br /> �. 1a�kw BorraPer aad Lendrr gtlKr�fu�ra ia�ritiaf,the swes secured by tbis Security I�tsument s6aU ix tedurad hy , . `
<br /> t!e a�eotiae d tbe ptae�tls muhiplied by tlie foilorvin�fiaction:(a)the fota!amount af the sntes securad immedi�teiy ` �
<br /> • , bdar�e tbe tai�inj.divided by(b)ti�e fiir market val�e of tbe Proputy immediately 6efor�the taiciea.Any 6alance sha111ft
<br /> ` pid�W�otro�rer. � �
<br /> . If t6e ProQerty is aQ�dootd by 8onawret.oi J.aRer noti�x by Lender to Harrowrer tbst the afodemnor oRera to �
<br /> � .qlNceeet��►aN i1r idtk s cLim fat dtesa��s,8orrowtr fiiLs to respond to Lender�rithin 30 days after t�e datr the n�re is .
<br /> • p�ree.L+md�r is autborittd ta coU�+ct u�d sppty the procec+ds,at i�s optioa.either to ratar�tian ar rep�ir of the Pre�varty ar �
<br /> , • ; . tot�e�ttmxCUr�bytls":sSxatitylastntasets�ahssheso:r.�:�aedts� - - -- - - - - -
<br /> � .`- ' Uelat 4snda and Ba�tro+ver abec�e aErec ia ariuts�,�ay apptication of praeeeds to principal shall not aue�ar .
<br /> ' patpone tlie due date otthe monthty payments nfaxed to in panSrsQhs 1 snd 2 or change the ama¢��of such payments.
<br /> , 10. 6�rt+swer Not Rek�Far�e�r�ce By I,e�ier Nd �Wai�u. Extension of the r�e far payment as
<br /> . . �modi�qttian of�martir,ation oP the tun�s etcured by this Secsuity Instsumene granted by Lendu co�ny succ,�sor ia � .
<br /> interat oiBorrow+ar tha11 nat operate to rtlase the lia6ility of the original aanower or Bortawer`s successors in interest.
<br /> • 1.CIIde�•fllil�tlOt bC roqUlfld t0 G0�11tfitnce procetdin�ngainst`any succtssor m inta�t ot refuse to CsEertd tinfe fai ' .
<br /> • p�yment oc atAeswise modify smortiuiion of thes�xms secnred try thss Security tnstrument 6y reasc�n of any demand made
<br /> .by theariyna!Borio�vet or Borrowrer's successars in�intaest-Any farbearance Csy l.enQet�n exerctsing any right or remody �
<br /> ' �W uot be s wuver of or prectuRle the exercise atany riaht or remedy.
<br /> � ' 11. S�oc�e�es�N A�i�t M�M J�i�t�N SetMi t'3�M�ih:Casip�crs. �.��ovenarita and a�rameats of .
<br /> • . tluf Sxuirity Instrummt sha8 bind and bmellt thesuccsssars a:�.�assigns af Lendet arrd B��-arower,sub}ect to the pravisions
<br /> �pf p�tKrsph 1T.8o�ro�ru's Eovenurts anct a�rtsmrnta sh�li�e joint and sevtral Any Bc+r;r+wrr who co-si�ns tttis Seca�rity � �
<br /> taurumen/but dots not aterute�he Note:(aT�s co-si�nina,t�is 5erunty Instru�errt on[y to mortgage.grant�nd canvey
<br /> that 9oi'ro�tr's�nterest in the PropeRy under the te�tt�s of this Saunty tnslcumrn't;(b��s nn�persRnnaliy oblipted to pay � - .
<br /> the sunu secnred by th�s Secunty tnstrumrnt: and tc)ag�e.�s that t.enGer arcd any��he�: '�inrr�w�er ma}agra tn extend, � .
<br /> modify.furbar or malce�•�y�catr►modatians w�Uh reasrd to.the terms of th�s 5ecuncy Instrument ar the Note withoue
<br /> that BomuMer's ronsent. �
<br /> . 12. l.o�s G�r�ta. If the louf suured by this�Securfty lnstrument is sub}ect ta a I�w which sets maaimum tcun '
<br /> char�es. and thst taw is 8naily �nterpreted so Ihat the �nteres� or othu [e�n ct��rgts coltected or ta !x collrtted in
<br /> cantkCtion with the toan raceed the permitted I�mits, thrro. (�)any sueh loan charge 5ha11 tx reCuced by tAe amount -
<br /> neeewry to reduce the ehar�r to�he ptrmiuod bmit;anA(h)any sum�alrcady cvllectrd from Fk�rrower which exceedcd
<br /> � petmitted limits wrill be nfur�dai to&�rrawer. I.ender m�y ehcK+se ur m9ke rh�c refuml by reducing the pnncipai owecf ':'
<br /> undertht Note or by maiting�dirACt payment to Barrawer.lf a refunA reducGS pnncipal.�[he reduct�an adl Qe treated as a '
<br /> partlalprspsyment�w�thout any ptepaymrnt char6e under the Nc�te.
<br /> . 13. t�e�MtIM AReeti� i�s'� ili�ts. If enactment nr e�p�rat�r�n nf a�+pl�cable iaws has the effect of
<br /> rei�detitl�u►y provis'ton of the Note at this Security[nstrumene unenf�erceable accc�rd�ng t.��ts terms�I.tnQer.at its��ption.
<br /> may roquire immediate paymmt tn full of al1 sums secured by thn Securrly Inurumens and may mvoke�ny rrnted�es
<br /> • pennitted by pira�taph l�.It Leisdcr ratr��ses ehis opuon.Lender shall take the stepc spcc�fini�n the serond paragraph nf �
<br />- . PtnF�Ph 17. . . .
<br /> ,' � 1a. NoN�ea. Any n�t�cs ta Rarrawer prov�ded f�r�n th���ec;unty Incuc�rnenr�h.rll t►c g��en hy Qel�tenn��t or hy ;�
<br /> mulina it by firat ctsss mai) unleza a�pl�aAle law rec�u�res u�e uf an���hrr methixi The notrce sh�ll he d�rected to Ihe ��
<br /> Prciperty Address ar any ather address Borrawer Qea�gnitr,hy nntire tc+I.ender Any nnt�ce to l.endtr Shall be g�ven by
<br /> fint clus mail ea[+ender's ddrtss itatod he�tm or sny othtt addrec�I.ender designatev by notise a�E3orrowet Any nouce
<br /> proviaod for in this Serunty lnatrumtnt sAall De Qcr:ncd tc►hatie txen�ven t�liurr��wer c�s t,ender x hr:�g�ven as pra�tdM
<br /> tn th�9 pantr�yh.
<br /> tS. Grert�i�Lw;Stnra�ilit�. Thas Sccunty lnstrument sbalt be gctitic�ncd F L fcd�ral law and the ta�v of the
<br /> �urisdictian in which Ihe Property �s�t�cated. tn th�tvent �hat uny pruv�smn�+r c�lau�e of ihw S�ecuruy Imtrumrn�or.lhe
<br /> Note emifl+cts vith applicable h�v.sunc�onAvet shall nat�Rect trther prr,���uun+of�hn security Insttumenrnr the Note �- � � � �— � -���� � '
<br /> � whinc�an he�ven effece w�thout thrc�nQuUag prnviyion T'n Ih�4 end�tee prnv�s�uqs of this Sccur�t}lnsirument and the
<br /> Note�re declared to be severnDle.
<br /> ti. 8or[owerts Corr. liarre��tr Shall be g��eo ane confarmed c���+y��f the tic�x and«f th�ti�ecurity Instr�ment.
<br /> 17. Tr�(!r o!tie Pta�t�ty tK�Beseflcisl letcrest ie Borrowt►. Ii ali c1r�::t part u!�he Prt�peny ur any �
<br /> intert�t iro it i�soEd or truufetrtd(or if t�beneficial�nterest m tic�rruwer i�Sc�1c!or ttsn;ferrcd ar�d[3nrrc�aer�s not e natura!
<br /> petson)without lxhdtt's ptior wr�tten cutisent. Lc7dcr rn�y,t�t�I.s i,pt���r�.reywte�mtned�ate j�dy��tn4 in full of a!!sums
<br /> seeureQ by th�s 5trunty tnsirument.ifn�tver, th;. e+pttot�th�l}it��t br exercr4rd h� l.e�:drt �f e�erc�se ts�uohsbued by
<br /> federallawasofthe6�teofthisS�cutsty in5trument. •
<br /> : , It Lrnder cxetc�ses this optio�.Ltader sh�ll ga�e ti�rr��wer�ru�icc uf actiefeietl�n B ne ne>>�ce ehall pruvide a periad ``' " '�
<br /> ofnot 1ess�than 3Ud�ys frnm thedate!he nnt�ee�sdel�vered or mailevi withue which Elnrruv►ec muct pay bll�ums aecured by
<br /> , . this 5aurity�lnstrumient.If ftorrawer fo�ls to pay�hese�ums�rct�r t�►the ehd�ranon uf�h�s pene�ci,l.ender may invekr any ,
<br /> remed�es permittcd by this 5ecunty Insttument wnhaut furthrr i�t�t«e ur cteman�t�n Hon«Ker '
<br /> _ ���!+l1�M'��t��l����n. ��flfitFc�v�Lr�trstt��nt�£�?L�f�:S4Lt�4���fi.vro{ct�.34�h.ff4a�ho�e�it{cr�3V� _
<br /> � .enforcetnent oP this 5tcunty instru�ient discar�t.s�weti�t�ny tie�r�rtirsf to�f�r w��cer��f (�3�days f�sr such�shrr�-€:c.�!P� �
<br /> applic�t�le►aw may specify for runstatement)hefarr sale�f`the Propert} pursuant t��any �x,wer oi wle contamed m th�s '�
<br /> � Secunly I�strurttent,nr(b)er,try uf a�udgment enfnrang th�s Sesun�k Inc�rumee�e,7 hose.tundit�crns are that gorruwor
<br /> {a)psys Lender afi surn5 v�bteh tPten v�autd tr� dut undei eh��5eruv��} t►ntrustrent ��n�i the 'vate ha�no�accelerat�an
<br /> c�euMttl: (b)rures any default of any pthet cacenbntv or 5g�eecuen�r 4t 1 (t8L4 if�I t"h(�liSCti snwrret! �n enfott�ng th�s -�
<br /> 5ceurdy Instrument.m;litd��eg,but ttat Itm�ted tv, rtasflnable attnrney�`fees. and td►taicei surh ac�wn as 1 er�der moy ���
<br /> ' �eason�bly rcyuire to assure th�t the lcen af tf�as Sc�:ur�ty Instr�mtn�_ Lender's rt�ht�s�r� the Yn�perty and fh�rrawcr'�
<br /> obt�gapan �u pay the sums 4LGi!!'C!I �jf �Illf SttUi!!j� Yft4jtl!ltt.n� •halF �e,nilnue ursc�!sn�ec�_ �'N�►� ies�►s(�[Frri�r►t h} • -
<br />- ' Borrower,thisSecurify Instrumtnt and the obJ�gat�e,ns sewred hereh�s6ali remnu;f�tft}�erTectf�e Ss i1 mF ac.eierat«3n itad - `�
<br /> occustcd l�nuc�er.III1G(i,gll�1(1 E[IE:SIAIC tI18JI Ylt�l Li�1PJY 1►i 1[1C Cic�(!f•r.c.rFcralu�r�tztt��r�aragraphe 13 iar f%
<br /> � �
<br />