' - , .- -_ , _ � , _ _ -_ � . . . -
<br /> ` - ` ' ` . . ` ... �_ . .....�.._�_ _ .,._ _ '_ .-: - �� ,
<br /> , , i , � • . • _� , ,
<br /> � , � . � � AL1J(�S"r'ABLE RATE RID�R: - . � ��-�I�gG�� - �
<br /> • ' � ' � � � #1 Yeu T:ea�[wdeur--�Rate G�s} . . . � _
<br /> . ; . , , . . . .
<br /> . " � . � . . � �� � 'f}iIS�Ai39USTA8i.E RATE RItfER is�ayide this.�...?�t�tlay°af......:..�n ,st ........... .... !9 9� ` d i� � ' -
<br /> F�. . . .... ...��la
<br /> �++� 'incotporstod iet�and s6i11 be�deem�d to amend�nd suppte�nsnt tba Mortaa�e.Dad bf Trust or Secur�ty E'Jecd(t6e
<br /> 1 , -cr�:ti.te�w��_�he s�te�ut�[�.g�-t�by-��uwt.�y,, -�-�='$stsaw��ysi-*s�� �-��.�cr�.'�-��ic=-— --. - : - __- .
<br /> --T--:-- Q y �{, -
<br /> . �.� ,rtace Nae.�c1�s"N�C�� ��«.......�Q M�.�t��.M��l11.•��Y.��i.�Ml1l.»N���Q���..fNT.St���BY.t.�.�.. ............ � . • ' . �
<br /> . • _ � . � ..d�... wi.«.un.«. �
<br /> ` � � ..:..}... ° ....�...„......»...tthe`Lender"}oEihe ume datwnd eoverina the propeny desc�itxd in . �
<br /> , � tl�e 5ocurity lnu�ument•and located a� � . . . . • ' � ,
<br /> , � �: .. ,... I;I I�,;West Divisfan,�,Gsand,Is2anda..NE,68801........ .�»..».. �`' ' • � . .
<br /> .. .
<br /> 1 . .. . ' ' ' ` ---� � !l�oper•g Qeerask� • ..».,...,..... .....»...................... .
<br /> - --� -- --,- -- - � . -_ _ , - _— , --- --
<br /> 'i . ,
<br /> . ,, t. . ' M�l't6l�ST RATE CA�i CHAN�GE AT 1WY ONE TIME AND tHE�YUXIMUM RATE 7HE 80R- • � . .
<br /> ,. , , �i0'MU�R MUST PAY. ' ` .
<br /> � �; -- - �' - --� . _ _ � . _ �. _ . _ . . .
<br /> . :,-__- . , � . . _ . .
<br /> . ..
<br /> �. � AD�i1TtONAL�'OVENANTi�. lr addition to the coveaants and agreensenis made in the Secuc��r��strur.nnt.Borrower__,_. ., . : '
<br /> : . �._ . _ - --�- _. - ..;.., - -
<br /> �, , ond t.e.�ider turtttar coreAant�nd sarce u loil'ows:�_ -- . --�- -
<br /> `. �� A. �lrtTERF5T �tATE AND!ViOM'HLY PAYMENT CHANGFS . '
<br /> . � T�e Nott provides tor an initial interest rate of....�.S.R....%. Thc Note provides for c&anga irs tlta interest�ate ond t!►t "
<br /> . . rtioathty W�Ym�nts.as toltows: ' • • .
<br /> � � 1. INl'ERES4' RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CH/INCES � � - . �
<br /> , tA! Cb�ujc O�ta � . � .
<br /> � The interast ratc I wili pay may change oa the 6rst day ot......S�.R��mb��.................... 19�1......and on thit day � . �
<br /> ' every tZth month therafter. FACh date on which my interat rate could change is calted x "CAaa�e Data" , � � .
<br /> ., , _ l B)Tl�e I�e* ' � � ,
<br /> , � • , Beainnina with the firat.Change L)ace. my interest rate will be based on �n lndes. The`Indez" is tke weekly ' � �
<br /> : aven=e yia{d oa United States'i'reasury securities adju�ced to a constant m�cnrity of t yar.as made availabte by tha � � �.:
<br />, .. �� � Feder�l Reserve Board. The most:aent t�dex fiaure availsble as of the d�te 45 days before each Chin�e Date is caltad �- -�
<br /> - thc•'cun���� ina�x."•• . ; -
<br /> � . lf the Index is ao longer availabta, the Notc Hotder will choose a ncw index which is bascd apon compar�ble � ' '�
<br /> � intormation. The Note Halde�wil!g�ve me notice of�his choice. � .
<br /> ; .
<br /> , ' (C) Gk�falios of C6ae�a • , � � :
<br /> ' Before acb Chan�e Date. the Note Holder will calculate my new interest r��e by addirtg.....TwQ..��i4i..9i1�.....
<br /> ..•�+�?.f....................... petcent�ae points (......Z...�Q...96) to�he Curreat lndex. The Note Halder wi1!chen round ihe '
<br /> , , result of this addition to�he nprat oae-eighlh oCoae perc;eatage point(0,125°�Ei}. 5ubject to the limits stated irt Seetian �
<br /> � 1(D� below.this roundcd amaunt wil! be my new interas rate until ehe ne�ct Change Date. �
<br />. • i The Note Hotder wiU then determine 1he amount of the monthly payment t�hat would bs wfficient to repay the
<br /> � unp�id principal that d am expecled to owe at the Chan6e Date in futi on the maturity date ae my new intere:t rate in
<br /> . substsatially equal psyments. The rqult of t�ins cat¢ulition will be the rtew �mount o�my monthly psymen�.
<br /> ' � 1 Di Li�its wr I�terat Rue Cha�es ,
<br /> ` The interest rate!am rcquired to pay at tAe fint Changc�atc will not be�reater�han....,..9;.�.4.........._�F vr less�han �, .
<br /> � ! •.......�..SA..:..,....�,. Thereafter.my intcrest rate will nc�cr 6c incrcascd or decreascd on any single CAange Date by more =�,�,
<br /> th�none percentaje points (l.Ox;) from the rat�ot interest 1 havc been paying for the preceding�welve months. Ny v �
<br /> �.
<br /> . interest nce will never be greater �h�n .....1.�.,.�Q.....76. -#�
<br /> � (E) El�ecttre Diteof C1�a�rs
<br /> ; My new intcres�rs;c will bctamc ci�cctivc nn c•rch Changc Datc. t w�ll p•ry thc amaunt of my r,cw�onthly p�y mcnt � • •
<br /> �� beainn�nt on tAe first monthly,paymeni dote a(ter the Change O�tc un:;:tne zmount of my m�ni;1ly p�yment chanaes
<br /> aslin.
<br /> (F) Notke ot Ch��es .-. _ .._.._ .. . .. .._ .
<br /> Tht Note Holder will deliver or moil to me a notice of any changes in my incenst rate anA the amount�f my monthly
<br /> paymem bafore the e(fective d�te of any change. "�he notice will inslude�nfurma�ion rcqu;�ed by law to be givcn me and
<br /> atso the title aad telcphone number of a peraon who will answcr any yucstion 1 m�y have rcgarding she natice.
<br /> Uniform Covenant 17 �f the 5ecurity Instrumer►t is amended ta rcad as (ollows�
<br /> . - Trassl'eto!the Prqpetty or a 8teefic1�11nterest in Horrower. 11'nll ot any part of the Property or any inttre�t ir►it is
<br /> sotd or transferted (or if a btneficial interest in Borrower is sat�i or uansferred and 8orrawer is no� a a�wret person) __
<br /> wi�hnnt l.�nder's n�ior written censr_n�,lert�!sr may,a! its��tiae,r�urst immesi,ate paysnent:::!u!!rsf a:.:um:seeur:d �
<br /> by this Security lnsttumrnt. However,th�s oytianshalt nut be.c�ercised by L,encirr+f e�etase is�roh�5itcd by federaf law
<br /> as ol the dite a! ehis Secu�ity Insttument_ Lender atso shall not exerc�se e�u ap�ion �f (a) Horrower causes so be '
<br /> - --- �-wbmitts�i t��.en�er�r�fo�sn�tit+s�re�ee�r_s!!��#.s.p.ur s�a tra=u=��#ss{ntc�.�i:srr€es::�s�€���-�iirarr�•ere ueing macie. - - — -- --- - — _
<br /> � to tAe transfereC: and (b) Lender roasonabty determines ehat 4ender's secuen�r will not be impausd by the Ican
<br />' �ssusnpiion s�nd that �he�isk of a breaeh ot an,y cavenanc or agrecmem in ihis Securi�y lnsrrument �s accep�abte eo
<br /> , � ,I ttndet. • .
<br /> r.
<br /> •'�Tite index figure availabte as nP thc date chc iiaitiai in�crest ra�c�sas cfztrrnii::�;�1 E�r ettiu tuaro �.:.+; ...?-�1., �o- ^
<br /> . , �`� ,j�- �r , �
<br /> . Bc��tt��t's initiols���� Cd-�arrvker's 3n3ti�Is ��� _ � � _�
<br /> 14ULT15TAYE AO.U$TABLE iiAiE�tIA�Ct�-4R41 S��S.r�t�;F.��°.��� #orrn 9 f35 � .
<br /> Rr rt1�7V'btI M�t�1 ,
<br /> , `
<br />