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• <br />c <br />ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER 0-7- O2 1 <br />(I Year Tmesmy Iadea -Pane GPs) <br />a°d is THIS ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER is made this 2(3 <br />MCMPorated into and shall -- -----dalor April <br />Instrument") of the same date given by t to "mead and the Mortgage. Deed of T 19 B.9 <br />FEDERAL SAV1NrS b LOAk u�Emed (the ••Bo�'7 to �' or ma y Dad (c4• y <br />> #oPatY described in tIx S �OCIATION OF GRAND LSLAkD NEB •s Adj�� B� � (the' :'Vo�a'7 c� iIOME <br />ecurity InTtrUMtnt and located at: <br />(the '•I.atda'� of the same date mad the <br />1423 North Grand Island Avenge, Grand Island, Nebraska <br />This note comtafas Provisions (PrOP"Addrms) <br />Pa, meats. This Dote alto limits for chsasa Is my interest rate and my <br />r 111mDm and tlse am"at my Iaterest rate an e6aage at may oae <br />alto to asazlmum rate I ®Qst pay. <br />ADDITIONAL COVEN.VJTS. In addition "'the "Is and agreements made in the <br />further covenant and agree as fojows: <br />Security Instrument. Borrower and Lemda <br />A' INTEREST RATE AND M <br />The Aiote O,ti_THLY PAYI. EN'T CHANGES <br />Provides for an initial interest rate of 1 J. 0 <br />monthly Payments. a> follows: — —% won 4 of the Note Provides fix <br />Charta`- in the interest rage an�Or <br />4• INTEREST RA 77; ANA �, AIONTHL Y PA YMEA'r CHANGES <br />(A) Change Data. <br />The interest rate' will pay may change on the first day of AUgUSt <br />12 months thereafter. Each date on which my interest . 19 90 <br />(B) The ladex rate could change is callzd a •• . and on that day every <br />Change Date.., <br />Beginning with the first r_,h�$e Date, m inter <br />Treasury securities adjusted W a constant Y G t rate will be bated on an Index. The .'Index" <br />available as of the- nstach maturity of I year, as made available b t «•• u weekly average yield United States <br />date 45 day -, before each Change Date is called the • Y he Federal RAE Board. <br />If the Index is no longt•r available, the Note "Current Index.^ T most recent Index !figure <br />Holder will give me notice of this choice. Holder will choose a new i, <br />:dex which is based upon comparable information. The Note <br />(C) CalcDlatloD of Ch:inga <br />Before each Change Dare, the Note Holder will calculate my new interest rate by adding t!UO and One <br />points`_) to the Current Ind half <br />This rounded amount will be ern ez and rou'�g to the nearest 1 /8th of I%, sub' Percentage <br />The Note Holder will then determine rate until the next C Jett :o the limits stated in Section D <br />ermine the 8e Date. 4( )below. <br />expected to owe on that Chart; a amount of the monthly Payment that would <br />will be the new amount of m ; Date in substantially equal Payments b be sufficient to <br />Y .ttonthly Payment. <br />y the maturity date at my new interest rate. The r�wt of this calculation full the firricipal 1 am <br />(D) Limits on Interest.Rate Changes <br />The interest rate I am required to pay at the first Change Date will not <br />(2'- --•a -II °•n. Thereafter, my interest rate will never be increased or decreased on an <br />_0J • � Greater than _ •t � n <br />___ from the rate of interest l have been y single Change ��_—_7a or less than <br />kss than R nn pa}ting for the preceding twelve months I he gate by more than percent <br />era and the maximum interest rate aill never be greater S _ minimum interest rate on <br />&- fective Date of C)aaM than - 0 this Ian will never be <br />My new interest rate will become cffccti•.v Ou each <br />monthly PaY•._-nt date after the Change Date until the amOCurt o Date. 1 will pay the amount of my new mOMMY Payment <br />(F) Notice of Changes Y monthly Payment changes again �$1°°ing on the first <br />The Note Holder will mail or deliver to me a notice before each Charge Date. The notice will ad <br />(i) the new inter st rate on my loan as of th : Charge Dater <br />(ii) the amount of m R s'� me of: <br />y airs thly payment fol!owing the Change Date: <br />any additional matters whtc :, :!:_ Ny. welder is required to disclose; and L <br />(iv) the address of the association you could contact regarding any questions about the adjustment notice. <br />B• C!-IARGES; LIENS <br />Urdforrt Covenant 4 of the Security Instrument is amended to read as follows: <br />4• Chsrges; Item• Borrower shall a <br />attain +i priority over this pay all taxes' assessments, and other charges, fines, and impositions attributable to the Pro <br />or, if nc. paid in such manner, Security <br />Borrower mania Payments of ground rents, if an ragry which may <br />all notices of amounts due r, b this paragraph, and )- the event Borrowers y to re manner provided under <br />8 Payment, w ;en dun, directly to the payee thereof. Paragraph 2 hereof <br />Lender receipts runts ing such Borrower shall promptly furnish Lender <br />however, Payments. Borrow•cr shall hall make payment directly, Borrower shall nom <br />Borrower shall not be required to discharge h promptly discharge e promptly furnish Instrument; <br />obligation secured by such lien in the manner acceptable to Y su cl' b g Bon lien which has priority over this Security nish t <br />Y such firn so long as Borrower: (a) shall agree in writing to the <br />such lien in, legal proceedings which in the opinion to Lender operate to�evn good faith contest such lien b <br />Payment of the <br />Part the eof; or (e) shall secure from the holder of such Hen an a rr• :ment in a form satisfacto to y' or defend against enforcement of <br />prevent the enforcement of the lien or forfeiture of the Property or any <br />Security Instrument, g <br />If Lender determines that aH or an ry Lender subordinating such lien to this <br />Lender shall give Borrower a notice identi( ant of the Property is subject to .: lien which may attain a priority over this Security Instrument, <br />within to days of the giving of the notice• Y g such lien. Borrower shall satisfy such lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above <br />C. NOTICE <br />Uniform Covenant 14 of the Security Instrument is amended' to read <br />14. No p Y as follows: <br />tke. Except for an noti,:r required under applicable law to be given in another manner, <br />Security Instrument shall be glum by delivering it or b <br />as Borrower may, designate mailing it by first class mail to (a) any notice to Borrower provided for in this <br />address slated herein or otsuch other add Lessdaers lu provided herein. and b Borrower at the Property Oany notice to � Y Address or at such other address <br />Security Instrument shall ender may designate by notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to Lender's <br />be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender wilt r, Borrower inrthe manner herein. Any notitt provided for in tht; <br />matter designated herein. <br />