<br />z m
<br />'r.
<br />K
<br />NoN- UNIFORM COVENAMS Borrower and Lender furiber covenant and agree as follows: 89.-D2088
<br />if. Anderdies; Rettsddisa. I.eadesr sWt file raotiee to Borrower pt'iw t* aeee>leratioa foliowLt Borrower's
<br />k btreathofasy covenat wayneraest i akSeesigrlaribvmnt o* mtprimto matt ruler parawa0 -13 anal 19
<br />tttden sppticaile Iaw pta�ltiw otherwise). no ttatke dog spKW. (a) the deftelt; W the actiatt r'e4dtel to erne the
<br />("" detinih (c) s bate, sot bsr than 30 days korw t>rte istle the tutiee bt lea to Borrower, bg wikh tie detalt tttttst k cured: .
<br />r asl (tp fist faiNre to e�+e tie iellwlt or ar kisec tic islt: spseiMrs i toe notlee way teak is aooddratka of the sans
<br />tttx'nred by this Smigity 1< stun rat odd sale of the Ptal arty. IU motke dWd futher- inform Borrower of the rw to
<br />rdmillate after weeleradim add tie rift tt lore a earl action to aaert fir star anew of : dtfiatt ar arty other
<br />ddesee of Borrower to acceleration ad uk. Il ik ietait is not amid an or lialari !flC..� &V. *ad" lit (I*. MOM Ltuier
<br />at its options way r"Fim immediate psymat i tall of all sos ttaettred *4.h.l�;��t�:itriify l w&.una* oWiidtoat tsrOW
<br />ti(estasd stN tray iswts the prtwer et ssk add any ether re�sdlss pststittati p +. lc�6la:i#aR•. C k entitled to
<br />eolktt all expeaes iscsrei i psrwdsB the «>•edies prsvitie this liiiiiib{fi '�jNp;iht waft* to,
<br />r+ estossiieattorneytt 'teesaslaeteottitire+ileetee: -:"' ": �: "';:; ` .•`; .:` ":'� .:::.::.
<br />U the peon of tusk bs iatreitel, TraMae ttWl raeeti a 11601ic of dd@i W. :*eWb eosaty is w" part of the -
<br />Property is located ad doll wail eopies of fuel notice it the weer lraa hat ky applicable la" to Borrower and to the
<br />otkr persons prewiied bg appU"k hrs . AfW the bi le ra[iet , byaWkiWaw, Trsstee dmn give p mk notice of
<br />sak to the piers om a" in the ins mm prexafkd 1►1' s/i k.law..Tnu tee, wabost demand or Borrower, dM all the
<br />Prope,ty at ptmti Suct€os to tk hldestbii Mat the tiwefsstl pitim d vadertlte tends deowmad in the rotke of sale in
<br />oat Qrsnoreptirl A111itilliasffly.fader row*" deurmiomTmsft il"111" M''ofnitorsnypwceloftkPropertyby
<br />+ saaorapi ent at t*10ftw d puce of sj preirbarsiy sabh" -sifft Header or its des4w any purchase tk
<br />qUpow'r+epe* of psymievit prat /Rice lid+ Ttstitee NW11.. 4WO6. *'00 psrehatr Tratee's dead coaveyittp de
<br />ty. rove itob is do Trutteeti data shall be prises.fa *,el dace of the trath of the statetnests wade tdteceia.
<br />Tir9tiat<e,ttiall ipfitlytie pracoeas of the ilak a ate GO &W, order: ri*) to all expewus of the sale; isel ding, bet sot llstdted - -- - -- --
<br />*VMotee's fen as pn dittd by RVIleffiWe law said M"iftWO attorneys' tees; (b) to all saws sec .&y this Severity
<br />iarigava"t; add (c) arty exam to the pe ma or remanksolly entitled to it.
<br />2o. Leadar in Poaeinilm. Upon.icceleratian under pa*agsaph 19 or abandoninbi Ulf thn'Pru ty, ;fix (in
<br />tim-m. by agent or by judicially aprf inted receiver) shall be erritled to enter upon,. ta1Ei: l o�!1•aind Mdage the i
<br />L�xr�pmy and to collect the mitts of tbts Property including those past due. And- rests .rct llWr by l iii or the receiver
<br />shag be applied first to Fa3TXt of the casts of rraaV=ent of the Property ti nr1 cisltt ritirsta of rte' fi nding, but not
<br />l rsiited to, receiver's fees, prt:snituas on receiver's bcm& and reasiable attocureys' faes,,0 'a►li ;;hetw ,z.zbYi sums se=-W by
<br />this Security Instrument.
<br />21. Reeorteyssee. Upon payntert of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, LeaderslbT J` request Trustee to
<br />reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured: by this Security
<br />Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or persons
<br />legally entitled to it. Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs.
<br />22. Suktitute Trustee. Lender, at its option, may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee
<br />to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded.
<br />Without conveyance of the Property. the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title, power and duties conferred upon
<br />Trustee herein and by applicable_ law.
<br />23. Rtgaed for Notices. Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower's
<br />address which is the Property Address.
<br />24. ItWer's to this 5ecudty Imatrsat. Ifone or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with
<br />this Security Instrument, the covenants and agreements of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and
<br />supplement the covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the riders) were a part of this Security
<br />Instrument. (Check applicablebox(es)j
<br />AdAmuble Rate Rider [] Condominium Rider ❑ 2-4 Family Rider _
<br />Graduated Payment Rider ❑ Planned Unit Development Rider
<br />Ot wvts) (specify) Acknowledgement '
<br />3
<br />BY S;i:ONING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security
<br />immment arA in any tldei�s) executed by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br />(1�I•ct�?tuc . ` �'.'�SCk!cz t „ .......................(Seal)
<br />.................... .................................. ..........................._... ii; chael L....Redman - sorrow..
<br />................................................ ............................... ...... U �tiLt. :� ....2 -f :�'? -f.� (Seal)
<br />C Jennifer fq. Redman -a`""”"
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, Hall County ss:
<br />On ths, i 9tin day of ApTi 1 ,19 89, before me, the undersigned. a Notary Public
<br />duly comMiAsiir:ried and qualified for S:ttdcourty, personally t dme Michael L. Redman and Jennifer
<br />to me known to,iie the ;
<br />M. Ret'irttGt; ;,: �;iusbar,4 ,and lilita�. � .
<br />ide —olkal pers©n(s) whosi name(s) are suoscribTd' tc,,1rrzc- J7_1egoing ins'nument igkf acknowledged the execution
<br />,fit rof to be their voluntary act attrt<'. &:ed.
<br />Witness my ha.-i4 tt►t<l dotarial seal at .errand I`S2.ettcl, Mecraska in said county, the
<br />date aforesaid.
<br />L M Commission expires: ' .-.�. `..... t ��:L�............ .
<br />. . '
<br />To TiiusTFE.
<br />'The undersigned is the holder of the note or notes. secured by th ;i; need of Trust. said note or notes, together
<br />with all other indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust, have been Raid i n ft,:l Voti are herehs" directed to can, cl raid
<br />nov, or notes and this.tleed of.Trust, whtth are delivered herehv, and i gate
<br />ttiv* field by ti,vu under this treed of Trust to the pers:ln or perarns feu.0 r er.!.Icd Ih£l,m+
<br />Date
<br />