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EXHIBIT "A" <br />200107170 <br />A tract of land comprising a part of them Northear9t 1/4 Of the <br />Northwest, 1./4 of Section 6, Township 9 North, Range 1.2 West of <br />the 6th P.M. , Hal l County, Nebr-arllca, more part- icnilarly dencribed <br />aF: fol, tows : Bejinni.nq at- the! uor.thwerrt cornet c:af c,aid <br />Idcart beast 1 /4 Cif the Northwest 1/4, I:herrce easterly along the <br /> <br />I) v- oL !raid Sect _i.on 6, a distance of "199.17_ feet; thence <br />car >fl 11 C3 tight. 90 degreery 00 m.i.nuteri and runnlnq :routltevly, a <br />disl.anr.e car 33.0 Leet, to a point of cur.vat.,Ite; thence <br />rtout_hweW-erly along the arc of a curve w1tor3e radii ue ie 1 , 383. 5 <br />feet (CFtc lottc3 chord of which def_lecty 44 degrees 54 minutes 40 <br />Flecondt; t lyht f roil' t.ha I asl: described cvurf3c ;.trtd I1E19 a length oL <br />1 1 17 . 9 ice'_) art It c d i gt.ance of 1,146.9,1 feet:, to a point ou <br />the west: 1 i ne of "'(1 Northeartt 1./4 Of the Nor. Lhwer3t_ 1/4 ; thence <br />1101 t)ter.1 y al.otic3 the west line of vilid Northeast:. 1 /4 of the <br />Northwest 1/4, a distance of 824.75 feet to the place of <br />beg inrti.ttg . <br />