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201700746 <br /> Power ofAllorney Pagel 1 of 12 <br /> WITNESS CER miCATE <br /> I, <br /> /--;,(10. e`, ,currently residing at ,-,200 C A/. /i 6 err t° ,in the City of <br /> ,in the State of /VC 7 hereby acknowledge that <br /> 1. 1 witnessed the signing of the Power of Attorney of Darlene A Schultz dated this Co day <br /> of January,2016. <br /> 2. lam an adult with capacity to witness the signing of the Power of Attorney and 1 am the subscribing <br /> witness thereto. <br /> 3. In my opinion,Darlene A Schultz had the capacity to understand the nature and effect of the Power of <br /> Attorney at the time the Power of Attorney was signed and the Principal signed it freely and voluntarily <br /> without any compulsion or influence from any person. <br /> 4. lam not the.Attorne_y-in-fact-named in the Power of Attorney nor am l the Attorney-in-.fats spouse or <br /> other family member. <br /> -G' 020/6 , <br /> (Signature of Witness) Mate) <br />