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20010'7162 <br />IECAL DESCREMON - TRACT B <br />(Based, on aurvey by Thomas L Jordan. L S. No. 178, dated <br />June JO. '9a-' end identified on said survey " Tracts No. 1 and 3, and per <br />Deed Documents 98- 10321.7. hall County Register Deeds <br />Office. and on a partial va- the - ground boundary survey) <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the !West Ralf of the Southeast `quarter (R1 /2 SEl /4} of <br />Section Seven (7). Township Ten (10) North. Range Ten (10) -Beat of the 6th P.1L, Hail County <br />Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: <br />Betinniug at the southeast corner of said Hest Ilan of the Southeast Quarter (111/2 SEl /4), <br />thence N6D'47'140'f. a►lonE and upon the mouth line of said !lest Half of the Southeast <br />Quarter ('fl/2 SEl /4). a distance of One Thousand Eigbty Four and Three Ilundredthe <br />(1.D84.03) feet to a point which is Two Bundred Twenty Five and Twelve Hundredths (225.12) <br />feet east -of the southwest corner of said 'feat Half of the Southeast Quarter (Tl /2 M /4): <br />thence NO3*02'WE, a distance of MCM $andred Thirty Six and �h. Seven J3uadrediha <br />(635.67) feet; thence SW03'16'E. a distance of One 11Lousand Forty One and Ninety <br />Three Hundredths (1.041.93) feet to a point on the east line of said West Bali of the <br />30uthesat Quarter OWE SE2 /4 ): thence SWDQ'55'R. along and upon the eos_ line of <br />Mid Test Ralf of the Southeast Quarter ('fl /2 SEl /4). a distance of Eight Hundred Your <br />and Sixty One Hundredths (804.61) feet to the point of beginning and containing 20.010 <br />acres. more or leas. <br />