89- 102040
<br />The covenants herein contained shall bind, and the benefits and advativages shall inure to, the respec-
<br />tive heirs; executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the partimai horeto. Whenever ii&ed. the
<br />singular number shall inelilde the plural, the plural the singular, and the•use of any gender shall beappli-
<br />cable to all genders, and the term "Mortgagee" shall include any payee of the indebtedness heteby simured
<br />or arty transferee thereof whether by operation of law or otherwise;
<br />The foregoing conditions, all and singular, being performed. a carding to their natural and legal
<br />import, this conveyance Atli be void and said premises released at tha.expense of the Mortgagor-, other-
<br />wine to be and remain in full force and effect.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Monsmor(s) hawheremto sq. their hand(s) the day and yew: first
<br />above written.
<br />In presence of
<br />Georgq J-4 trickson
<br />Shi-ft'&. Erickson
<br />........... ------------- ----
<br />................ ... . .... .................. ailo]
<br />AWK OW4110
<br />STATE OF N EBRASA.� . d I
<br />,� Oak
<br />HALL...
<br />On this 21st -a April
<br />.19 89 L*fdre nie,
<br />Public in and tot Wd'County, pprsonally.,cattle George J. Erickson trickson,
<br />Husband and Wife
<br />ly tome Irnown
<br />persorTal
<br />to be the identical pers(iti s',whom.i.natne s are affixed to the above and foregoing'
<br />instrument as Mortgagor, -gja&'. I tbey ' acknowledged the said instrument and the
<br />execution thereof to be. _tttoi.r veolunt4ry act and deed, for the purposes therein expressed.
<br />In testimony wh6v,. 4-1 have hereunto set my hand and•affixed my notarial seal at Grand Island
<br />on the day and date Iiii,above written,
<br />1_J ...........
<br />."I My commission expir,4_11,
<br />16. This loan shall, ,bay ,lln default and, may be decliarted iln.mdtately due and,payable
<br />Upon transfer Of tile Pawipikpty uectiring such, loan to any transferee, unless the acceptability
<br />or, the assumption of. th.'r., lann. is entablished, either pursuant to the provinions of section
<br />1814 of chapter 37. title' ,300 Vnit6d- States Code,, or by the loan holder If the loan. 'has
<br />been sold w4 shout recourse4
<br />17. A, Fee equal .to one -half it-half of 1- percent of the balance of this loin -is of tile date
<br />of transfer''(4 the property shall be poyable to the Veterans; Affairs at the time
<br />of, ti_*• 3n--fcr. If the assumer falls to, pay, this fee at the time of transfer, the fee shall
<br />constitute: an additional debt to that already secured by this instrument and shell. bear
<br />interest at the rate heroin provided, anti', the lean shall be in default and at tfie option
<br />of the payee of the ."dubtedness her0hy secured- or any transfcr-�c hereof. Vie full
<br />Indebtedness shall be4•ediately due and, payable. This fee is automatically tertived If
<br />the assumer is exempt under the proviaionu or, 38'U*S.C. 1029(b). The assu-wr 1s not
<br />oblftated to pay this fee It the Veterans Affairs has ::old this loan without
<br />recoursc'.
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