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r <br />ti <br />MORTGAGE ADDENVUR 102¢47 <br />The fotlowing are addenda to the Mortgs9s. •plesse check the.-appticebts addendum. The <br />add#ndus cheated shalt be incorporated Into;. and recorded wlths,:the Mortgags. The term <br />"Mortgage* shall be deemed to include "Dead of Trust," it applicabte. <br />XX FMA ADDENDUM <br />As long as the Mortgage is outstanding, the Lender may doctera ail sins secured by the <br />Mortgage to be imaedistaty due and payable ti: <br />(a) alt or part' of the property is sold or otherwise transferred (other than by <br />devise. descent or operation of law) by Borrower to a purchase ar.'othsr irensisree: <br />r <br />:(1) who cannot reasonably be expected tqX' occupy the property as a <br />principal residence within a reasonable Hera,.' af;_t;tr the sale or transfer, alt as <br />provided In Section 143(c) and 14341)(23 of" ;the:. isternal Revenue Code of 1988, as <br />amended; or ;.•;. <br />4112 who has had a present oi+rr:rsil.t'ji.;�t sReresc In.a.principat resid'fM. m. <br />during any•Iscrt of the three -year period ending OfOk:e;dot* of 'the safe ¢r transft�,' <br />sit as pro•1:rded in Section 143(d) and 143(1)(2) af- ifnet;.Anternat Revenue 'Code to, <br />cedt <br />that the thrt,vage "100 percent" shall be substituted '9or "9S percent_cr more" where <br />the tatter appears in Section 143(4)(11); or <br />(iii) at an acquisition cost which is greater than gal'..of the average area <br />purchase price (greater then 110% for torgeted'erea residencesi, all as provided in <br />Section 143(e1' errd 143(1)(2) of the internal Revenue Cade; or <br />(iv) who has an income in extess . of that established by the Nebraska <br />Investment finance Authority under its sp.pLceble regulations or program guidek-41nes <br />In effect on the date of the sate or transtlerp or <br />(b) Borrower tails to occupy the property described in the Mortgage without <br />Lender's prior writetm consent; or <br />(c) Borrower omits or misrepresents a material fact in an application for the <br />Mortgage. <br />References are to the Internal Revenue Code in effect on the date of execution of the <br />mortgage and are doomed. v* Include the .implementing regulations. <br />VA MOID.WAGE ADDENDUM <br />If, so tong as tfre Mortgage is outstanding, '.i�L't or any part of the property is sold or <br />transferred by Borrower without Lender's prior •written consent, other then a transfer by <br />device, descent or by operation of low, the tendc•fr 'may, at tender's option, dT(P0*re oil the <br />suds secured by the Mortgage to bt; finnedistely due amff•_payable. <br />4 -21 -89 <br />Date Sorrow we~' r Kevin' L Garrison <br />J/) 4k <br />Borrower Tra a van— WinK.Le <br />State of Nebr —ke ) <br />Hall <br />Covnf.y,� 'of ) <br />The forage: #ng Instrument was acknowledged before me this 21St day of April 19, <br />by Kevin L G?arxison, A single person and Tricie: Van Winkle, A single person. <br />Witness my hand and noteriat seat atGrand Island fn ai�'l county, th d aforesaid. <br />my Cossission Expires# f+►GfNiRKNUTAniIS ! j s <br />�. HO8<:gTA L. REED <br />(IgzO l t <br />NIFA 11141111 Series D <br />L <br />I <br />e <br />}E <br />.4 . <br />