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. •fit . <br />d <br />r <br />State of Nebraska Deed of Trust FNA Cass Na <br />321- 1310777 -748 <br />TYie Deed at Tram. ( "Security Instrument ") is made on April 21 10047 <br />19 89 . The trustor is KEVIN L GARRISON A SINGLE PERSON TRACIE VAN WINKLE A SINGLE <br />PQk" ( "Borrower"). The trustee is <br />COWWW IAL WWVAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ( "Trustee "). The beneficiary is <br />COLUMBUS FEMRAL SAVINGS BAMt'ily which is o <br />under -the laws of NEBRASKA organized and esistit4g.: <br />and whose address is, 1371 26TH AVENUE <br />COLUNBUS, NE 68601 <br />Wifeesaeti: That the Borrower in consideration of the dc*t &-ad rota hereinafter described and created .'and the sum' <br />•of.- ice Dollar <br />($I). to him in hand paid by the Trustee, the receipt of'. c;t MrA -.r4�oy acknovs. edged. does by these preents grant. bargain tin'd selfT; <br />convey and confirm. unto the Trustee, forever, all of the f.�>niii" described iid - estate. situated lying.amd being in the County tsf.";.' <br />HALL , and State of wit: <br />LOT SEVEN (7), IN BLOCK SEVEN M' GEORGE LOAN'S SUBDIVISION, AN ADDITION TO TEE CITY'OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEB" *1 <br />`r <br />THE RIDERS TO •TtiE DEED OF TRUST ATTACHED HERETO AND EXECUTED OF EVEN DATE 1ti REWITH IS <br />INCORPORATED HEREIN AND THE COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS OF THE RIDER SHALL ANEW AND <br />SUPPLEilENT THE COVENANTS AIND AGFE9WNTS OF THIS it ED OF TRUST. <br />which has the address of 716 E 13TH GRAND ISLAND <br />nvca, l lutyl <br />Nebraska 68801 ("Property Address -); <br />1 /Ij•(OL4, <br />To Have saki To HoW dw,_ premise: ahovc•desvr,lnPJ, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging and including all heating, <br />plumbing and lighting fix ruees and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate unto the <br />Trustee, and to its successor and assigns, forever. The Borrower represents to, and covenants with, the Trustee, that. i.hd:Borrower <br />has good right to sell and con%,q said premises; that they are free from encumbrance; and that the Borrower will wshau,t and defend <br />the same against the la -wful claims of all persons whomsoever: and the said Borrower hereby relinquishes all rights of homestead, and <br />all marital rights, either in taw or, in equity, and all other contingent interests of the Borrower in and to the above•de"scribed premoiea;, <br />the intention being to convey hereby an absolute title, in fee simple, including all rights of homestead, and other rights and interests <br />as aforesaid. <br />Frovit edl .,A wals. and these prawn:., ,txr executed and dclisered unto the Trustee, in trust, however for the follouing purposes: <br />MMereaa, lift: •Borrower ­�•, the 21 at day of April .19 89 , borrossed from the Lender <br />tbesumof Nenty —itswir Thousand Eititt Hundred and No /100 <br />�— .--- . - - - - -- -- -- Dollars is 24,800.00 ). for which <br />darn the 13s;r?awer has xer t tl an s1;i c to he n r Ilrrrl A r•s promissory note of e•. en crate, l.tering <br />interest at �dtu rate of Lig�i andd syf.8,(t y— ,Fag; Incir.(�3d�hs 8-8800 say pc•r annum on. the unpaid f dance until paid. <br />The said pras6pal and r,srerest shall 131s lvtpt Z)lc at Ills: office of ,COLUMBUS FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK <br />in COLUMBUS, hl . , or at such other place as the holder of the note <br />may designarc m urr ^a iat +tic +mhly Imtalhs,cnrs at One Hundred Ninety —Seven and 41/100 --------- - - -^-- <br />....,,.,.- IS 197.41 ►, commencing tin the first day of June <br />i'I Sq. and tin uhc brit say tit cav:: n,untir theTCatrer tint.[ rile vninc,pal and interest are Lilly paid, except that the final paytnc111 ct. <br />Principal and interest, if nut sunuer rra,d, shall Fe due and pa; :aHe on the fist day of IUY <br />20 19 . <br />This!Oran is used,n conneGtaon under tr e one- M) four family prograntS of the Natlonal Housing Act which pro, <br />vide f.:.r pano4.a ttottgage fnsura -,ce a lem;ur, payments r . <br />Farr I Udli•SFte•L$f !1011 eh,t.o,•t <br />Page t of 5 24CFR 20a.17ttt <br />