'�"'- a ... -� s . •<'. �.,.._,t .. ,� .? . . _.. ._. ._. .
<br /> . . , �`ix�.. ; ^ ' '. - . f . . . .
<br /> � . � . ` • � ., . . �.` � �, ._ . . . .,.. , .�._. . -. . . � � . � _ ,.. ` . ..�_� � `. �.
<br /> . .. _ ' � , , . , -' . ` � ' . .
<br /> `, < � ` No�-UNa�M Cbv�v�rrts.BorroRer=ad Lmder t'ortha covenanc�ad sgee as foltow�s� ��'�' ���p�� � , �
<br /> ' � b.`A� R!�!/:�f�II�fE�d�lt t0 BORaNK�IO�fd ilCl1C��Oa tOUOwf/i SOITOR!!�! ` ' .
<br /> ` ' , M'NCIt etai��eiftsi�!ee yne�Itit i�t�ls S4c�ritr I�l�rt�t(iot not pdcr to�aa tadet pra�iu!3�urrt l�� , � .
<br /> , ` ' . • ir�M��itairtt!�N+o�aMeenlle).7'Ye�otke tl�li#/s+dfy:Ea�t�ddaul�(!i)tik aeHoa requir+e�ta c�rR t!t ' . �
<br /> < ��te}a��tas tlw�3Q�Isys trai tie�Sbe t�e�atke t��i�tn SQre+awa.bywLkle tre detirit�rst 6e ciu�;
<br /> -: � '. aM t1U twt fail�t to ewe tre�t o�or bdhrt tie�c�pedNea is tl�e�otice rq�y resdt v scederat�oa of t6t s�ws - ` - - �—
<br /> � -;: ' � ��`����i t�+����ttitice t����s��i►er af Ht�t ti�it tu� -.- - = � � :
<br /> . . �i.N:1�e MMr aoed�eath.aii Me r1�E to tirl��corrt ietio.3o a�ra�e tie.oatx�.or�:aeta�lt�or..�r ot�er ,
<br /> � /�k�w�t�[owe�tosasle��iala�i�de.It�eiefsdt4�atc�a�ori�for�etiredKtqailkiiwtl�e�otite,Le�der� ' - �. �
<br /> � ' �t itr�/tios�s!►rojd�+e hr�eii�be�raat ia hU d tlI s���►ti��I�a�t wit6owt t�er
<br /> ;� �i��►�lr�lre d�e Ni�►�er K rfe s�i anr otie�rai�e�ia�es�ittet ir!q�ikabte 4w.�.eaiee�Mli k d�q�i tn �. . . .
<br /> - - �elMet r!t:�erei t�rM.ia�ruaii�!i�r�ra�eiks le�a*iiel t�tI�4/�rpl� i9. is�ii�Iwt'aot fi��tei to. .,
<br /> "�_ __ _ _ -_�+i�.i�4s�s►�'�i�rs�ce�e���. ._.- --- ' ` .
<br /> : _ _ . ...,... .�: . - ._ - -
<br /> . � ; tf tre w+►er e[wle 1s ia�okei,?rwtee didt r�ci s aotice ot�fark i�ad co�ury i��riic�si��rt af d4e .
<br /> P�o�artr ie ionbei aM idt�ndi e�ia o�s�clr�oHee is trt��raaibe�try s�tiabk hw to Borcawer�ud to tl�r . ,
<br /> , �: � � �N��!��Ml��hw A!!er d�e 4we re�i�ei 1l a�i��k iaw.Trrstee iiall��e�Wic wtke of .
<br /> � t . ,sik ts dlt/e��w!a�i i�tit waaer��Y�lNla6k bw.Tr�sts�witl�oet deMSSd e�Sorrowtr,a6a11 seU tie .,
<br /> Pra�ert�!st�fle aMet�to f1�e�Mi/er at dre W�e u��4c'e�ui�ter t�e ter�s iq�i�ii�:tbe�otice otsak is ,
<br /> ; � � �e or noer Mreeb a�+i i�ay or�a 3'rMtee�eten�i,�e..Tnreec�sy po�d.e ak4ta11 or a.y�eet ottlre P�a�erty by ` � `
<br /> • /.Mie a�.�.�eere.r at t�e cle�s ai.i�hce bt ael�e�etordt saMei.l��ate.t.a�+�e:at its dafg�ee�ay�lu�e t�e .
<br /> -,. __�: -- - -�'�'�F��3;--�";�--�-_�-- �-�_:,.-_.�. _.:. �. . • - - ----- -- -. . . _ . . - ,- - _ _ --- --.---
<br /> . { Ule�rere(�t ot��t at t1�e/rke iii.T�tee�11 ielt�a to tl�t/qr�r Tr�'s deei�Teyf�t6e : '
<br /> ' ; Pe�ertl.Ttie e�eetpls h tf�e Tratee's iee�sitU ie�tt�[ack s�Iieatt Qf tie tirst�oi t4e st�tewe�tt�nsde tlrerein. . , '
<br /> � . . Ttrtee�iall�ly tie Mrocads oi t�e s�k i�t�e foltbwlK order:(s)to all es�ee�a a[the sa1G iictudfn�,bnt eot timited .
<br /> f � co�T�da tca a��ittei by ypllnbk b�ud n�w�a61e�ttoneYs`ras:c��:o.0 sva�ser�rce 5y tets scc�ity
<br /> . ; I�rtrt�e��ed tc)awx.e�cc�as ta tirc oer�oe ar�et�lsg�tlly eatiNed ta it. �
<br /> �� � �0. L�e�der ia P�e�io�.Upon a�cetention uttder paragraph 19 or abandanment of the Property. L�ender(in . � •
<br /> � person,by agent ar by judicially apppinted receiverj shall be entitled to enter upon.take pussession of and manage'the . .
<br /> . , Property and to collect the rents of iha PropeRy inclwiing those past dur.Any rents collected by Lender or the receiver
<br /> � ah�l!ae applied fitst to payment oP the casts of managanc�t os the Property and c�1lection of rents,including,but not , , � '
<br /> � Ilmited to.receivec's fas,prcmiums on roceiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys'fses.and_then to the sums secured by �
<br /> this Security Instrument. , .
<br /> � . � 2�.Re,eodre�ssx�.U�s paym�nt af a::s�ms Sccvre.�t by this S�vrity 1nsi;�re�t,�nder shalt:eqa�t Trostee to � , �
<br /> recotsvey the Propetly and shall surrender this Securi'ty lnstrument artd al)reoteS e�i�cing debt secured by this SeCUrity
<br /> • � � lnstrament to Trustee.Trustee sbsfl recanvcy the Propeny withaut warranty and witl��ut charge ta the person or pe�sons � , �
<br /> Icgaliy entitled to it.Sucb person or persons shal!pay any recarcfatiun costs. .
<br /> �. �.
<br /> . 22.SrMtit�teTnuta.Lsnder.at its o�tion,may from time to timr remove Trustee and appaint a surcessor trustee
<br /> to�ny Trusta appoint+ed hereunda by an ia�strument recorded in thc county in which[his Security instrumcnt is recorded. ,.?'
<br /> . _ Wit6out conveyance of tde Praprrty,the sactessar truster chall succad ta aU the title.powa and duties conferred upor
<br /> Trustee herein�nd by appliatble la�v. � � � _
<br /> � �3.R�ta Notkq. Borrawer reqursts that copies ot the notices o�'default and sate be um to Rarrawer's .
<br /> addtess which is the Praperty Address. . �_
<br /> . Z4.Ai�ers to ttb Secuttty I�[�tuerlu�IP�ne ar mure riders are eaecuteA 6y Rorrower and recarcSed togcthtr with
<br /> this Security Iastrumrnt.the coven�nts aRd agrcements af each such rid�r shap be'�ncorporated into and shall amend and .
<br /> , suppkment the ctsvenants and agrumtnts of this Secur�ty /nstrument as iP the nder(s) were a part of tbis Security ,
<br /> � instrument.(Cluck applicabte box(es)] .
<br /> ' � �] Adjustabte Rate Rider �] Cpndominium Rider . f' 2-4 Famity Rider . '
<br /> ; ,
<br /> ; ❑ Eindwted Payment Rider � Planned Unit Devetopment Ridcr
<br /> . ;
<br /> � ,�:,
<br /> "�}Other(s) (specityj , ��
<br /> BY S1fiNING B�t.ow, Borrower accepts and agras t� Ihe term� and covenants con:amed in th�s Sc�:untg � �
<br /> instrurnrnt and in any rider(s)e�ecuted by Bortawer and tecarded with it. �
<br /> � .............................. .... ...,....,........... .......,........ ............. ..�.�./.��:� ...�. .�-r./.Jtt'`.' ................ .(Scal)
<br /> . ...
<br /> ..--Banawer
<br /> . ... .-- ---� M�ry . F�ixson ..__.._.... --� -�- - .. ..- - --. .. ._ . . ...- --� - -
<br /> ............. ..........,.............,............,..................._.............__ ............................... . ............... . . ......._. . . .... .(5ea1)
<br /> :..ec.,o,we. .
<br /> • 57ntt•c�F NrKknskn, � Hall c���uni��«:
<br /> . Ui� this 13th d��y ot AU9USt . 19 90 � heie�ie nre, nc� urtder�i�ncd, a Nnt��r} Puh{i�
<br /> . duly corumissicmed anJ yualiticd for�id cc�unt��,per,c�nalt} e:unr t��ry �+1. Oixson, an unmarried perspn � _
<br /> tt�t�tr� 4er��ute tn 3a��t{�_- ' - '-__ —
<br />.- idcntiral persan(s) �vhvsr n�pnc�sl atc suhscribcd tu thc fc�rc�ain�! imtrum��nt :tiud aLi�i�n.,leilu�•�I th�• c�c.��tu'�n � -
<br /> 1lureuf ta hr her �alunrar� act and Jc�d,
<br /> «jitnCSS nlK h:itl�I:i11�tle�lati�l�cal at Cranc! I91anc±� N��rask:e �r��aic!,:e�u�tEy.sl�z �.
<br /> -------------.,-- -
<br /> datc afurrs�id. �
<br /> � My Commissic�n cx ircti ������� _ I �
<br /> . �' OMfIDF.OQFMAEN l�.:���t, � � � �;.���,.,�.-_
<br /> E.. , wa.a�,:,w�.��z . . ... . .... .. .. . .. .. . . . .. . ... . . . ... . . .. ... . .. . . .
<br /> ti..�.,�, �•.���;..
<br /> . hi_�uF.s� �c�K t���c����;vt ti•,t�;c i r.
<br /> ' '�u Tk[.!,!!E • �
<br /> . . ,�,.
<br /> ��1C Ll11ffCISIL11Clfi IS i�IC It(ildl't ezC l��C 11t��C u� UuIC> ��'4elE4il I�ti llit, j)c'C�� ��I �i�!d� 4J��� 1���li'��c t+c�lE-. l��ti�Elw! �
<br /> i-. y
<br /> �rith alt other inciehtednc�;tcct��i�d ht'IIuS Urc-J i�f I tu�1.h���:-hri�tF��.�ief Fu Iuti j:*IF:IIL'}Ii i/:f�z :t�r��tc•�i t„ur���:f.,u�!
<br /> uc�lc�rt nvle�aittt Ihi� llec�l uI Ittt�F, uht�h a�r�)cl�sctetl I►�•erh�. .�ml t�• �c<<�n:r�, 1�1�►�+��it �o.���.un:. :,If t��c c•.�at�_
<br /> Itt�1t' IfCIII Ety�1�(111 L111tIit Ellll I}C�t�(�� ��liz1 1(4 f�1C ��Ct�1Ht lry ��t�i�l1, stp'.11�: �C�'..lit'e, ib.!il+� -
<br /> F��it�: � �
<br />