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<br />M. F
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<br />r 89. 102026 IROP202
<br />Ma1�a/or(q and aiaeb a sewn @aethsr ba..n.eK and aOn• ettlwt lloepNaa a. ftttliete:
<br />(1) Topayallllens, tudgMenborolhsraM •nnNntaysiMtNklpnmN•► andtopayMlMldwaUttueN fang l• NOreharpNUp01tat1iQpe •IniNSOrunWrany
<br />fable. permitNomsecrprmis "auatpnsdloMortpso " Additional• soutftyto this mofipapa ,kicfudinptrotecnptditdcW'W.
<br />(2) ToinwnsaWkeepinoundpulainpaM ~improvwontsnowonorl matfsrpfaosdonoaldpromientotheNtMecoonofltorfpep •e.SuchInsurance
<br />Shall ba approvsdbyenddepwitred With MVV** e, andendOnedwithsmortgpeclause withIMthe reunderpeyabl etoMorillapae.Anyvinatovacal by
<br />Matpagsa msy be used to pay for r icons► etion 01" destroyed khprovaments or if not so applied may. at 1M option of the Matpapae, be appiiad in payrtien of
<br />any indabeedrtan matured of unnfaturad secured by this nwtfpps.
<br />(J) Toketpsllbuitdk) gtfi, duMeW doMerimpfovmmtanowonorhamfwplemonnldpram% NOMuDWAndingoodnipaifmak "onWmew4condkion
<br />•rid to Wgw comma for permit arl'y ecte oe wasts or my onpMmleftt of the vMw Qf Ilse teaxiy.
<br />(4) in the event OAorippOra fsa to pay wry Msfa, iudtmerta. assessments, taxes. ones, lees orehargae or malnfain any in urance on the properly, buW limp,
<br />fixturesorimprorernenl tasprov k*dherekrorintheloanadr•arlian Mg lifeg •etray.attteOptfbn,nWasuchpoyino orIgn Insinsfirartoa11whilwisnoeor
<br />rapeifaendanyamoumspe Mwsicr" IxecornepartorttwprimlpeliridBiudnesateeuradMreby. beimrrtedieMly6ueandpeyaaeaWbartnterssttramRr
<br />aleratpq n�terteeprovWadfnths caertapreanwitP10961111d.e0101110 sttheadfertoamembyMorgeOsaofanywchemouMse [nNkrnomennarlknittlnriphtof
<br />INorejyageaE te deelue MOrlpe>Dbq to default w esarP. M any of atolls fast Otrpr ri" Wi d esnfetaes:
<br />(s) trtltirwfeMMOrlpepaeisapsstYtrsany► it► glMionafAeetkgtl rasautlhfor .tMMarrottMamoelasse.In dudNrasnvauRbvMaeuaesabfeerefa ..r►iar . ene.s.
<br />�•.=. wry: mrm�' ww���r�rw�a�nl�GSUOr[ iliWewwnr' 1111q�p7pplflltTUplCypfOOeepl fl0a) Mpr�OMrrfayltTCYral�fa lCllldadMennepe�Rlerlta
<br />far abslh mues, etto n" a feat (except to the ardent pvombitat by Is*. Viola; sagiwusq.appraissi less and other chaMse f6d enjy.akxsttripe so advaewed Aran
<br />txscome penal the prindpa tndeblednegaeeuead here,lhy rtaklstenedWety due and pa)t�liARn�d tteerinMrastas lxnvfnlsd lxrttre�an aDtaecaht
<br />ace) Any awamft maorti ..f eprtp Wm Or their gi=`olt► try the axerclN of emkm* *mf'In sre hereby eeNplfed 10 alitittgadae; and Morrgapse Is hereby
<br />iila+a!meQ to Collect and apply VW aertte ks p M" Q( t it�ytebetranw. me0xed or unrha ktiW. wmred by this nartpepe
<br />:' •' ( �.} iiltlsnvantMonpeporsdetautttcrnap�ytr�r2lfit�Ytuotanywmea• cured! ierabylyusisr�ti�: tirfl�►} H: idw+ am• nta .aproleetlwetYDunsmsnb).o►teit
<br />b pertorns or observe any cownanft ari agafd( gAi(tisvy(jlnad herNn. in tilt nole(a) or ier, llriy fitiYrriiyis�mant(s). or an,t pion Fv fs broiipkf by ar a0e{rye
<br />.- JAartgagersunderanyllankrupteyil wlwr Ilo lmt;+i+ir 7aoptlon ,deeleretheentiminwiiixi<f1t N• eurWherebytobiimm •diaMlydLnW4psyeb6ouWbmr
<br />3TtefaatattMd• leunfileaep�OVide0l eg.,RrM�t)W14k�sha m etnent( s) and MOrtpapsimlq" I( �imWieleey( onimilhisnni ttpe�eorpun"anyoumamilebie
<br />Iap11 remedy iMludklg forecloetrrre ay t wf1A a power of eels 1n aaortgagsa to :ire extetrt provided by seed Ityt► Pfovlded two" r, that delay by
<br />�. MortSaOte in exeroiakp tb rigtkt upas ddptiR'eheil not a eaMtmed as s wslewthereof and thateny set of Mortgepae weteklp artysprerifi:4sfarlh aheN noble
<br />eorotruedreawaiverolanyf iredslkdL• Ititplxocasdeunderwuhe "wwfornctosunan.in utftionttol>•ythaftilalindehadI -esker gye+aettnd.hforfpapots
<br />do herebg,egrea to be personally b"nd;lufAy the unpaid balrnce, and MorIW ee stun be entitled to a deficiency ludlyne t,
<br />(9) Upon detauR. MOtepaQea rattan of criRe• beeonu antifNd aAxchtarrs visa enioynunt of au property ivsq't[a1A i irj �tlirLk Crtfpsan&4XUfifs
<br />( lirtd
<br />thereat. homthsf> rnsofarl¢ irdlifeuttatddutingthependentyoftoncl "jsrt inglplaratMpenodolredwtrptbn :fAedafhfsrxo4 ys9grttrfyaer;ttaraony
<br />�. ,.., NtOrtpiONOyanyapptop; i�I1tW[ t. aetianarptoesediet (;.9foitOapwahalz�rtrtf( Ind• 1�iair3trF�lva► totNidpropertyandaNtafcirc�lseuM .cinjtCanC(NOfilrgttifant.
<br />wNnou20194110110tnevaluidurt6�mpertxr, tlrtneauttici •ncytMreoftadsbltrd�s+tti: nr;( liipedebtanatMfoteclowtacoifeilweandir�fxQitaea •So in6iCMvar
<br />tnaybaappantedbyanycourtotconfprHartt gwIsdicnon uponenpensappl'�0ton, notice teing henbyas
<br />pfeas(ywafved. TfieiitoNverahirlit�ip1ya11nnu, itieWa,
<br />prop.. protitt intxtmesnd rewnueottlNrpetp, wtytokeeptfifaameingoiiftn (fairand coridltfon, payal(tlex la. tariff. fNS.chergmandatessanents,psy kauranee
<br />' premiurmnecasearytokapth epramlest rrsgnid, paytheaxpwwofthai"4*1varshipand attomeyfoi`lpallted by Mef #siver,andapplytMtutpmovedatotM
<br />payment of ere indebtedness secuaed heretay Sueh Recatow shall have all the other usual, pawal Ot irgetwera authoduM ifi raw and m ttu court may dkwct
<br />(9) TheinNprttywdresponsibiitryofttMMotf aagMCae�ati( uleeepartoftheconokWoraial tsrttmoNostlmowuni b 'rtf�.ShouldModOeponNdl.traneW
<br />OrconveytMpropenydeecri bedh* mMxMWpnorwrimnconee ntofMorIpM. Mortp"' rnsy. et its optlon ,dseterett- semtUeindsb! ImmedieWydue
<br />and txYSbta and may proceed In the wffcwCSnNnt of its rights as on any other default.
<br />(10) Asfignmentofftms including fkwoodsof Mineral Low. MoT*A% Ilarrbytransf er, setoverandconveytoMortgagesallrirl {lr;*sIIisebmumerld
<br />defaymoneyethatmayfromtlnteto timrlbsuemedusand payable underonrneatestaba lasucrundaranyo ll. gas orotnermkisrW We"otdnykind nowexistinptx
<br />tffatmayhernaffefebni• irlf* txfetefree, Ctrrelingtheabovelandorany part niereol . All ereh sums so, clif, by Mon)i eWeffallbeappliedtothekadsbladfrMs
<br />securedherby;orsaidM - Zagee may. altitsoptfon, turn overanddeliver tottoMortpap.' r• eo' thairsuccaMwsin Interest anyWagofsuehsumawWwAptajudbs
<br />to any of Mortpapee's ngt•,ste take and retain future auMs. and without prejudice to slam di its other rigrds under this moitpaOs. The trsnst r and conveyance
<br />hereuncWtoMortgapasofsea rants, royal i e•. bonusesanddenymoneysshall be construe dt obeeprovtefonf ortha psyrrao "or►eductionofthemortgspdat
<br />sub ietttotMbfongege•'soobGnash*Wfi sfareprovide d, Independentofthemortgagelio nonavidrr_Iwfate. Uponpaymar _tinfutloftAstnariQapad�,ta ;dnA
<br />A111141119 of tnit mortpps Of record, foie cernxevsnce shaft become inop•rahve and of no further forts and effect.
<br />(11) The covenants contained in this ffl0t--,ege shall be deemed to be severable: in the event that any portion of this morigpe is dsiarminad to be void or
<br />unenforcuble, that determination shall not affect the validity of the remaining ponlons f the mortgage.
<br />(Orlienne B. Dimmitt)
<br />STATE OF Nef.�Yresska )
<br />COUNTY OF Hall ) ""
<br />)
<br />On this —Trf�1 day of Ip)r 1l , A.D., 19 oa , before am. a Notary Public.
<br />personally appeared Qrl ienrt i3. Dfmmitt, a single person • .
<br />to me known tg
<br />the same as
<br />be the )wrsen f --) named in and who executed the foregoing Instrument. and acknowledged 1fTAt Rif p exe=tgd
<br />nervo(ur+tar0
<br />act =4 deed.
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