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F <br />L <br />It_ <br />r. <br />,s <br />.102019 <br />NoN- UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as &aH <br />0. Acceleration; Renedim Leader shall give notice to Borrower prior to at cahtrear +t following Borrower's <br />bs ead of any covema kw agreement is thb Security Instrmnent (bat ad prior to aeceleratltta: so 6s, paragraphs 13 and 17 <br />salons applicable law provides otherwise). The tootice shell specify: (a) the default i!t t11e afttjteta required to cure the <br />default (e) a date, on lest than 30 days frog the date the ao ke is given to Borrower, by wbikk- Ike default must be cured; <br />ad (d)"fs(htre to care the dehdt on or before the date speeifled is the ;Duce near rtaait imacceleralion of the sums <br />a9 M 0 o by this Security tastres eat wad ade of the Property. The notice shall fartkr iilfwar, Swrower of the right to <br />reinstate alter atederatton and the right to bring a cow action to assert floe aoa-e esRe .a a default or say Ether <br />detente of Borrower to aceelt mom wad ask. if the default it not cured on or before the date specilW is the notice, Lender <br />a>t ill option sway rteguire iatatsdiate paysaest is fsH ol�asl awes secured by thk Secarkyr ndimneat without fu lber <br />descant and way invoice the power of ule and any othefr ressedles permitted by applicable kv, Usider shall be entitled to <br />collect all expeaaes is arreil la p■raaing, the reme 111 provided In this paragraph It. istdafdiag, but not Malted to, <br />reaasaabk attorseya' fees and tab of title evidence. <br />U the power of sale is (noised, Traatee:ball seem a notice of default is each county to which any part of the <br />Property is located and shall staff copies of wad notice isthe s aaaaer prescribed by apphiral k haw to Borrower and to the <br />otter persons prescribed by applicable law. After the tine required by applicable law, Trwstae ilWI give public notice of <br />oak to the persons wad la the nearer prescribed by applicable law. Trustee, without demand am Borrower, shall sell the <br />Property at peblicauction to the bighestbidder at the tim and placeand under the form fadgs ttedIn the notice ofsale in <br />one or pore parcels and in my order Trustee deterniaes. Trustee may postpone sale of ail cc as3r#arcel of the Property by <br />public ansomerement at the time and place of any p m%ioady scheduled sale. Leader t,'1c its Safgate may purciase die <br />Property at any sale: <br />Upon twes* mfpsytaea of the prkit bid, Trnfee shall defim to the purchaser Ttmstee's deed conveying floe <br />Property :Tate "W** fi �tife Irn''geds deed shall be pilim facie erWence of the trait of tit• ttatemeats made therein. <br />Trustee shall applj.fJ*Vrocee&di the sale is the follavtn girder. (a) trs all exposes of the safit, Including, but not limited <br />to, Triultee's fobs ai pmmtW applicable law and reasonable atteetnys' fees; (b) ft &H stem seeured by this Security <br />Instrument; and (ctiir xcss to the person or persons legally entitled to it. <br />20. Lender'in!n� ota Upon acceleratiowunder paragraph 19 or akandont'mene og'..the Property, Lender (in <br />person, by agent or Lr '; u i+eialdtg appointed receiver) ;shall be entitled to enter upon, take re session of and manage the <br />Property and to cell ; ',I b'e yr !:s of fte Property including those past due. Any rent:; coflecud by Lender der the receiver <br />shall be applied f m iy,� payrivmt pf the of management of the Property and collection- :el, .♦vats, induding, but not. - <br />limited to, receiveftc"Goes, prem:ams on receiver's bonds and reasonable%ittorn eye fees, amts thin t,,7 th sates secured! by <br />this Security Instrur -int. <br />Z;l . Reconveyance. Upon gayment of all sums Wared by this Security Instrument, Leider shall roggtn st Trustee to <br />recw,d+ry. the Property and shat: surrender this Securit}, Em-rrument and all notes evidencing da:bt secured t—J this Security <br />Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvcy the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or persons <br />legally entitled to it. Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. <br />22. Substitute Trustee. Lender, at its option, may from time to time remove Trustee ana appoint a successor trustee <br />tunny Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which Ibis Sec�rity Instrument is recorded. <br />Without conveyance of the Fwperty. the successor trustee shall succeed to all the tali.; Fowtte and duties conferred upon <br />Trustee herein and ftyaWlmbie law. <br />23. Request Coc *144(4e8. Borrower ra:juests that copies of tic notices Of defaurc and sale be sent to Borrowia.'¢ <br />address which is the Property Address. <br />24. Riders to this Security instrument. If one W. inore riders are executed-ty- Bofrowtr and recorded together with <br />this Security instrument. the covenants and agreemenli of each such rider shall be inf:arporve into and strail amend and <br />supplement the covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the rider(i) were a part of this Security <br />Instrument. (Check applicable box(es)) <br />❑ Adjustable Rate Rider ❑ Condominium Rider ❑ 2-4 Family Rider <br />❑ Graduated Payment. Rider ❑ Plivn ed Unit Development IL-der <br />93 other(s)'. Acknowledgei7t.r ^t <br />BY SiGNING BaQw., Tii<.rrower accepts aarl 4grees to the terms and •cevenan.ts contained in this Security <br />Instrument and in any ride i�,sf eracuted by Borrower ard recorded with it. <br />STATE of NEBRASKA. <br />Hall <br />_- 8o ►.c6rer <br />rancis C. Kolar <br />/'........................(sP�,11 <br />Ruse Marie Kolar <br />County ss: <br />On this 14th day of April .19 gg . before me, the undersigned. a Notary Public <br />duly commissioned and qualified for said county. personally came Francis C. Kolar and <br />Rose Marie Kolar, Husband* and Wife . tome known to be the <br />identical person(s) whose name(s) are subscribed to the foregoing instrrtmeni and acknowledged the execution <br />the ;f'of to be their vutuotary art and dried. <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at Grand Islard, P,'ebras>tz Its said county, the <br />date aforesaid. <br />My -IF-lell led AJ <br />iDAW1"UMBU_ �.rN;;t . s :d•iri <br />wlit 1bt>Mta" 'a•� r RLpul:sr 1-014 ttLcuNVLYANCe <br />The onderctyfned is rite holder t•f file note t +r by thi. nerd tit 1 rtl%t tilt. i n +tC tU tTT(fc, fr +�7rr tie f <br />with all tuner itidebtednesv tecuiedliy this !.teed 61 triter, Woe tern t�aifl +t) full ti"+•11 are 1wr0+e +tire, t� tt ir. ..nit <br />V?Wt of W t s aild this, [Iced 4 +1' Trust. tAfiich are doh, erect h^rrb+ , and t•! *�: s)tet�f , ui•i:..u' s,trt.•r ;.:.if lei,' r•'xt. <br />fit,-ow nett! h} �nij under this t.teed or frost r•, tf.r percnn or p?ltr w; leuailt. i- titi111'tt It,• <br />1tave. <br />r. <br />_: <br />it <br />4.. <br />. t <br />