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AWUSTABLE RAVE RIDER 89= 10200 7 <br />' (1 Year TrasuryIndex -Batt Paps) <br />THIS ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER is made this jlqth dayof — April X 19 89 <br />and is incorporated into and aball be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage. DeeA of 'Bust, or Security .Deed (the "Security <br />Instrument ") of the saate date given by the undersigned (the "Borrower") to secure BorrowWs Adjustable Rape Note (the •'Note") toHOME <br />MAIM SAVIN N A LOAM ASSWATION OF BRAND ISLAND NEI;MM (tie "Launder") of tlss same: dasr. and covering the <br />property described in the Security Instrument and located at: <br />-- 3111 Kennedy Circlap Grand Island, NE 68603 <br />7 <br />4F <br />t <br />A. IMM W VATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br />The Note provides for an initial interest rate of _-:, in _n _�i. Section 4 of the Note provides for chatWn in dtt Interact rate and the <br />monthly payments. as follows: <br />4, INTEREST RATE AND AfONTHL Y PAYMENT f.'J /ANGES <br />(A) Cgtaage Darts <br />The irdertst rate I will pay amychange on the first day of _ Sgatember _ .1990 . and on that dayevery <br />12 months thereafter. Each date on which my interest rate could change is called a "Change pate," <br />(it) T11111elattex <br />Beginning with the first Change Date. my interest rate will be based on an Index. The "Index" is the weekly average yield en United States <br />Treasury securities adjusted to a constant maturity of 1 year, as made available by the Federal Reserve Board. The moat treant Index figure <br />available as of the date 45 days before each Change Date is called the "Current Index." <br />If the Index is no longer available. the Note Holder mill choose a new index which is bmsei W= oosnTelabie information. The Note <br />Holder will give me notice of this choice. <br />(C) Cs.kolatlon of Craagna <br />Before each Change Date. the Note Holder will calculate my new interest rate by ad&c turns one -haLf percentage! <br />liims e 7 air) to the Current Index and rounding to the nearest I /8th or• E*,::ublimg to the limits s t4d in Section 4(D) below. <br />This rounded amount will be my ffzv interest gate until the treat change Date. <br />The Note HOW- w;!1 then determine the wouw. of tlye sae MVy putment that would be suft6earau t>Q tt pay in !null the principal I am <br />eaperted to ovre cgi?drttl.(; )range pate in subsea ally a , ai P&pMwm by sir¢ hm-a nr4 date at my new Interest rate. Tile mgrjt of this calculation <br />%-M be the new amount of my masztNy payment. . <br />(D) IhWbetalateramAlaf¢( saga <br />The interest rate I am 'r 01 *m -d to Mi nt the first Change Due will not im )grater than, 12.0 94 or less than <br />—B 9 9a. Thereafter, tA9 interwl, nutesvill never be increased or decreased on puny:Ongle Change Date by more than two ^_ <br />2— from the rate of iut�jrest I hay :t, the a paying for the preceding twelve months..'1."�he minimum interat rate on this loam will never be <br />ra s than g� A �r,:tairi t tee maxims its+. est rue will never be greater than 1 r,,.?J <br />4E) Effective Dare of Chump <br />My new interest rate will become effectii Mutt r: ash :Change Date. l will pay the amount of my new monthly payment beginning on the first <br />monthly pa mean date after the Change Date ahill'ifte'Wnocatt of my monthly payment changes again, <br />(F) NodetotCh alteg <br />The Note Holder will mail or deliver to ma a notice before each Change Due. The notice will advise me of. <br />(D the new interest rate on my loan as of the Change Date; <br />(ii) the amount of my monthly payment following the Change Date; <br />(iii) any additional matters which the Note Holder is required to disclose; and <br />(iv) the address of the association you could contact regarding any questions about the adjustment notice. <br />D. CHARGES, LIENS <br />Uniform Covenant 4 of the Security Instrument is amended to read as follows: <br />4. Crargasi Llean. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments, and other charges. fines, and impositions attributable to the Property which may <br />attain a priority over this Security Instrument, and leasehold payments of ground rents. if any. in the manner provided under pargmpb 2 hereof <br />or, if not paid in such manner, by Borrower tttaking payment. when due, directly to the payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish Lender <br />all notion of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the event Borrower shall make Psyment directly, Borroxhal shall promptly furnish to <br />Lender receipts evidencing such Payments. Borrower shall Promptly discharge any lien which bag priority over that promptly <br />lnsttul sh t ad <br />however. Borrower shall not be required to discharge any such lien so long as Borrower: (a) aha1I agree in writing to the paymea, of the <br />obligation secured by such lien um vc c, manner acceptable to Lender; (b) shall in good faith contest such lien by, or defend against enforcement of <br />such t;nt ht, legal proceedings a .: f in t,Ile opioirm of ;.ender OP—.111C to prevent the enforcement of the-lie= or forfeiture of the Property or any <br />part thereof; or W n'rall secure from the lic-4ar of such bm sty erg: mmmt 01 Al form satisfactory ".: limier aubordinating such lien to this <br />Security Inatr, -az% ,, <br />i f lixztGer .rk+r *rnirtts :cunt all or any pal ; tk PILMem its s ee k .rn ben 4,k,.;_,a, =, f � a �Lt � � Owe, 'e aa Security instrument. <br />FieA ;t7d7 eve lrlcnrnwer a nc /,= ldem�t y'ng arsi:. lxtr. %.nrnwer aha s ,:a:i PV h�: }: Sian c5r rake one cc r��re oP the actions act forth above <br />within ten drays oltbe giving of the notice. <br />C. NUFICE <br />Uniform Covenant 14 of the Security instrument is amended to read as follows: <br />t4. NNW. Lxeep► tar any notice required under applicable law to be given in another manner. (a) any notice to Borrower provided for in this <br />Security Instrumen► shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first class mail to Borrower ai the Property Addressor at such other address <br />as tsorrawrr may designate by notice to I.ertdtr as provided herein, and (b► any notice to Lender shall be given by tint class mail to I.ender's <br />addtcss stated hrrem or to such other addtess as Lender may dtalgnale by notice to alone wee as prov-idtd herein. Any notmv provided tot to ilm <br />(;Cc III 'IV Instrument straJ he deemed toh.act been.given to Wrrn)vvrr or I.erder tishcn gi�cn in the manner dtsianated hznirt <br />• f <br />P'+:. <br />h� <br />'1 <br />
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