'_._'.— - . . . `._'-'-tt _.- <<_ < _ . ._ . . ... _ . ._ __—_ - __ —._ . _ _- . ___ . . . .
<br /> c �t .`. "' .. - ` ' ' . �`� � .. . _-....�..•..._` . � .
<br /> ' • ,�� ` /. . , ` . -. . ._ _. . ._. _ . . . _ ; . - ..r .` .. —. _ . :. ... ; .. ` - .
<br /> � � �, s . .'3 " . :' ' ' ' . � , ` `. � , ` ' �.. • • . <
<br /> � u trt�a��s�c:�nemr n�ss�u�,r:cav�NC tr�w;�v�.rr�r � 94—'a.8��$«�. ,
<br /> , U�tam Co�eoant 1S of L&Saeur�cy I�uet�ummt ii�mended ta read as foIIows: , �
<br /> , �` � 1S. U�It�rsMe�lt7 i�Ne��M:Gs�eii�L�ri�!•This form oi Sectiriry Instrumeat combiaes uniform covmants far astioo�l use ,
<br /> .#' � °=` -°w�1i0n�ifcrm�wittt ti�t�d vstia'tions fsy��to�tnte a uaiform secaa�tY lt�strame�i�rert�f rxl Dr+o9ertY-T�is - <- - —
<br /> � Seqtck�`ta�ttt�u�8 be�ovaoed hyFedertl law and the ba af tLeyuris�cflo�p in wrh3d�tl�c Propertp is locaced.in thtevatt that aey •
<br /> , < ,prvv�tion ar dau�e of t�os SecaritY tasuument a tI�e�Nooe canAicts wlth appIiptbk law,such coni�ict ahaII aot itft'xt otha piovLticm af tdt� • '
<br /> � S�tp Ymtnm�mt c�tbe Nat�ee trhicA can be�effect�vIthant.the coMktini Drovi�ion:and to this,.ax�tbc provfsions o!tt�Savritp
<br /> IaiRr�eet,�the Not�e 3lutades�rea tabe�ev4rable.. � _ � .
<br /> . � . � 7tAi�l.R OF 1'i!B 1�0l�'tY OR.;�XQAL�1N ld�O�R � . . • . �
<br /> trnitoe�Cowao�tu 17 ot the Setvrity tuaram�t L�mded tesi��s follaws: �
<br /> � � 1?.'lY�r K Ir?»Ne!!�r s�aelkYi hle��t Is�ree�es.Tf all-or a�p�t of the�aDertY or�n intaesE tl�erda is sold a tr�asferad
<br /> � � '�`� : (qr it t_b�nef'�)intaYSt in Botruwer is soW cE trtetferred ae�Haro�c cs acri s mtt�I peraoa)�vicftont Irarder'a prior rvrittea wnsent, .
<br /> � , . I�e�dec mry.�t�tader's optbn.decTue all ttse aums seeured Mr this Seci��iry Iasm�meat¢�6e iauncdiately due and p�yabk.However,this
<br /> ,s ��� optiauYt�aot beaurcyed bY L�eadrr if exacise is aot�utAocizad hy Frdera!law.Lsnaer rri�ty waive tbe e�ercise af ttds option if:(A)Hara�rer : ` .
<br /> � • ` wu�q.�2 w!lmitted to l:eeder ie.formalioa reqWred by Ixa�3er to eval�ate the ietetfded traalferoe s if a ae�v!wn Maa befa�n�sde to t6e�
<br /> , ;,. �. tra�l'a��ued(b)t�eder reroi�oeably determines chac[.enaer�s secur;ty«n'�2a aa 6�imptred by►tt�e tan assumption+usQ thac the fiat at cee , .
<br /> . '� bra�liolaayoova�nEOryr�m�entiatlu'�SecuritYlasWnxatisacceptabletoLender. � � • . ..
<br /> � . Ta tlse a�te�t permitied 6y applicabk law.i,ender may cBu,�e a reasbnebie fa aa a condltion to Lender's consent to tt�e Iosn assum�tIoa. �
<br /> Ixadet�iy�t+w require tIx uwferee to keep atll the promtses aca;�graments made in the Note aad�n thLs Saluiry tac[rumet�t.
<br /> • "1f trender p�erc-ises sacb oQtioa to accelerate.Lendu s1�aD m�'1�arrower noUce of acceler�tion in�ocordat�ce with paragapB.I<hemof.�' ' ' �
<br /> �.� ' Such notioe sh�U pr�+�ok a pertat of not las than 30 days fram tha date the notice is mtiled within wtuch Borrower mry pay the awns doctue�
<br /> due,II 8orrawer fiailss ab pay sudh sums prEor to the expirAtion of sach perio0.Letider may.withoat further notice or Qennnd on Boaown, , .
<br /> involce u�y reme�ks permitted by tl�is Security Instrtiment" � , `
<br /> "Natwithrtandill�x�le or tcansfer.Horrower wilt continue ta be obligated under the Note artd this Secariry I�.sa3snient nNess I,ender has .
<br /> nkved 8orroira in�rrltit�." � .
<br /> " F. LOAIY CHANCFS . . � .. .
<br /> if the lan tewrod by the Sxurity lnstrmnent is subjrct to a law which ares maximnm lou►chuga,and tt�at 1aW'ss finally interpreted ao .
<br /> thst the intaest ar atLher toaa chuges collected at to be collecced in connectlon with the toan exceed permItted Wnits.then:p)any such toan � • •
<br /> , ct�r�e�li be reducod by the amount necessary to redure the charge to the permitted timit;and{��any sums already wlloctod fran Swrrower
<br /> � whtch excaded permiued limits wi13 be refunded to Borrawrr.l,ender m�y choose to make this refurtd by reducing the principal axod under the � '�.`,
<br /> ' Note or by m�kitt��direct psymeni to Borrowe�.If a refund reduces princip�l.the reductton wiU be treate0 as a putial prepaymrnt uader the !
<br /> Note. • "
<br /> IN WITNFSS W�IEREOF.�onower ras exa�ted IW Adj�tabie Rate RWn. . .
<br />. . � � � . .��
<br /> , � �t'�' ----(��1
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