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<br /> . - � . ' . t��ED�OF R��4NVE1�'ANCE � ° ' - .
<br /> � : � � ' (Und�r Nebraska Trus�Deeds Act) � � ; � ` . �
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<br /> ___ _ .. _t . . _
<br /> . ---� - ;= K�aw 1111 Men`By Tt�e Preaert�x �. , _ - , - ' ,-
<br /> � � ,- � THAT WHEAEAtS,alUpari.of ttie indebtedness secured by the�Trust Deed executed by ' � _ � ,
<br /> � , �xrl L. Janzea sAd Ray`Aap, Jaatens. �usbaad 6 wife � � to FirsTrer�ank, � :
<br /> ; � ` Natidnal Assaciation.Osnaha,Nebraska,the Beneficiary named therein;dated � and recorded
<br /> . , F , in tF�e ottice of the Register of Deeds of �1 ��� Nebraska ' `
<br /> tY.
<br /> i - ': DOG'�l�iT �89-1U210S ACKNOWL�EMEN���89-1Q2107•� .. -
<br /> �;' � � ►n Baok '` •�� at Page has been paid,and$aid Ben�ficiary has requested �
<br /> . . ' in�niting t1iaY this deed of r�conv�yance be executed and delivered as confirme�by its eRdorsement betow. -
<br /> �, � . :fit�3WTNEI�EFORE�incansiderationoisuchpa*�;?:?�tanQinaccordaricewithiherequsstoftheB��ciarynamedtherein, .
<br /> � . � � 9i�aMdets�g.*�edasTrr�steedoesbythesepres�;*r:grant.remise,retease.andreconveytothepe€�t�iorpersonsentitted �
<br /> • `� theretpatl��?teristandestatederi�redtosaidtrusteebyorthroughsaidTCUSt�eer��_r�thefs�ltQw�rgdesc;�Sa���premises � �
<br /> ; '� but onty as�a s�ch�remises: ' ' ,
<br /> ` - � The �Sont�herag:S�eventy Tow (72) Feet of Lot Six (6�, aa�d th� Southssly � ` �
<br /> . . �. Ninefy. E3ghr .��8) Feet of the Res�terly Tw�eutq S3u f 26) Fe�t af T.oz.: ; . ' . . �
<br /> � ; Seven (T�, e�cepxing the Westesly Six (6) Feet of �the Sout��erly Twenty— . `
<br /> ' Six {�6� Feet of the Northerly �ixtp �(6A) Feet of the Westerlg 'Twentq— . � ,,
<br /> { , Six (�b) Peet of said L.ot Seven ��), all being in Block Ftfteen ��S), in ,
<br /> � _ � Char�es �asmer's Addtion to the Cfty of Grand Island, Ha].1 County; .
<br /> } Nebraska. � , ,
<br /> . , . . . _ .
<br /> . . .. .
<br /> . �. ;�_
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<br /> � � Tugethor w�ih a!1 bu�ldings,texturtTS.impr�,vErn�nls artd appurtenances b�i�ngmg ta::::�t�premFses '
<br /> . . • �
<br /> . F�rsT►er Bank.Nat�anal Assoc�at�on
<br /> � Omana,Nebras
<br /> � ' �
<br /> 1)atecl August �9,, 1990 _ _� sy - ; ��s _ - ---- _
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