� . ` , . : _ _ . < ' � � � `
<br /> � ' � � t - - f _ � : .' . ,� . . �
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<br /> F , ; , , :; . ,
<br /> r , If�.ender requ�red mortgage insurance as a condirion.of malcing the toan securs�by this Securitp Insuument, �
<br /> i : ' � ° Borraw�t��l�y the premiut�ts rec�;ure�to maintain ihe insurance in.effect unt�suth tune as t - ' � -_
<br /> . , , u�suUaiice terminates in accordanc�witb Borrower's and Leades's written agreement or'aPFucable lav�r.F�ement for the . , < <
<br /> , 8.. Ia�. �nder or i�c aYeat may�alce reasonable entries upon and inspections�of the Prrperty.Lender `
<br /> ; � shall give Borrower notice at the time ofor prior t�s an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. � �
<br /> : • � 9. Co+�ieaaaoe. The prooeeds of sny aaard o�ctaim for damages.direct or conseqnentiat.in connection with � �
<br /> . i +�Y�ndemastiv�t ar ofher uking of a�r part of the Property,or for can4eyartee in lieu of condemaation, aze hereby � �
<br /> , assigned and shall be paicl to Lender. . `
<br /> '' ' In tbe event of a total talcing of the Praperty,the pt�ads shall be apptitd to the sums secured by this Security
<br /> ` s Insuument,wi�ether or not then�duw with any excess paid,to Borrower. In the event�$partial taking of the Property� �
<br /> � ; �intexs Borrower and I.ender othervvise agrec in writiug,the sums s�cared by this 5ec¢r.�*ar-�astrument sTiait be reduced by .
<br /> � the ansaunt afthe proceeds muliipfied by the following fractiom (a)the total amount a�rhe su�s se�ured imm�iately �
<br /> i .before the�talcing,divided by(fs)the fair martcet value of the Property immedi�tely before the takistg�y balanee sball tre
<br /> � �pai¢to Barcov�er.. . , , „
<br /> �, ' If the Prop�rty is abandoned by Borrowet.or if,af�u notice by Lender to Barro�er that tfle r�ademner c��.a�to
<br /> ; ;-�. � make an aMUd or setde a claim for damages,Barrowcr fails to respond to Lendqr withie���ays after t�se date tDe�atice is
<br /> • � Biven.Lendtr u autborized to colloct and apply the proceeds,at its option,either to resr�r,�on or repair of fhe Property ot �
<br /> � ; , ta the sums secured by tlu��curity Ir�strument,whether or not tben due.
<br /> ' � : Unles3 Lender a��d�tower oiherwise agree in writing,any application of procee��to principal shaJi not extrnd ur
<br /> � postpone the due date oF�e monthty gayments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or cha�ge the amount of such payments.
<br /> !... :. 10. _Borrower Not Relea�ed; Farbeuaace By Ixsder NoE:W�er, .Exte^,s:rnr of the.time for payment or '
<br /> . modiftcation of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instruinent granted by Lender to aAy saccessor in
<br /> ( interest of Bqrrowtr shal2 not operate to release the�iabitity of the original Bonawer or Barrower's successors ia intGrest. �
<br /> Lcnder shalF not be requirod to commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to eatend pme for �
<br /> f payraent or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made
<br /> ` ` by the origina!Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest.Any forhearance by Lend.er in exercising any right or remedy
<br /> . . . ; shalt not be a waiver of or preclude tthe exercise oPany right or remedy. � ' �
<br /> 11.� Succeuors and AaigAS BoWd,;Jo�iet and Several Ua6ility;C�a-sig��rs, Tlle C4Y�ilt5 8Rd 3st�((it'1i�S pf '
<br /> � �fifs Security Jnstrument shall 6ind and lxnefit the successors andassigas of L�nder an�8osrower.subject to the provisions �
<br /> ; uf paragraph 17.Barrower•s covenants and agreements shall be joint and several.Aqy S�stower who co-sigs�s thi�Security � -
<br /> Insttumont but does not execute the Note:(a)is co-signing this Security Instrnment only to mortgage,grant and convey ;
<br /> � � that Borrawer's interest in the Property under the terms of'this Securit Instrument; b �s not '
<br />, ; the sums secur4d by this Security Instrument;and(¢j agrees that I.ender and any other 8otraw r may agre8e t ext ad. I `
<br /> � modify.farbear or make any accbmmodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note withou�
<br /> i that Borrower's cansent. , - -
<br /> 12• I�o�n C6uges. If the loaa sxured by this Security instrument is subject to a(aw which setc maximum laan • �;
<br /> ' charges, and that law i4 tinally interpreted sa that the interest or other loan charges colteeted or tcr be c�llected in -
<br /> ; cumitetion wit� the loan eaceed the petmitted limits. then: (a)any such Saan charse sha11 be reduce� by the am�unt
<br /> `: ,� necessary to reduce the c?�.�rge ta the permitted timit;and(b)any sums atr:,.ndy colfected irom BorrAwer whirh exceeded � ,;
<br /> � permitted limits wil)be refuaded to Bdrrower. Lender may choase to ma�e this refund by reducing the principal nwed
<br /> ; under the N�ae or by making�direct�+aymmt ta 6onower.If a re;'und reduces principa9,the reduction wlll be treated asa
<br /> partiul prepayment withaut any prep�yraient charge under the Note.
<br /> i .
<br /> . 13 I.egistadon Atfectin$ I.ender's Rtg,6ta, lf ena.�tment�or expiratian of applicable faws ha� thc efPect of
<br /> " rendering any provisi�n of.the Note ar thi9Security Instrument unenfnrceabte according to its tcrms,[,ender,at its opti�n.
<br /> ; ma�y �equire.immediate payment in full af all sums secured by Ihi�Security Instrument and may im�atce any remedies
<br /> petmitted by para�eraph 19.If Lender exerciscw this s►�,tin�,l.en�et�a!!ta�e th:steps s;.ecif rd ia th�;c,�;nd yar��a��h uf
<br /> ' paragraph 1�. � - —
<br /> - 14. Notiees. Any natice to Bortowtr provided for in thi�Se�.:urity Instrument�hnll he given by dcl�vering it ar by �� :
<br /> ? rnailing it by �rst elass rrzail unless applicable!aw reyuires use of an��ther rnethnd. The n�if�ce�hall be directed t��the
<br /> Praperty Address ot any ather address Borrnwer d�signates hy nnticc tn t x�der. Any nutice to I.cnder tihall be given hy �
<br /> 6rst class mail t�a Le�ider's�ddress StatcJ herein ar a�►y ulhcr adu�recs l.ender designatcti h�R�ticc t�,Borrower.Any rtntice
<br /> provided fot in this Security lnstrumtmt shal!be deemed[a ha��e been g�vcn t o�3nnotver�:r t,cnder when��ven vs pruvidec!
<br /> in this paragraph.
<br /> ; 1S. Gorerning i��v;Sevetablpty. This Sccurity in5trument shall.he gqy:c[ncd bv_federi�l law.ai�d thc faw nf the
<br /> _ ...__......-- �--. .
<br /> �- ��urisdiciion in which the Prope�ty is laeated: In�the e��cnt that any provisi�>n r>r claoce�►T this Sccuruy�Intitrument��r the
<br /> Note conflicls wilh applicable law,such cnnflict shalt rTCSt s+ffect t�ther prnv�s�nnc of ihis ticcunty Instrumem��r the Notc
<br /> which can be gsvtn efCect without the c�ntlict�ng pr�vision.T�t;;�ti�nd the pr�v�cic,nti af th��:Securit�Instr�mcnt and the
<br /> Note are decl�red ta be sco•rrable.
<br /> l6. $orrower'aCo�y, 8onower sha11 he�r.en ane caufotmed cury c,f'the N��te aud t�f thi�Sccurity Instrumeut.
<br /> 17. Transfe�of the Property ur a Benefrciat Intcrest tn Unrruwer. If aU��r auy p�rt nf the i'rc��,erty or a�iy
<br /> interest in it is sald��r transferrcd(ur it'��icneficial interest in Burrc+wer i5�nld nr trnmferrcd aird Hurrnwcr i�it��t.s�iatural
<br /> person)wi�haut l.cnder s prior written consent. [xnder m�y,at sts nption, requite immediate payment in fuH nP�ll su�nr
<br /> secured b��tbis 5ecurity tnstrument. He.we�er, thts��pt��n shali n��t bc cxerci4e;1 hy� Lrndrr�f crcrcise is prohihtted by �
<br /> � federallawasofthedateofthisSecunty[nsrrvment. ' . . - _ -_ --
<br /> 1f Lcn�iec exrrciseti this option,t,ender shall�;ivc 13�rrow•cr nutice of arcelcratum �the noticer�lialt�rnrrdr.,rcr►�al �
<br /> of nc�t tes�than 3Udays Prom the date 1hc nutice is delicered ur ma�tcd a•�thin whicb ilurr�r►vrr inu�t pa�nll cuq��te��ire�l by
<br /> thss Security/nstroment.If IlnrroK•er fa�ts u�pay�h��e sums pnur tu t.he expirati�,n ni'th��peru,Ei.l.endce cnay�muke.f��y
<br /> _ terfte��}�s�s!l�tfbylhss�c�ttr�ty�nsir�nic.3twif3inutfurtherrt�tic�nrtf�t�atict�inNiirrawcr. � ' � -�
<br /> lEl,8urrower's Right tu Reiesfate. If finr►uwer meets cert�ui cuuditt��ns.H��rrutivet chall fi���r the nght t��have • � j �
<br /> enfi�rcement of t�is Security Instrument dtscantmued at:iny hnie prior t�i the ear�ier��f:l.�l S d��y4(nr tiurh�,t6er�enrrd.,4 �
<br /> � app�icable la��•m�y specify fi�s reinstatemetit}be(ure tiale of the!'roperty pursuan!t��any�p�,�ver of sale ec�r�te�neei m th�c �
<br /> Security insUUmcht;��r(bj entry��t'a judgment enfc�rcinE thi�Secunty In�tra�rtrn� 'Ch�+ce c�mdmn►Sti are that Fi��sruurr �:�
<br /> (�) p�y� Lender all sums ��hich thcn w•c�uld he due uncier tf�i� �ttiuril�� Irestru�nent un� the Nutc h;��1 nu,«celr���u�r� �
<br /> nccurred: (b�curec auy defaull of rpy olher cc►�en�trl� i�r ��rcemensi. tc�
<br /> b �+ay�al) r�r�ene�ti n�t•urrcd �f� cr�fnrc:n�: El��e SR
<br /> 5erurity instrument,including, hut nut [lmiteci ta. teatc�:wble�t:c�r�cyti fee�, �ad�dt takr�ierch actraet a4 !r•ri�fer rrrcry ��.
<br /> re,a.��ti;sbly reyuirc t��assure tlrat stre fie�nf thf. c��uritc irt�frument, t�r�ief`� riktits ii; tt�r Pr�,�:�f1.4 �tliCl I{ErFie�N€f�4 �
<br /> . c�hligafion tci p:ay thci'tiurn� secured by ihis 5ecur�ty Irt4lrumcnt �haltx�•r�tn,ur �uuE�lr�,u�;cd t'rrri i,�:r,�t�,tr�ncnt h.r `° -
<br /> 8urruwer,tbic Seeurity lnstrunient,itid tl;cofrl+i:a��us���rcured herrb���i�alE rem:un fidlv rfti•t h�c.�r ii n,�,,��rle�r,�u��n(�;,�!
<br /> �kcarred,N��µr�cr,fh�cri�ht tf�7ein�tate shali m�t arrl�i��t0u��.i4r��f;�ci�efcr,ftavn uudrt j�.�ra;;r.�pns 1 {••r s'
<br /> , �.
<br />