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<br /> .f . . . � �DEED 4F T�tUST : . , , . Q' �o,
<br /> ,: �.� . � .
<br /> � THIS DEEt?OF TEtLTST ("SecuriE�r Instrumrnt")is madeon �iugust 6, � � � ,
<br /> . � i, 19 90 .'['he�ruscoris Thomas l. �eik, a single,per�an ° ,�� � ,
<br /> : ;,i • . . t"Borreswcr,•).Tiie trustee is EBrl :�:;�Ahlschw�de� Attornsy ' , ' �
<br /> �: � ("'1`rustee").'Thebeneficiaryis ,� . .
<br /> Eguitable Building and Loan Association ,which is aT' �ed and exiscin
<br /> � � �undcr the laws oi'State of Nebraskef .and whuse address is 213-115 N LoCust B ' �
<br /> • . 1 Grand Island, NE 68801 � (•'L,ender").
<br /> � - , HorrowerowGSLend¢rtheprincipaisumof Thi.rty-eight �hausatid artd_no hundreds---------------- � .
<br /> . , ______________�___.._________����{U,�,�38,000.00 }.Thisdcbt isevidenc�3by'HorroAet'snate � r
<br /> � dated the s�me date as this Security Insttument.K"�T�:e"),which provides for monthty payments,with thc full debt.if not •
<br /> � � piidestli�.dnesndpayabkon September �, 201Q � •
<br /> ;: This Security Instrument s�currs to Lcnder:(a)the regaymens tif the debt eviQenc�A hy the Note, with inter�t,aas!a!! -
<br /> � renewals,exterFSioas and modif�catians;(b}the payment of atl other sums,with inttrest.advanced urtder paragraph �ta ,
<br /> prdtect the seeurity of tlhi3s Security Instrumrnt;and(c)the performance of B.�nawer's covenaats and d�reemenYs.Fur dhis • -� . �:
<br /> � purpose.Borrower irrevc�cably grants and conveys to Trustee,in trust,with�wer of s�le.the foltowing described property ��-� "'
<br /> f , t�t�» � Hall County,Nebraska: , --
<br /> ! Lot Four (4)� in Blocic Two (2)� of Knickrehm Second �ddition
<br /> : to the City of Grand Is�and. Nall County� Nebraska�. .
<br /> , �
<br /> . � �
<br /> . ,
<br /> : , . .!"" .
<br /> � .�
<br /> , . '•�.
<br /> , , , �
<br /> whichhastheaddressc�f , 1U6 East 21st . Grand Island , '
<br /> (Sr,eef t I��',1 �
<br /> Nebrnska � 6$8U1 (°[�rc�perty Addrrss"1: �-- �-:.--
<br /> • f t�o Cnael . .
<br /> - - - '. --.-._-. --. ..
<br /> —-._..-- - --- -- -=��s�T#S�I���1tTti:�1# ��i� i��tn:e��is iif3:: c'.t hcic3�icF efntctif �ni 41ie ��f��i[p. str�i nii cmcmrrris, rig#tfs. - - - -
<br />_ appurtc�nanees. rents,rayalties, mineral,c�il artd gas.rights nnd proflts. water rights and stack and all fi�tates r►uw�r '
<br /> hereaftet xpart of'thepae�perty.All replacements and additions shaH nl��he coverecl by thi5 Secunty Instrumcnf.!�Il af�lie
<br /> ' Poregoing is refetied to ii�this Security jnstrument as the"Prc�perty."
<br /> � Ek�RRUwER C��vENAtiis that Hnrruwer�s I�wPu�iy sciseQ of the estate herebv runticycd and I�:�s the t�gP�t tu�;rant
<br /> and c�nvey the Yroperty�nd thas!he Property is unencumbered,eaccps fot encumbrancecaf'recnrd Ilarrc�wec karr�nts
<br /> �nd wilt dcfenci gencaatly the titic to the Prope�ty against all c!�►ims and dernands,subjecE tu any enctcmbr�nces af recnrd �`
<br /> . - � Tt�IS�E:�:ts�t7Y 1hs�at�4t��:� cornbines unifarnr�c�aerrarit�.f�zt trattE�nttf u�.• an�f tt�rr�im�fc�rm ccf�enant� �vith _' _ _ � .
<br /> fimiteti�ari�tinns h}jntisdicticsn t�rre+sisiitute e unifc�rm security in�trui��cnt c;c�vet in�t rret�+ro�•s:�lp. °� r
<br /> r
<br /> NE8iiA5KA�s+ngie F�m.�f-FNMA/fH1MC UHIFOHM INSTRUMENT For�r► 3�Z8 12t83
<br /> r..:r.;r� _ . �e�aassa2aa�.�.� , �.. -:���oass�r3 �
<br /> " �
<br />