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t <br />r• <br />C: <br />i <br />k <br />ri <br />4� <br />i. <br />1 <br />a <br />101983 <br />IS{"ti Ahrr¢ M, 4oe Fu, Ra:mtinr Drat 89-- <br />DEM OF TRUST 2305010.69 <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST ( "Security LT.Strtut -) is made oit APRIL Ig 19 .89 <br />Tltcl7i stor is STANLEY' WRIGHT AND MAMY ELLEN WR MT, HUSBAND AND WIFE .....rIkt> r'1) <br />T6 Ttmtee is COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN • ASSOCIATION ( "Tnistte ") <br />'i'ht nefkiary is OCCIDENTAL NEBRASKA FZ_RaT. SAVINGS BAtm. • . which is a� <br />. �gsmta;ed and existing <br />u the laws of NEBRASKA , and whose addres'� as 11704 W CEN ROAD <br />-t)MAAA,. NEOR 68144 (•`Lender"). Borrower 1vxvs Under' the principal sum of <br />TWENTY NINE THOUSAND SEMI )i'DRED NINETY FIVE AND 00 /100 -- -=---- =- - - -- Dollars <br />JIV.S. $ 29, 795.00 ) �i1is {eebs as evidenced by Borrowers note dated the same. da!e as this Security <br />hLirument ( "Note "), which provides fir ramn1 t3y p. z", ents, with the full. &i t, if not paid eafwerc, " 44 u e and payable <br />a t MAY 1, 2019 This Security lnsrrument secttim to Lender: (a) the repayment <br />bf the debt evidenced by the Note, with iplw;ii and alt =avvai& eictetisTtans arr3 ratxtifications; (t 1 hr payment of all other sums, <br />With interest. advanced under- paragraph 7 to protect L'tr:- sa'tvrity of this Security" iras,: ument; a (c) the pc3 armance of Bor- <br />sower's convenants and agre�°w.e.hts. For this purpose. Bc ower irrevocably grants aiti conveys to Trustee, l .rust, with power <br />of sale, the following desett3 -p property located in HALL County, Nebraska: <br />LOT ONE (1), IN BLOCK THREE (3), IN UNIVERSITY PLACE, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />TM LOAM fS NOT ASSISI M wliilOUf TK APPROVAL Of THE <br />YETE M AD MUMTM OR STS MMMM ALIT. <br />which has the address of 2705 WEST CAPITAL AVLNt1E GRAND ISLAND <br />MumIGry 1 <br />Nebraska 68803 ( "Property. Address "); <br />'79 c d" <br />TOGETHER WITH all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the prrper-ty. and all easements, ri�F ,appurtenances. <br />rents. royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water rights and stock and all fixtures now or hereafter apart of the praper- <br />ty. All replacer nents and additions shall also be covered by this Security Instrument. All of the.foregoing is referred to i^ ihis <br />Security Instrument as the "Property.. <br />BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and <br />convey tha Property and that thie Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. Borrower warrants and will de- <br />fend generally the tick tO the Property against all claims and demands. subject to any tncumbrances of record. <br />THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for national use and noa- uniform covenant; with limited <br />variations by juris<lki me to comtitute a uniform security instrument covering, real prtwrty. <br />unn.N"KA-- singic famyiy 4SMAIMIA111' UNlffiMI rY TRt .%%%'F <br />r <br />i <br />i% <br />i <br />r� <br />