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<br /> � . - . . .. . . . .
<br /> . `:T-.r-�-..--.. � , � . '� 't� � �� '� � ' , .. .. . ` ��::
<br /> _ . � ,
<br /> ; .�. . . < < , .
<br /> . , . .
<br /> . ,. . _ , _
<br /> _ _ __ _ - -----�- -- - - ----- -- --- - ------ - --- — - - - -- -
<br /> . `� - - - _ ` - --. �-l�sT�� �►� �un►�t: -- -�Q-�-. ��458�. . . -- .---. . ._
<br /> �� � , . . ; . , � ,
<br /> �. .
<br /> . . , • • . (I�tnr7raRUytndao-R�tteGps} • , .
<br /> ' . . . � . � � , . . `
<br /> , ` 'T�IZSADJt)SrM�.HRATE��ttDOtis�de'this 27 �y� -- �. JuZy ' 19 9Q � � . , .
<br /> •. � ; �0 it.inoo�por�ted iota wd stn11 D��deaned to ameed aed#uDAtea�a�t�hc Mocti+�e� Deed of'�nut.ar.Se�uiry Oeed(th•'Securiry �
<br /> �")Pt`tUt r�e�ate d�bY abe u+�de�ip�td(the••8anowa")to secure�orrmva's Adjustabk Rate Note(tde"Nacd'a re EIOYE
<br /> ��i�AV�iO��l�O�!!�lOCJ�TWN OR ti!!AIlD tELAND NE�RA�fA(the•�I,e�er•�p of tIx a�aie date aod�ovaie�the
<br /> .` _. , •praplrt�rdacsii�intbe8eattityterhumentaodlacata3ax . , ' , . . _
<br /> ' � .. , . . , . • 4 , � . . � ,
<br /> � � � � 2917 N._Webb Road G�and Island, NE� 688t�3 � , � .
<br /> . . � ` . . � '(�Y A4dras) , ` `
<br /> '. . . : '11tt Mle e�M�ir p�tYw WwI�br el�s(��WenN Me ipr/ �q �wli� °
<br /> . /�7�b.'nW��le aiN�ilr tLe sa�t 4.�e�at tste ai�ehr�e st��e tt�e a�i . ` .
<br /> i�eM��a�tl�e�tslet�tNq. - � �
<br /> ° ` � ' � , .
<br /> � . . . '. . ` ADDITIONAL COVENANTS.In additian to the cavenanis aud�ree�txnts made tn"the Securiey Instrumeat.Baiowa an�Lender
<br /> ' lyetik��ad yn+e�s forio�rs: � . `
<br /> � .
<br /> ; ' . � , . ,
<br /> . ; A. IN�Y�tATE ANID MQNfIQ.Y lAY�1�EM'CAANGES � `
<br /> ' 7'he IYo�e peorldea for an initta!interest nte ot 11.5 �a.Secdan 4 of the Note provides far char►sea in ehe interest tate and t6e
<br /> • , �0�.n folbws: • < • � .
<br /> � � • (A1 �C�we D�ua ,
<br /> i The interest rate l�rill pay may chu�je on ti�e Gnt dx�r of Se�tcmbeT .t9�_.and an[h�ie Aay every.
<br /> . � t �p�_� 7�_moatbs ther=atter.F.�ch date an whIcb my inter�rase eoulA char�e is calted a"Ct�ange[fate.•' , � , `
<br /> � (�) TAeI� � , . .
<br /> �.'. • Be�inNn�wlth tAe�rst Chanaz[hie,my intercst rete wilf be 6assd�n en Inde�_LE�z~lndex"is the w�kiy average p[etd oa�1nIted States �
<br /> . � Trw�uy secu�itks�djw�ted to s c�onstant msturiry of 1 ge�r,as made arailabte by c�fnaterai R�erve Board.The mosc reotr►t Indez R=ute�
<br /> � , aoraiiabk as ot the date 4S dyz before ach Ctfanje Dat�is ralkA tAe"Cecc:�nt Indes.•• •
<br /> ; It ihe iedes is ao lon�er availabk.tde Note Holdtr wiq c�aase a new indea which is baxd upon campusbie informatloe..Ths Note � �
<br /> Nolder aill�ve me notice of this choia. , . '
<br /> ; , (C1, CaktiWNMCW�t .
<br /> ` 8efote e�eA CNin�e IJ�ct.the Nde Hotder wiq cytcul�tt my new intaat rate by sddin j ���_� �-� _ petcenta�e '
<br /> . poinu[ ' 3•S �ly)to tht Curreat tade�and rounding[o the nearesc t iBth ot l ri.sub}cTt to ttu timits staced in Sa^tion a(D)below. . i. .'�
<br /> � � T�li rou�ded��wunt�vlll be my eew intaest rate until�hs nent Chanac Date. �
<br /> � Tl�e Note Ho1Qer will then 6etermine the amaunt ot ths monthly payment�hat w�ouPd be sufficicnt ta repay in full ths pr)ncipal!am
<br /> � •
<br /> � ' a�ye�ted to owe on that Chsnse Wte in substanti�tty equal payme�ts by�he maturity date at my new interest rau.The cault of this calculatlon
<br /> �rfll be t!u ne�r amount of my mant!►ty paymeat. -_
<br /> . (D1 lJrB1�Ni�m1R�MC� • � '
<br /> The�interat rue 1 am rcqulred to pay at the first Ch�tnge Date will nat be �rqter thnn 1�.S hi or tess than
<br /> . � . Q.�,_�i.TheraRer.my interat race will nc�zz�c increas�d or decreased on any siagle Chanae Datc bY more�hu�� �'��
<br /> : in a (?'��rom tlse rate of lnterest 1 hsve betn psyi:,�r��r the preceding tweive months.The minimum interest rate on�his toan wiU navr►be
<br /> � ks�th�n �r� «i and thr maxfimum interest rate witl ncver be greater than,.,�1 G.0 �ro, ,
<br /> ,
<br /> i (�� Fl(eetlts I1�te d C�rr�es �
<br /> My rtew lnterpt rete wiQ becomc ef(ective oa euh Ch�n`e D�te.l will pay the amount of my new monfhty payment btginning on the Crst
<br /> t6ontAty pymett!Qate aftec!he Chu�eDate until�he unaunt uP my cnanthly paymcnt changt�again.
<br /> .. .., l,p} .!�t�ol� :�r-
<br /> The Note Holder will mul or delirer ta cae a noti�Y txfare each Change l�ca The aotice wiU aQvise�rra uf: � ; �'•
<br /> (i) 'ttro new intcrcat rate onmy toan as of the C'hang:Uate: '
<br /> � . (ii) the amount of my monthty paymcnt folluwinit the Chartge U�te;
<br /> (ill) aay addirenaal matter�which�hr Note Ho1Qer i1 reyuir�d w di:,clo,a;an4
<br /> � (zv) {Aeaddressoftheassociationy�oucould.�ontactregardir.yanyquest��n9abnuttheodjustmrntnorice.
<br /> i. CHAR(;�i;L1�1�15
<br /> .. _ .._-�-- . .._ __. ..._._-�- - -- -._....._._.. .---- - - �- - -. . .. ..
<br />� n ormCovtnant+o t eSecuriryfnstrumcntisamendrQtoreadatfuUo+�ei �
<br /> �. LYw�N:1,1eM.Batrawer shall ray all tsxes.ussr:smr,:'�,and otl�cr ch�ugt!.,(ine5.�.�d�mpvsitians annbu►abk�o ehe Froperry whuh may
<br /> attain a priority ovlr Ihis Securiiy lnstrument,nnd Ira9ehatd paymenty�f gtuuttcl rcm�,�f any,in the manner pravidcdunder patagra�h 2 heteof
<br /> or,lf ooe paid In such rtwnner.Ny fiarrowcr m�king paymeat,whcn duc.QitKtty to Ihe payce thereof.•Fk�rruwer shall prc�mplly furnish I�cndcr
<br /> . , Att lwticr�ot�rtwunt�due under thi�ptra�rral�.and iR the evcnt 8orrower shall make payment.directty.l3orra�vcr shall promDtty turnish to
<br /> Letldt� [C1'eipb lvldtncitt�SUCh pa)ments. &ir�owCr c-a:,promp�iy dischsige any lien which has�►i�rity over tMis Security Inst►ument;
<br /> howCVet. Boitow�►snall not t�r rcqulred to ciiscliargs�:; such licn so'ung ati lfuiirntier- {;���h�li ngrce in writing :a thr paymer+t af the
<br /> ablipttonstcured by such litn ia the mannrt eceeptob�e to E.rnder,Ib►.r.:it�m gc�c,�d laiih cuntesr sce;h lien hy,or drtend againat ersfn�rement ol
<br /> ,..,._-:,--_
<br /> . such lien In.legal praceedings which in the opinionof Lcnder oT�c�atc co;.revtat the enforcement c�t the I�en or farftiwtc of the Ptoperty ut any .
<br /> put Ihereof;ot(c►shall sccutc from thz hpiQe►ot sucA:,en or�itgrccmcnl in a form wUafartusy tu Ixnder tiubu►dinaung such'lien to this
<br />. Scrurity Irtstrument. _ •
<br /> [P Lender�e�tmtlnes chat al!tlr any p�rt at the Protxrly i a subjrct tp u hcn which may attain a prcc�rity rn�r thas Secur�ty Inurument.
<br /> c 1 c p,�,�� t�t; . a r' ����f���� i. p��� �}���tt....c.._..a. ._�_•o�_..�.....,..--° `- - � -- . .�__.. --- . .
<br /> - ' ..._�.�.�.�S'�S�a�.s.Q�.r���•...Z-,..F��isKit�:�'-�° aiiw����«���{t����V�fUwt:vsR Vt's������e-�fft��F{t�llT]tt It1f[tTII�tYC . . . '..- .
<br /> _ , within ten day9 0!thc gi►ing oi the nnticc. ' ��
<br /> LC. NUTICx ' ' � •
<br /> Unitotm CovcnanE 14 bf thc S:cu�ty tnstrumcnt isamcndcd tu rcad at falluw�: ct
<br />. • h•
<br /> !�. Motica.E�ceept fa�i any nofi�e te+�uire�ander apptrwblc laK Ec+l��i�cn in annthct inarxzer,Ia3 any n<,���r,�>Ft��:rua�ct�+rc��idcd fe�r in thi. �
<br /> Security I�str�inierit cha(16egi�en by cleli�ering it c�r by mait�rtg it by G[it�Itiia tl::1�I to HOttnuei n1 the F?i�ret�v Adcire;s i�r ai Sttch�ther addre:. ' �
<br /> _ a�Qntrawer map desigrfate by nuticr tv EenQct�s ptwVidc;f herc�n,and[bl anv�ou�e m t ri:Jet ;tiall t��g��ct�hc t�r�f�i:±�•.�r:,�il t�c Lcn�:cr'� T,'_ � ,
<br /> - 8ddrtssstatrdhereinortnsttchaihet;ttidre:c;t.f.tnde�qias�dc�iKi,:rle(��aroh.c fnliarrr.��cr�c�tiF."rUCJ ire�cin tn:��t};r,c��tvtrJc+t(i+�nF tin: .
<br /> Secutity Instrument shalf he deemed to ha��bc��tr gi�e�+tr Lii�rr��:i;r ot[endCr�hcn g��e�i u�th.•ru._:u,er dc�,en.�rc�f hcrc:n
<br /> , . � •
<br />